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1、unit9. when was he born各位评委老师, 你们好. 今天我说课的内容是新目标英语八年级上册unit9. when was he born Section A第一课(1A-1C)时. 以下是我要说的六个部分一:说教材本单元的标题是when was he born?语言功能是talk about famous people.围绕people we admire这个话题展开教学活动.,以人物简历为线索,进一步学习一般过去时态,尤其是一般过去时态的特殊疑问句. 在本课时中,学生在掌握主要词汇的基础上,学会用”when was he born? How long did he hic

2、cup ? when did he start hiccupping”几个基本的句型询问过去发生的事情,体会过去时态中疑问句的构成. 本课主要是解决两篇关于询问过去发生的事情的四个小会话和一个大会话的听力内容,让学生在具体的情境中学会语言目标的熟练应用。鉴于此,我将本课时定为听说课。本课时学生通过会话学习词汇和句型,让学生在情景交际中掌握如何询问过去发生的事情,在师生问答和学生对话合作中增进彼此的情谊。二、说学生农村学校的学生受条件限制,在听力方面的训练比较局限;同时学生的分流情况提前发生,在教学过程中,教师要积极引导学生参与教学活动,有意识地训练学生的听说技能。在七年级上册中,学生已经学过一

3、般过去时态,本册书中的第八单元则更系统地学习动词过去式的变化及其在疑问句和否定句中的应用.学生对一般过去时态颇为熟悉,这为学习本课时的知识奠定了认知基础.三、说教学目标根据以上对学生和教材的分析,确定教学目标为1.学习掌握词汇:record. Hiccup, sneeze, , be born, world record, start hicupping.2)句型:-whos that? Thats Deng Yaping. Shes a great Chinese ping-pong player.How long did he hiccup? He hiccupped for 69 yea

4、rs and five months.When did he start hiccupping? He started hiccupping in 19822. 能对别人的出生年月进行问答, 能对别人的经历进行询问.3. 能听懂理解会话内容,掌握听取获取信息及信息处理的能力。4.通过谈论体育明星的成就,培养学生吃苦耐劳的精神.5.积极参与课堂听说活动,如pairwork, ,groupwork and report.6.能借助教师提供的图片和媒体帮助理解语言知识与语言目标。 四、说教学重难点根据以上分析,确定教学重难点是:1.重点:学习表示职业的词汇和询问生日何时开始做某和何时停止做某事的特殊

5、疑问句及回答.2.难点:对这些单词的拼写记忆以及对句型的构成的正确掌握五、说教学策划1.教材处理 第一部分是学习新的词汇.在第二部分的对话练习中,通过与搭档对话练习whos that? when was he born? He was born in 1973. 这样以be作为助动词的特殊疑问句的构成和回答.在第三部分的听力活动和笔头练习中,在已经学到的特殊疑问句的构成和回答上进行延伸,学习本课时How long did he hiccup? He hiccupped for 69 years and five months. When did he start hiccupping? He

6、started hiccupping in 1982.这样使用do动词作为助动词的特殊疑问句的构成和回答.2.教法策略分析1)以听说教学为主,加强对本课单词和句型的记忆和使用。2)开放式的教学氛围。通过创设真实的语言学习情境,让学生在作中学,在学中用,再现语言活动的真实性。3)任务型的教学策略。在各种教学任务安排下,逐层,逐步地开展教学活动。 3.学法指导 1)结合教学内容,看图描述情景,在听力过程中,让学生学会别听边记录的习惯。2)句型学习指导法。学习句型要遵循“熟记句型搭配-机械操练句型-在适当语境中运用句型”的过程,鼓励学生运用句型操练,并达到熟练应用的过程。4.教学辅助手段 1)多媒体

7、课件,展示语言活动环节和内容. 2)录音磁带是学生听力模仿和练习的有效工具。3)黑板是呈现课文重难点知识的有效平台。六、说教学过程Step 1. warming upLet ss listen to an English song: Twelve months设计意图:在学唱中调动学生情感,营造氛围,并有意识地复习前面学过的十二个月份。Step 2. Presentation and practice1. free talk ask ss some questions like “ how old are you? When is your birthday? 等引出 when were yo

8、u born? I was born in/ on -.设计意图:已学知识的巩固,真实的情景使学生容易学会如何表达并容易接受所要学的新知识。2. A game用开火车游戏操练A: When were you born? BB: I was born in /on When were you born?CC: I was born in/on When were you born? DD: I was born in/on. 设计意图:通过开火车游戏这简单易操作的活动强化训练新知识。3. learn new sentence 教师呈现一张刘翔的照片。并就他问一些问题。Who is that? W

9、hat does he do? What does he look like? How old is he? When is his birthday? When was he born? He was born in/on-(板书) 让学生注意in 和on 接时间的区别教师再引入二个体育明星:姚明和罗纳尔多, 再操练该句型。 Work on 1a 写出自己所知道的体育明星.设计意图:学生熟悉并崇拜的明星出现能够引起他们的好奇心,并激发他们学习的 欲望。 4. A memory gameShow the pictures about stars and their years of birth

10、 quickly. Let ss remember them. And then let ss say the sentences like this : Deng Yaping was born in 1973.设计意图:通过这个记忆游戏,既可以锻炼学生记忆力,培养他们的兴趣,也可以为下文做铺垫。Step 3. Practice1. Listen Get ss to know sth about four famous people on Page 53. then let them listen to the tape and write the year the sports star

11、was born under each photo. then listen again and read after the tape.设计意图:了解这些人的背景可以使学生更好地开展听力活动。2. pairworkLet two ss as a group ask and answer about the sports stars like this: when was Deng Yaping born. She was born in -设计意图:简易操作的两人合作,大大提高了学生的参与欲望,强化了学生的听力。自然而然的提高了学生的学习效率。3. a guessing gameAsk ss

12、 to guess : how long did Deng Yaping play ping-pong. When did she start playing ping-pong? When did she stop playing ping-pong? 并且让学生掌握stop 与start的用法.利用猜一猜环节,引出how long did she do-? When did she start doing sth? When did she stop doing sth? 句型及让学生掌握stop 与start的用法.为下一环节的学习作好铺垫.4.listen let ss look at

13、 the picture in sectionA 2a and the chart. talk sth about Charles smith and Donna Green. 学习词汇world record, hiccup , sneeze.并且询问学生how long did Charles Smith hiccup? 学生会根据图表回答:he hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months. 让学生特别注意hiccupped要双写末尾字母. Then let ss listen to the tape and fill in the “ how long” co

14、lumn in the chart. And listen again to fill in the “ started” and “ stopped “ column in the chart. Then check the anwser. Listen a third time and read after the tape 通过图片与表格,让学生很清晰的知道听力过程中要把握的关键点.5. pairworkLet ss to fill in the blanks with information from the chart in section A 2a. ask two pairs o

15、f ss to practice the conversation. And then let ss work in pairs to make the same kind of conversation about Donna Green. Then ask several pairs to act it out.通过模仿降低学生语言输出的难度. 通过小组操练巩固了所学的句型.Step 4. productionMake a survey: ask ss to work in pairs. Ask questions about their friend and his parents like this: whats your fathers name? What does he do? When was he born? How long did he study in a primary school. When did he start studying ? when did he stop studying? Then do a report.Name JobYear of birthhow long startstopYour friendHis / Her father


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