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1、Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines基础练习本课时编写:四川绵阳普明中学刘宗华第一部分单词拼写1. We need to design a new style to r_ the old one.2. Films directed and p_ by Zhang Yimou are well received at home and abroad.3. He took part in politics when he was young. Now he is a very famous p_.4. A s_ is a spacecraft that carries

2、 people through space.5. Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the u_.6. The state of the _ (经济) in that country is very worrying.7. Other role models include teachers, soldiers, and_(名人).8. When I realized my dream after hard work, I felt a great sense of _ (成就).9. London and

3、New York are both _(金融的) centers.10. The Peoples Republic of China was _ (成立) in 1949.第二部分短语翻译1. 祝贺某人某事_ 2. 头版_ 3. 起飞 _4 和相似_ 5. 分成;分为_6. concentrate on_7. now that _8. believe in _9. come on_10. in total _第三部分翻译句子1. 植树的人群中包括许多妇女。(include)_2. 祝贺你通过了大学入学考试。(congratulate on)_3. 为了赶上飞机,布朗先生早上6点就起床了。(in

4、 order to)_4. 既然大家都到了,我们就开会吧。( now that)_5. 令我们高兴的是,我们的篮球队赢了。(delight)_6. 当他在上海旅行的时候,他拍下了很多上海的照片。(take photographs of)_7. 我们学校总共有两千多名学生。(in total)_8. 作为一名学生,你必须集中精力学习。(concentrate on)_9. 中国比亚洲任何别的国家都大。(than)_10. 随着时间的推移,天气变得越来越暖和了。(go on)_第四部分单项填空1.How about _ threeday trip to Sanya? I should say it

5、 was _ success,with many wonderful scenes seen.A. the;/ B. a;aC. /;/ D. the;a2. _ the athlete used drugs, he was banned from taking part in the games.A. Immediately B. Now thatC. Even if D. Although3. S.H.E. is as popular as before;its latest album _ very well last month.A. is sold B. sellsC. sold D

6、. was sold4. John is ill and will be _ by Tom in our team in tomorrows football match.A. replaced B. exchangedC. traded D. changed5. We have very similar taste _ music though were _ different ages.A. to;in B. in;inC. to;of D. in;of6. Some people believe that Michael Jackson was murdered,but no _ has

7、 been found up to now.A. evidence B. informationC. symptom D. conclusion7. Its a fact that _ differences between countries may cause misunderstandings (误解) in communication.A. historical B. culturalC. political D. financial8. The First Automobile Factory of China,_ in the 1950s,was the first one _ c

8、ars of our own.A. founding;producingB. founded;producingC. founding;to produceD. founded;to produce9. Would you like to help look after the children _ I do the shopping? Id love to!A. since B. asC. while D. for10. Helen and I will have a wedding next month. Oh,_!A. go aheadB. congratulationsC. that

9、couldnt be betterD. you cant be serious11. How much will it cost my mother and me to go to Tianjin? 300 yuan _.A. in detail B. on the wholeC. in total D. all in all12. Lucy said it was the first time she _ to attend such an interesting party.A. invited B. was invitedC. have been invited D. had been

10、invited13. Hes having a lot of trouble with the new machine,but he doesnt know whom to_.A. turn to B. believe inC. look for D. deal with14. I had just washed my hands and was about to have breakfast _ I heard the phone ring.A. while B. whenC. before D. after15. What part does music _ in peoples life

11、?A. play B. haveC. make D. produce答案与解析第一部分单词拼写1. replace【解析】句意:我们需要新的设计来代替旧的。2. produced【解析】句意:由张艺谋导演和制作的电影深受国内外欢迎3. politician【解析】句意:他年轻时就参加各种政治活动,现在是一位著名的政治家。4. spaceship【解析】句意:宇宙飞船是载人穿越太空的航天器。5. universe【解析】句意:早期天文学家认为我们的行星是宇宙的中心。6. economy【解析】句意:那个国家的经济非常令人担忧。7. celebrities【解析】句意:其他模范包括教师,军人和社会名人。8. achievement【解析】句意:当我经过努力实现梦想时,我感到了巨大的成就感。9. financial【解析】句意:伦敦和纽约都是金融中心。10. founded【解析】句意:新中国成立于1949年。第二部分短语翻译1. congratulate sb. on


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