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1、句子结构及段落写作Sentence structure and paragraph writing句子结构Simple sentences:1. Running for the chairman of the students union held our attention for more than three hours.2. Passengers stood in lines in the ticket booking hall waiting for their turns to buy train tickets.3. The police officer stopped the

2、pickpocket from stealing a customers wallet by seizing his hands.4. It was decided to bring up the matter to the students meeting for discussion.5. To see one time is better than to hear a hundred times.6. How much does it cost to have all these pages photocopied in that store?7. No stretch of imagi

3、nation could visualize anything half so lovely and so beautiful.8. I have enough to do to attend to my first foreign language, to say nothing of attempting a second.9. By her significant look she has as good as told the secret.Compound sentences:1. The giant motor does, no doubt, play the key role,

4、but the tiny screw may determine quite as much.2. Trouble is the next best thing to enjoyment; there is no fate in the world so horrible as to have no share in either its joys or sorrows.3. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them.4. Modesty helps one to go forward,

5、whereas conceit makes one lag behind.Complex sentences:1. Man can no more help craving for expression than birds can help singing.2. If they can finish it in three hours we should have no difficulty in accomplishing it in as few.3. The schoolboy addressed the august audience with no more fear than i

6、f he had been talking to a group of his playmates4. What he said just now is what I want to say.Compound complex sentences:1. The express elevator is not operating today, so the elevators that stop at every floor will handle all the people.2. The difference between us lies in that we think in differ

7、ent ways, maybe the generation gap, but the difference between you two lies in that you do things in different ways and think in the same way.3. As he walked along, he sang to himself, for he felt especially strong and happy that day.4. I asked a man who has a wife and a nineteen-year-old daughter w

8、ho did the cooking at home and he replied that whoever came home from work first did it. 段落写作练习What makes a good paragraph?Five Elements of a ParagraphA well written paragraph contains five elements:1. A topic sentence2. Supporting sentences3. Concluding sentence4. Unity5. coherenceParagraph Structu

9、re1. A topic sentence2. Supporting sentencesSupport ASupport BSupport C3. Concluding sentenceLook at the following paragraphs: to locate the topic sentence and to analyze how it is organized. Gold Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, gold has a lustrous

10、(glowing) beauty that is resistant to corrosion. (Chemical damage). Therefore, it is suitable for jewelry, coins, and ornamental purposes. Gold never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was minted twenty-th

11、ree centuries ago. Another important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science. For many years, it has been used in hundreds of industrial applications. The most recent use of gold is in astronauts suits. Astronauts wear gold-plated head shields for protection outside spaceshi

12、ps. In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also for its utility.The Topic sentencev The topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph. v It consists of two parts: the topic and the controlling ideas.v The topic names the subject or main idea of the paragraph.v The contro

13、lling idea makes a specific comment about the topic, which indicates what the rest of the paragraph will say about the topic. It links or controls the topic to one or two specific aspects of the topic to be discussed in the space of a single paragraph.v The topic sentence is a complete sentence. It

14、contains a subject, a verb and usually a complement.v Identify the topic sentence in the paragraph. What is the topic and what is the controlling idea?E.g. Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics.v Gold (the topic), a precious metal, is prized for two important characteri

15、stics (controlling idea). v In this example, the topic is named: gold. And specific comment is then made about the topic: two important characteristics. From this sentence, the reader immediately knows the supporting sentences in the remainder of the paragraph explain the two characteristics and per

16、haps give some examples.v One more example:v Convenience foods (the topic), are easy to prepare (controlling idea). v In this example the topic is named: convenience foods and specific comment is then made about the topic: they are easy to prepare. From this sentence, the reader immediately knows the supporting sentences in the reminder of the paragraph will explai


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