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1、课时Period第1课时教学内容Teaching ContentsUnit7 How muchStory time教学目标Teaching Aims1. 通过数字游戏,复习三年级数字单词,学生能够利用数字表达价钱;2. 情境呈现顾客营业员买卖过程,学生能够读准单词:shoes,socks,umbrella并理解句型How much is it/are they? Its/Theyre yuan.3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述、表演课文。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型 ,询问价格,进行购物买卖。 教学重点Teaching Key Points1. 情境呈现顾

2、客营业员买卖过程,学生能够读准单词:shoes,socks,umbrella并理解句型How much is it/are they? Its/Theyre yuan.2. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述、表演课文。3.教学难点Teaching Difficult Points能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型 ,询问价格,进行购物买卖。教学准备Teaching Preparation学情分析Students Analysis教具准备Teaching Aids光盘、PPT课前自主预习Independent Preview Before Class1. 通过自主阅读,了解课

3、文梗概。2. 勾画出生词,查字典理解含义。3. 听磁带,试着跟读课文。教 学 过 程Teaching Procedures修改或反思Adjustment or ReflectionStep1 Warm up1. Review numbersShow some clocks and telephone numbers. Then ask the students to say thenumbers. T: We can use numbers to say the time. We can use them to say the phone numbers. What else can we d

4、o? Today we will use numbers again. We can use them to buy things.(揭题)2. Number games (接龙游戏)Play the game in groups3. Review the words about clothesT: I like shopping. I often buy clothes. What kind of clothes do you know?Ask the students to say the words about clothes.The teacher writes down all th

5、e words on the blackboard.Step 2 Presentation1. Play a role and teacher the new sentencesThe teacher acts as a guest, one student acts as a shop assistant.T: Id like a glass of milk and a sandwich.S1: OK. Anything else?T: No, thanks. How much are they/ is it?教师在菜单上添加价格,让学生计算出总价后再回答T: How much is it?

6、S1: Its yuan.2. Give the menu and price先要求学生认知单价,之后进一步要求学生算出两种或两种以后食品的总价,达到操练句型和目标数字词汇的目的。T:Id like some noodles. How much is it?Ss: Its fifteen yuan.T: Id like two hamburgers and a cup of coffee. How much are they?Ss: Theyre forty yuan.3. Show the menu on PPT, ask the students make dialogues in pai

7、rs.S1: Id like a hamburger and a glass of juice? How much are they/is it?S2: Theyre / Its yuan.4. Teach the texta. Listen to the text and answer the questionsQ1: Who are they?Q2: What are they talking about?Check out the answersT: Who are they?Ss: Theyre Su Hai, Su Yang, Liu Tao, Yang Ling, Mike and

8、 Miss Li.T: Yes, today Su Hai and Su Yang are now students. Theyre shop assistant(让学生自己说出营业员). How do you know?引导学生自己说出购物的句型: Can I help you? b. Read and find out the price 自读课文,找到每件物品的价格PPT 显示物品,让学生填上价格Check out the answersT: How do you know? 引导学生找到书上原句Read the sentences in role, then ask and answe

9、rT: How much are the shoes?Ss: Theyre five yuan.T: How much are the socks?Ss: Theyre four yuan.T: How much is the umbrella?Ss: Its 19 yuan.Step 3 Consolidation1. Read the text after the tape2. Read the text in groups3. Act in role4.最佳营业员、最佳顾客评比a. 在教室布置四个商店,分别是食品、服饰、文具和玩具商店,学生分为营业员及顾客小组。b. 在相同时间内进行买卖

10、,买到最多东西,及卖到最多物品者获胜。S1: Hello. Can I help you?S2: Id like How much is it?S1: Its yuan.S2: Here you are.S1: Thank you. Can I help you?S3: Id like How much are they?S1: Theyre yuan.(分层)作业设计 HomeworkA. Homework.1. Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.2. Try to recite the dialo

11、gue.3. Copy the new words.4. Make a card(为下节课做准备)具体步骤见Fun timeB. Homework.1.Make a card(为下节课做准备) 具体步骤见Fun time2. Have an English lesson to your family and friends.(家庭作业除了布置学生模仿听录音跟读对话外,还布置他们表演对话,培养学生的语感。)3. Recite the dialogue and the words.板书设计Blackboard WritingUnit 7 How much? Can I help you? How much?Id like . Its / Theyre yuan.shoes five yuan umbrella nineteen yuan socks four教后反思 Teaching Reflection After Class


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