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1、2022届高考英语一轮复习题型组合训练(Day21)今日训练内容:完型填空2篇+语法填空2篇+书面表决2篇一、完形填空篇1Satya Nadella still remembers his interview question from many years ago, “A baby falls, and is crying, what will you do?” “Ill call 911.” Then, he was told to 1 some empathy(同理心). Because he needs to pick the baby up and 2 it first before

2、 he calls.Nadella says that although he did get the job, the 3 he learned from that interview question is core to doing good business.One of Nadellas main tasks when he 4 as Microsofts CEO was to get his key people on the same page. Empathy would prove 5 to making that happen.To illustrate, imagine

3、that you walk into work one day to find a colleague 6 about a problem. You may think to yourself, “Why are they always complaining?” Or, “Ive had that problem before”. Whats the big 7 ?”Even if you dont 8 those thoughts, just thinking them will make you likely to get 9 or frustrated when dealing wit

4、h your colleague. This, of course, only makes the situation worse for themand completely 10 your relationship. 11 , what if you offered your colleague a(n) 12 ear? When you do this, youre learning to see the world through the eyes of others. Your colleague will see you as someone who is quick to enc

5、ourage and build up 13 tear down. Because they feel 14 , theyll put forth more effortand will be 15 to try and understand you the next time you need the same treatment.1AmeasureBdevelopCchallengeDexperience2AsaveBhugCpullDgreet3AanswerBpracticeClessonDskill4Atook overBgave upCtook offDgave in5Asimpl

6、eBefficientCharmfulDessential6AarguingBtalkingCthinkingDcomplaining7AdealBcaseCnewsDplan8AcollectBreadCclearDvoice9AannoyedBashamedCsurprisedDscared10AimprovesBdestroysChandlesDbuilds11AIn shortBIn generalCIn contrastDIn consequence12AringingBlisteningCburningDaching13Aother thanBmore thanCbetter th

7、anDrather than14ArecognizedBappreciatedCunderstoodDinfluenced15AinspiredBremindedCorderedDpersuaded篇2It was a windy day in December. A little girl was 16 outside with a sign “Homeless and Hungry”. The cardboard sign was the only protection she has from the cold. She remained seated on the sidewalk w

8、ith a bowel beside her. Many people walked past the girl without even 17 her.A woman slowly walked up to the girl and 18 bent over. The woman asked if she was homeless. The little girl only 19 by simply shrugging her shoulders. The lady then asked if she was OK, and the girl shrugged her shoulders o

9、nce again. The woman was very 20 and tried to ask the girl why she didnt have anywhere to go. Again, the little girl shrugged her shoulders. The woman eventually 21 and dropped some coins in the cup.The girl was 22 once again and looked hopefully down the street to see if anyone was coming to her wa

10、y. A few minutes later, the same woman walked towards her, carrying two packages. The woman then 23 herself next to the girl and asked how she was doing. However, all the questions went 24 . The woman then gave her the two packages of food and said that she had no more to 25 .The girl remained silen

11、t as a man stepped towards the 26 woman.He 27 it was a social experiment, and that the girl wasnt actually 28 . But to his great 29 , he learned that the lady had given everything she had to 30 the girl she was homeless herself!16AwanderingBcryingCsleepingDsitting17Awaving atBglancing atClaughing at

12、Dpointing at18AimpatientlyBsecretlyCsoftlyDnervously19AcontinuedBadmittedCrespondedDanalyzed20AconfusedBambitiousCcasualDparticular21Aran outBturned upCshouted outDgave up22AaloneBfreeCcoldDcurious23AshelteredBloweredCenjoyedDcovered24AunderstandableBtogetherCwrongDunanswered25AsellBwasteCofferDcomp

13、lain26AkindBridiculousCdesperateDmysterious27AagreedBexplainedCsupposedDhoped28AcarelessBaggressiveChomelessDembarrassed29AexcitementBastonishmentCdisappointmentDamusement30AchangeBresistCtransformDhelp二、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。篇1It is reported that at present a city in Japan has a p

14、roblem with graffiti(涂鸦). However, it is not the usual type of graffiti with paint from spray cans 31(use) to write on walls. It is graffiti in sand.Officials in the city of Tottori are asking tourists to give up 32 (write) messages and drawing pictures in the sand of its giant sand dunes (沙丘). The officials say the graffiti causes damage to the dunes, 33 destroys the pleasure others get in looking at the sand.More than 3,300 cases of sand graffiti 34 (occur) at the tourist spot in the past decade. In January, two overseas tourists were ordered 35 (erase) a 25-m


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