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1、2011年高考英语词汇(同义、近义、相似词)精选练习(一)1. We cant _ one to change the habits of a lifetime in a short time. A. hope B. wait C. expect D. imagine2. The noise was so _ that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it. A. dim B. soft C. faint D. gentle3. His landlady gave him a weeks _ to leave the flat.

2、A. threat B. notice C. advice D. caution4. Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not more expensive than, _ at the other store. A. anyone B. the others C. that D. the ones5. When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above _. A. average B. ordinary C. regular D

3、. normal6. It is clear that the whole world is passing through a social revolution in which a central _ must be taken by scientists and technologists. A. process B. attention C. measure D. part7. These plastic flowers look so _ that many people think they are real. A. beautiful B. natural C. artific

4、ial D. similar8. When I worked as the general manager of the firm, I sometimes had _ to visit London on business. A. opportunity B. possibility C. occasion D. chance9. The most important _ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people. A. element B. spot C. sense D. point1

5、0. It has always been the _ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities. A. plan B. campaign C. procedure D. policy11. I remember her face but I cannot _ where I met her. A. recall B. remind C. remember D. remark12. He has left his book here on _, so that you can read it. A. p

6、urpose B. intention C. aim D. meaning13. The open university was started in order to help those who _ having a university education when they were young. A. stopped B. failed C. missed D. ceased14. We wont know whether it will be successful. We wont know whether there will be good _. A. ends B. resu

7、lts C. effects D. causes15. Comrade Li Dazhao, _ librarian of Beijing University, was one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party. A. sometimes B. sometime C. some time D. some times16.The patients believe that the doctor knows exactly how to put them _. A. correct B. perfect C. right D. well

8、17. And you find that youre not to be _ with a position of real responsibility. A. offered B. trusted C. furnished D. retained18. She got married although her parents had not given her their _. A. allowance B. consent C. permit D. appreciation基本上不看短文内容仅看选项,2010年高考有人竟然过了100分!高考有没有瞬间大幅度提分的可能?谁能让你不用花很多


10、离开;如果你患有心理疾病或心脏病,请您立即将您的眼睛离开;如果你选择留下来,那么接下来的事,很可能让你目瞪口呆!如果我告诉你N个秘诀,在做完形填空和阅读理解题时,不用看文章和题干,只是简单的比较四个选项,就能瞬间选出正确答案,你是否想看?请先看下面的例子,它是辽宁卷2010年真题的第36题,是一个完形填空题. 在此我只列出它的四个选项,试试看,只是比较选项,你是否能够在3秒之内选出正确答案?36. A. worried B. sad C. surprised D. nervous正确答案是C, ABD都是一个人状态不好的倾向词,而C则为中性词,表述态度不一致者是答案。.如果你知道了这个秘诀,可

11、以解决很多类似的完型填空题!看一下辽宁卷2010年完形填空真题的第52题:52. A. Largely B. Generally C. Gradually D. Probably正确答案是C, ABD都是含义不肯定的副词,排除表述不明确的选项,答案就水落石出了. 如果你知道了这个秘诀,你更是可以解决很多类似的完型填空题! 试想一下,知道了全部36个完形秘诀之后,您的分数会怎么样呢?请再看下面的例子,它是辽宁卷2010年真题阅读理解题的第56题,在此我只写出它的题干和四个选项.也试试看,只是比较选项,你是否能够在5秒之内选出正确答案?56. From Paragragh 1 we learn t

12、hat the villagers . A.worked very hard for centuries B.dreamed of having a better life C.were poor but somewhat content D.lived a different life from their forefathers正确答案是C, 选项中表述的内容前后相互矛盾的是答案! 思路很简单,如果你掌握了其中的秘诀,抛开文章,你也可以很快选出正确答案. 掌握此类瞬间解题秘诀,不仅缩短了答题时间,还能保障近乎100%的准确率!请上或上百度,输入沈阳英语家教吴军查询!吴军英语高分密码,让您第

13、一次课就提10分!20次课提25-62分!模棱两可处和看不懂,该怎么办?要知道,如果对文章似懂非懂,那么,在文章中寻找答案线索就像大海捞针一样的难,更谈不上做对题!吴军英语高分密码将会告诉你此类瞬间解题秘诀,帮助你辨识选项中的诸多暗示点,瞬间找出正确答案,或者瞬间排除错误选项.请记住!在英语完型填空和阅读理解题的选项中,从头到尾都充满了暗示点,善于利用这些暗示点,可以快速做对题! 无论任何人,在考试中,总会遇到吃不准选项的题,或可以称之为不会做的“难题”,那么,如果遇到“难题”,你会怎办?是放弃?不可能,怎么着也要“猜”出一个答案!那么,是“瞎猜”吗?如果是“瞎猜”,其正确率仅是25%,是可想

14、而知的低!那么,如何“猜”才能有高的准确率呢?如果我告诉你N个秘诀,让你在做“难题”时,猜出的答案的准确率由25%提高至95%,甚至是100%,你愿意继续看下去吗?35. A. eat up B. deal with C. throw away D. send out35题在B和C模棱两可处到底选哪个? 当然选范围大的,能包括另一个的,即选B.再举个例子,假如2010年辽宁卷高考英语完形填空的47题,不知选哪个, 怎么办?As I found out, there is, 46 , often no perfect equivalence(对应)between two 47 in two languages. My aunt even goes so far as to 48 that a Chinese “equivalent” can never give you the 49 meaning of a word in English!47. A. words B. names C. ideas D. characters很简单,选A,勿须有任何的犹豫,为什么?复现法则!吴军英语高分密码会告诉你具体原因以及更多的解决“难题”的秘诀,都是非常的简单和直接.请记住!遇到“难题”,即使


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