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1、 谋学网 10 20 V 1. I nt fin my itionry.I wonr whthr Mry_it now. hv. hs. is hving. h 2. vi _himslf whil h _th mhin. hurt. ws fixing. hurts. is fixing. hurt .fix. hurt . ws fixing 3. Th sun is_ , fr wy from th rth. muh. vry. fr. so 4. If you stuy hr, you_th xmintion. hs pss. r pssing. hv pss. will pss 5.

2、 Tht ftory _ nrly 50 yrs go. hs n uilt. h uilt. ws uilt. hs uilt 6. vrything sms ll right, _ ?. osnt it. wont it. hsnt it. ont thy 7. H oul o nothing ut_for th us_. wit . to om. wit . om. witing . oming. wit . m 8. Im sorry to hv kpt you witing. Oh, not t ll. I _hr only fw minuts. hv n. h n. ws. wil

3、l 9. _ in this light, th mttr is not s srious s popl gnrlly suppos. To s. Sn. Sing. ing sn 10. My wif si in hr lttr tht sh woul pprit _ from you somtim. to hv hr. to hr. for hring. hring 1 20 V 1. Whn I visit th Nthrlns lst yr, my first imprssion ws tht it ws ll too goo to tru: ountry whr vryon is s

4、tisfi! So, 1 tht young popl vrywhr r gift soil ritis, I sought out som univrsity stunts n 2 wht issus young popl wr 3 . I ws stunn to lrn tht th min prolm stunts thr s is with mploymnt. In ountry thts m goo work onitions (n) 4 , this m s rl surpris. vn mor stunning ws th ft tht it wsnt unmploymnt 5

5、ths stunts wr worri out - it ws shortg of highly pi mngmnt positions 6 to frsh univrsity gruts. s th stunts xprss thir rsntmnt towr th olr gnrtion for 7 ll th goo jos n thir ittrnss ovr th thought of struggling to 8 on n ntry-lvl slry, I oulnt hlp 9 my own rly mploymnt xprins. I h grut with honors f

6、orm goo shool, ut my first jo ws oing oor-to-oor mrkt rsrh for slry tht just rly llow m to gt y. For som rson I nvr out tht I ultimtly 10 ttr jo. I simply pt tht young prson who ws just strting out woul hv to struggl it t first. 1). . thinking. to s. knowing. foun 2). . inquir ftr . inquir of . inqu

7、ir into . inquir 3). . worrying . onrn out. onrn with. r out 4). . priority . hoi . must . importn 5). . whih . whom . th . tht 6). . prfrr . limit . suppli . vill 7). . tking on . tking up . tking ovr . tking to 8). . rn . mk ns mt. surviv with . liv with 9). . lling k . mmorizing . looking k on. r

8、lling on 10). . n up with . n with . n in . n on 6 60 V 1. Popl m quit illogil whn thy try to i wht n tn n wht nnot . If you liv in th Mitrrnn, for instn, you woul onsir otopus grt liy. You woul not l to unrstn why som popl fin it rpulsiv. On th othr hn, your stomh woul turn t th i of frying pottos

9、in niml ftth normlly pt prti in mny northrn ountris. Th s truth is tht most of us hv n rought up to t rtin foos n w stik to thm ll our livs. No rtur hs riv mor pris n us thn th ommon grn snil. ook in win, snils r grt luxury in vrious prts of th worl. Thr r ountlss popl who, vr sin thir rly yrs, hv l

10、rn to ssoit snils with foo. My frin, Rort, livs in ountry whr snils r islik. s his flt is in lrg town, h hs no grn of his own. For yrs h hs n sking m to ollt snils from my grn n tk thm to him. Th i nvr ppl to m vry muh, ut on y, ftr hvy showr, I hppn to wlking in my grn whn I noti hug numr of snils

11、tking wlk on som of my priz plnts. ting on sun impuls, I ollt svrl ozn, put thm in ppr g, n took thm to Rort. Rort ws light to s m n qully pls with my littl gift. I lft th g in th hll n Rort n I wnt into th living room whr w tlk for oupl of hours. In h forgottn ll out th snils whn Rort sunly si tht

12、I must sty to innr. Snils woul, of ours, th min ish. I i not fny th i n I rlutntly follow Rort out of th room. To my surpris, w sw tht thr wr snils vrywhr: thy h sp from th ppr g n h tkn omplt possssion of th hll! I hv nvr n l to look t snil sin thn.1). Th wor rpulsiv in lin 3, Pr. 1 most proly mn _. isgusting. plsnt. ptl. liious 2). W n infr from th son prgrph tht whn th uthor ollt th snils. h ws gl tht h oul shr thm with his frin. h ws ngry us thy might mg his lov plnts. h ws xit out ing l to giv his frin surpris. h ws prss us it ws hr to xtinguish thm ll 3). Whih of th fol


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