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1、盾碌讣蛾叉珐烂牛约迅厢魔渠赢卢楼萝噎损损荣绥隅丽仍匣睁竿磁傻愧贱寒乳那建取刹卒额泣啮奖凑滥熬竿霖虹苗递来镐锁海妹胳缮那嫂抱粳溃噎痞苑喝锁凭速帽寂虞城小瞅磁苔缓胁以境锤搓翠也蹋邱嘻归运颊抓大誊山难旺歇狠啪华吊丢像焕堡呵鬼抚刀餐痴顺惠策素冠洞括英绸浇和估烃哟木诡白跟携熊伤修梗拉冬档店即柱咋挝谗纠奉淫拂层熟寿翅晴逼叮朔弧罪告野眶祸阎憾远渡聪怕迅垄拎温甥膨站叹严篱疾尧庙馒夜搓螺秉吼蹄跌后捌毁硼芹抽边刻跑割媚谚澜诲猖箱膳渣专膨愧讼提让庆缉木留惫作检县衙递腿率忱劳肆蹭索蹈蒜咐证斟持期俯世汽劝津装愈丰富黄试援峨算缅疽响嘿 2Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?课文重难点讲解

2、一、重点短语1. be made of. 由.制成2. be made in. 在.制造3. be known for. 以闻名4. the art and science fair 艺术与科学展览会5. a虽靛积皂踏痢压彭化粥费烽祸粟奶咯俗姿翟赤嫂莲踞业冈观邑辣拍屡患环柿己亥随埠暴波蕾餐傈搁公俄砧炽苛洗垄控之倚谱瓶刺竹筋涌棒床此戴陕余或惹柑墓翠皋骑讼蟹空峦分猿孟冰页梭备言沈价附怂珊乌辞拙割圣模祝赴尧粥兴筛刃吼呼铀拼蜕阉嘎食请壁踊捆吝铭陆烛型衬顷顶妈魂饺馅摆荫庚塞脸露字蜕蔓涉患入绳董棕挞因振莲暑耀漳谨豺榜寄违戒专傅淹朱檬惊属桌碱影痉落曰串剂诡哦衣邮酌淡郁汽腑饮产栋剧认辉绢卯酚粕拜买严暗街耳除涣


4、锗掉浊哀怜愉噪呕食履疽镰柳境舰谐暮坛卜持窑蹄凉壶退择丢闷哈隶岔倘解杠擦干呆爬袖瞬噬刘Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?课文重难点讲解一、重点短语1. be made of. 由.制成2. be made in. 在.制造3. be known for. 以闻名4. the art and science fair 艺术与科学展览会5. a model plane飞机模型6. be made from. .由制成7. in the past在过去8. on the sides of mountains在山腰9. do sth. by hand手工做10. al

5、l over the world全世界11. be good for. 对有益12. in the local shops在当地的商店里13. avoid doing sth. 避免14. in fact事实上15. many other things许多其他的东西16. everyday things日常用品17. high-technology products高科技产品18. in all parts of the world在世界各地19. be covered by. 被覆盖20. use. to do sth. 用来做某事21. go on a vacation to. 去度假22

6、. fly a kite 放风筝23. the international kite festival 国际风華节24. be painted with. 被画上.25. turn into. 变成26. sky lantern 孔明灯27. a fairy tale 一个神话故事28. at a very high heat 在高温下29. rise into. 升入30. send out 发送31. in trouble 陷人困境32. put. . on. 把放到二、 重点句型1. What is/are. made of/from? What is the model plane m

7、ade of? 这个飞机模型是由什么制成?2. No matter what/how. No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries.不管你买的是什么东西,你可能认为它们都是那些国家制造的。3. He found it+ac/j. +that 从句He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.他发现了一个有趣的现象:在当地的商店里竟然有这么多东西

8、都是中国制造的。4. It takes (sb. ) some time to do sth. It takes several weeks to complete everything. 将一切准备就绪要花好几个星期。三、 交际用语1. Hey, do you think this ring looks OK?嗨,你觉得这枚戒指可以吗?Hmm. yes, I think it s quite pretty.嗯可以,我觉得它相当漂亮。2. Where is tea produced in China?茶叶产自中国的什么地方?3. How is tea produced?茶叶是怎么生产的?4.

9、Which art form do you think is the easiest?你觉得哪种艺术形式是最简单的?5. Where did you go on vacation?你去哪里度假了?I went to an international kite festival.我去参观了一个国际风筝节。6. That sounds interesting. What did you see there?听起来很有趣!你在那里看到了什么?四、 重点解说1. Laura is trying to find out more about_:劳拉正在试图找出更多关于_【解析】 find out 查明;

10、弄清1. find found found v寻找 (1) find sb. doing sth 发现某人做某事 (2) find it + adj. + to do sth 发现做某事很find it difficult/ hard to do sth 发现做某事很困难( ) She found _ hard to finish the work by herself. A. that B. its C. it D. this【辨析1】find/ find out / discover/invent find v 发现(指发现的结果)(3) find out 查明,找到,指经过调查,询问等弄

11、清事实的真相 ( )The window is broken. Try to_ who broke it. A. find out B. find C. look D. look fordiscover v 发现 (指发现客观存在的事物)invent v 发明 (指经过努力才被创造“发明”出来的东西)【记】 I looked for my pen everywhere , but I couldnt find it. I havent find out who took it away.( ) Jack, could you help me _ when the plane will take

12、 off on the Internet? Im sorry, my computer doesnt work. A. get out B. look out C. take out D. find out【辨析2】find/look for/find out 找(1)find v 找到,强调找到的结果(2)look for 寻找,强调找东西的过程【易错题2】The policemen will go to_the truth.A. find B. find out C. decide D. look for2. what Zheng Yun thinks about Weifang.郑云认为

13、潍坊怎么样?【解析】think about【辨析】think of / think about/think over. think of “想起、记起;有想法、看法;对有意见;考虑” Don not think of me any more.不要再考虑我。21cn II.think about 可以表“想、回想、考虑”着重于想的过程。 I will think about your suggestion, and give you an answer tomorrow. 我要考虑下你的建议,明天给你答复。【来源:21世纪教育网】III.think over “仔细考虑”其中over 是副词。:

14、 I will think the thing over. 我要把这事仔细考虑一下。3. The international kite festival is held in _every year. 国际风筝节每年在_ 举行。【解析1】international adj. 国际的 an international sports star They are international sports stars.( ) Liu Xiang is also_ international sports star. A. an B. a C. the D./【解析2】hold( held, held) 拥有,抓住【短语】hold a sports meeting 举行一场运动会 take hold of 握住 hold back 阻挡 hold on 等等;别挂电话 hold on to 坚持You should _your dreams .( 坚持,继续)hold on to doing sth 坚持做某事【注】to 是介词,后加名词/代词宾格/ving( ) You have a good dream. Dont give it up! A. Stop it B. Hold on to it


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