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1、ContentsChinese Abstract2English Abstract31. Introduction41.1 Research Background41.2 A Brief Introduction to Paul Haggis and the Movie Crash51.3 Outline62. Literature Review62.1. Studies Abroad62.2. Studies at Home73. Stereotype Theory93.1 The Definition and Classification of Stereotype93.2 Stereot

2、ype Models103.2.1 The Content Model of Stereotype103.2.2 The Cognitive Model of Stereotype103.2.3 The Representation Model of Stereotype114. Analysis of Stereotypes in the Movie124.1 The Stereotypes Between Blacks and Whites124.2 The Stereotypes of the Colored by Whites144.3 The Stereotypes among th

3、e Colored145. Causes of Stereotypes in the Film155.1 Inner Fear155.2 Language165.3 Ethnocentrism176. Intent Passed by Stereotypes in the Film176.1 Torn Society Caused by Culture Conflict176.2 Desire for Healing Social Pain187. Conclusion20References21从刻板印象理论看电影撞车中的种族形象摘 要撞车是一部关于文化冲突的影片,曾获得第78届奥斯卡最佳影


5、tereotypes in Crash from the Perspective of Stereotype TheoryAbstractCrash, winning the 78th Academy Award for Best Picture, is a film about cultural conflict and it is an excellent material for studying American race. The film examines racial issues in American society from a unique “conflict” pers

6、pective, using stereotypes between different races as a key factor in racial conflict. Therefore, using stereotype theory to analyze the film has become an important way to deconstruct the problem of racial conflict in the film.By analyzing the inveterate stereotypes between whites and blacks, the c

7、olored by whites, and among the colored, this paper reveals that the reasons for the stereotypes between different races are the internal fear of aliens or their behavior, different language communication barriers and the mutual contempt among different ethnic groups caused by ethnocentrism, then it

8、 displays the purpose of the film is to show the audience the social tear caused by cultural conflicts and the desire for healing social pain. Key words: Stereotypes; Stereotype Theory; Cultural conflicts1. Introduction1.1 Research Background Movies have always been loved by people as a form of ente

9、rtainment. It not only gives people visual and psychological relaxation, the content of the film is also closer to peoples lives, reflecting a certain social phenomenon or culture that has drawn peoples general attention and thinking. The film conveys culture and values to people in a more intuitive

10、, accurate and shocking way, and changes with the development of times and history. Therefore, one scholar points out that “movies are visual evidence left by history” (叶英, 2009: 105). Moreover, the best and fastest way for a person to learn about foreign culture is to watch and research movies abou

11、t the country. Hollywood films have played a significant role in describing American culture and have had an extraordinary impact in the world.America is an immigrant country, and a gathering place of different nationalities and cultures. The 2018 census data show that the total US population is abo

12、ut 327 million. American officials categorize races based on skin color, ancestry, and place of origin: White Europeans account for 62.1% of the total population; Hispanics account for 17.4%; African Americans account for 13.2%; Asians account for 5.4%; and mixed races account for 2.5%. It can be se

13、en that whites are regarded as the main race in the United States, and that other ethnic groups, including Hispanic whites, are called minorities. Because people of all skin colors play different important roles in the nation-building and historical development of the United States, they have differ

14、ent expectations for society and others. Especially with the passage and precipitation of time, the racial discrimination has not been completely eradicated, until today, it still affects the lives of American citizens. A report issued by the U.S. State Department on September 21, 2000 acknowledged

15、that although the law on the elimination of racial discrimination has been enacted for decades, racial discrimination still plagues American society. “While most white people dont think there is too much racial discrimination in the United States today, most minorities feel the opposite in real life”, the report claimed (Net. 1).Racial discrimination in the United States has a long history. It has existed since the United States declared its independence in 1776. After centuries of efforts, undoubtedly, great results have been achieved today. It can be seen from the hu


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