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1、The Question: 1. Two little brothers, One lives on one side, The other on the other side,They hear what you say, But they does not see each other.2. It is so weak, That a little wind can move it, It is so strong, That you can cut it with a knife and leave no trace. 3. What letter is a part of the he

2、ad? 4. Why is a river very rich? 5. Which four letters are the thief afraid of? 6. What part of a clock is always old? 7. What is white when it is dirty? 8. What never asks qustions, but gets a lot of answers? 9. which letter makes her hear? 10. I jump into the water, what do I do ? 11. My first is

3、in “ snow , but not in “ ice , My second is in “ rose ,and also in “ rice , My third is not in “ pencil , but in “ paper . My whole is a place where there is a lot of water. 12. What is the difference between here and there? 13. What are the strongest days of the week? 14. Why did the man put wheels

4、 on his rocking chair? 15. Why is the letter “R like Christmas? 16. At what time of day was Adam born? 17. Why did the person throw a clock out the window? 18. What time is it when a pie is divided among four friends? 19. What nail should you never hit with a hammer? 20. What ring is square? 21. Why

5、 is the sun like a loaf of bread? KEYS:1. ear 2. water 3. eye I4. because it has two banks。(堤岸; 银行) 5. O,I,C,U (oh, I see you ) 6. second-hand (秒针,二手货) 7. blackboard 8. doorbell 9. a 10. waiter 11. sea 12. The letter “t. ( there 去掉“t,跟 here 这个字就没什么两样。) 13. Saturday and Sunday - all the other days ar

6、e weak (week) days. ( weak与 week的发音一样。而美国人的工作天只有五天,即从 Monday到 Friday ,这五天是他们的week days.) 14. Because he wanted to rock and roll. to rock and roll是跳摇滚舞。但在这儿,摇rock 的是rocking chair,滚 roll的是 wheels。这就造成了一句双关的趣味。 15. Because it comes at the end of December. (对这句话而言,答案的意思是R这个字母正好排在December的末尾。除此以外,答案还有一个意

7、思,Christmas在the end of December的时候到来。换言之,答案也造成了一句双关的趣味。) 16. Just before Eve. ( Eve 是一语双关,一是解“晚间, 一是解“夏娃。) 17. To see time fly. 为什么人会把钟丢出窗外?你如果答复是因为夫妻吵架而摔东西,那就落入俗套,没什么好笑。但答复To see time fly 看时光奔驰,你说妙不妙? 18. A quarter to one. ( A quarter to one是 12:45,再一刻钟就到一点。另外一个意思是一人分四分之一。) 19. Your fingernail. 用 fingernail答复问句的 nail ,是在字形和字音上玩游戏其实nail的意思是钉子, fingernail的中文意思是指甲,根本是问非所答。 20. A boxing ring. (用A boxing ring答复问句的ring, 是在字形和字音上玩游戏。其实ring的意思是圆圈或指环,boxing ring 却是指拳赛场地。 21. Because its light when it rises. ( 答案就太阳而言,它升起的时候,很亮。答案就面包而言,它松起的时候,很轻。两个意思同属于一句英文之中,这就是答案的妙处。)


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