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1、smoke的用法总结大全smoke的用法总结大全smoke的意思n. 烟,吸烟vi. 冒烟,抽烟,快速vt. 用烟熏制,吸(烟),抽变形:过去式: smoked; 如今分词:smoking; 过去分词:smoked;smoke用法smoke可以用作名词smoke的根本意思是指燃烧中产生的“烟”,用作不可数名词。smoke在口语中也可指“吸烟或抽烟”的动作或过程,一般用单数形式; 在非正式用语中还可指“香烟”,用作可数名词。smoke的根本意思是“冒烟”,是不及物动词; 引申那么表示“抽烟”“吸烟”,可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词; smoke还可表示“用烟熏制(肉、鱼、香肠等)”,多用作及

2、物动词。smoke用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动构造。smoke用作名词的用法例句The stove let out a puff of smoke.炉子里冒出一股烟。The smoke from chimney is spreading out in the sky.烟囱冒出的烟正在空中散开。The smoke of the burning house could be seen many blocks away.着火的房子的冒出的烟在几个街区外都能看到。smoke可以用作动词smoke的根本意思是“冒烟”,是不及物动词; 引申那么表示“抽烟”“吸烟”,可用作及物动词,也可用

3、作不及物动词; smoke还可表示“用烟熏制(肉、鱼、香肠等)”,多用作及物动词。smoke用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动构造。smoke还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。smoke用作动词的用法例句Its against the rules of the school to smoke.吸烟是违背校规的。You are advised not to smoke during pregnancy.怀孕期间你最好不要吸烟。They had to smoke the plants in a greenhouse .他们只好用烟熏温室里的植物。smoke用法例句1、Dense sm

4、oke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her.滚滚浓烟盘旋翻腾,恶臭味呛得她喘不过气来。2、They were taken to hospital suffering from smoke inhalation.他们因吸入大量烟尘被送往医院。3、A thick haze of acrid smoke hung in the air.空气中弥漫着刺鼻的浓烟。“smoke-free”什么意思?搞错了就真为难了No Smoking=制止吸烟Smoke-free=制止吸烟类似方法构成的单词:sugar-free 无糖的duty-free 免税

5、的salt-free 无盐的高频词smoke用法大全1. Smoke (n.) 烟雾I was choked by the smoke.我被烟被呛住了。Smoke (n.) 吸烟这个行为I need a smoke now.我想吸根烟。2. Smoke (v.) 吸烟Hes smoking.他正在吸烟。Please dont smoke in this room.请不要在这个房间吸烟。3. Smoke:烹调方式,熏制smoked fish 熏鱼smoked chicken 熏鸡smoked frog 熏蛙smoke有关的词组/习语1. smoke like a chimney 烟瘾很大,抽烟很

6、凶My grandpa has smoked like a chimney all his life.我爷爷这一辈子抽烟都很凶。2. The big smoke 大城市Hes so bored with living in this town, and he is planning to move to the big smoke.他对住在小镇上已经感到了厌烦,正打算搬到大城市去。3. blow smoke 吹牛、夸张、分布不真实信息Dont listen to him. Hes just blowing smoke.别听他的,他在胡说的。4. smoking gun 确凿的证据This vi

7、deo is the smoking gun for this case.这段视频是这个案子的证物。5. smoking hot 极度性感的,极度火辣的。Shes seriously beautiful. Smoking hot!她真的很漂亮。性感十足。6. 谚语Where theres smoke, theres fire / Theres no smoke without fire无风不起浪smoke out不是“出去吸烟”,老外想说的,居然是.班长不吸烟,闻到烟味就难受,想吐,家里人也不吸烟。我记得初中的时候,有同寝室的男生吸烟,咳嗽得很厉害,仍然吸烟,我真的也是很难理解的。吸烟有害安康

8、,但是为什么仍然有那么多人吸烟呢?如今我接触的年轻人,根本不怎么吸烟了。这是一个好现象。Monitor does not smoke, smelling the smoke makes me unfortable and vomit, and my family does not smoke, either. I remember when I was in junior high school, there was a boy in the same dorm room smoking. He coughed a lot and still smoked. It was really har

9、d for me to understand. Smoking is bad for your health, but why do so many people still smoke? Nowadays, the young people I contact are not smoking much. This is a good phenomenon.好了,今天跟大家聊一聊:smoke这个单词。smoke吸烟,没啥好说的。还有其他意思吗?smoke作动词时,表示“冒烟”。If something is smoking, smoke is ing from it. 假如某物在冒烟,烟就是从

10、它那里来的。冒烟。smoke作动词时,还可以表示“熏制某东西”。If fish or meat is smoked, it is hung over burning wood so that the smoke preserves it and gives it a special flavour. 假如鱼或肉是熏制的,它被挂在燃烧的木头上,以便烟能熏它,并赋予它一种特殊的味道。熏制 (鱼或肉)词组go up in smoke是表示“东西被烧毁了”。If something goes up in smoke, it is destroyed by fire. 假如什么东西冒烟了,它就会被火烧毁

11、。被烧毁。下面教大家一个很具有迷惑性的英文词组,希望大家不要理解错了。今日表达: smoke sb./sth. out英文释义:To expose someone or something and bring it to the attention of the public.A noun or pronoun can be used between “smoke” and “out.”中文解释:使暴露某人或某事并引起公众的注意。名词或代词可以放在“smoke”和“out”之间使用。可以翻译成“使.曝光”,“使公诸于世”。He smoked out the mans illegal use of drugs by writing a letter to the newspaper.illegal 非法的letter 信你的翻译:_。(底部留言)第 页 共 页


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