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1、初二英语暑假强化训练(二) 姓名: 成绩: 一、词汇归纳2.自然:名词:air 空气、大气dark暗处beach 海滨;海滩desert沙漠earth地球earthquake地震flower花foggy多雾的forest森林grass草;草场;牧草 ground土地;地面;运动场height 高度 hill小山hole洞;坑;孔 ice冰island岛lake湖land陆地;土地leaf树叶moon月亮mountain山、山脉 night夜;夜间;黑夜ocean海洋plant植物 rain 雨;雨水river江;河sand沙;沙子scenery景色;风光sea海洋 season季节smoke烟

2、sun太阳;阳光snow雪sound声音 star星tree树weather天气 wind风wonder惊讶;惊叹;奇迹形容词:beautiful漂亮的bright 明亮的;聪明的cloudy多云的;阴天的cold冷的;寒冷的cool凉;凉快的dead死的;无生命的deep深的;深厚的 dirty脏的dry干的;干燥empty空的enough足够的;充分的far远的foggy多雾的heavy重的high高的hot热的huge 巨大的large大的;巨大的 long长;远 low低的;矮的natural自然的rainy多雨的sky天空;天small 小的snowy雪白的;下雪的;多雪的speci

3、al特别的;专门的sunny晴朗的;阳光充足的warm温暖的;暖和的;热情的;亲切的water水wet湿的;潮的;多雨的wonderful极好的;精彩的3个人情感:名词:cry叫喊;哭声 hope希望 laugh笑;大笑;嘲笑love爱;热爱luck运气pardon原谅 pity怜悯;同情pleasure高兴;愉快shout喊;高声呼喊 smile微笑surprise惊奇;诧异thank感谢;谢谢welcome欢迎wish愿望;祝愿形容词:afraid 害怕;担心angry 生气的;愤怒的enjoyable 令人愉快的 excited兴奋的exciting令人兴奋的glad高兴的;乐意的gra

4、teful感激的;感谢的happy高兴;幸福kind友好的;和善的lonely孤独的lucky运气好的;侥幸的nervous紧张的 patient 耐心的proud骄傲的sad悲伤的;使人悲伤的shy害羞的sorry难过的;对不起sure肯定;确信terrible极坏的;可怕的;感到极不舒服的true真的;真实的;忠诚的what(表示感叹)多么;何等;(表示疑问)什么worried 担心的二、用所给代词的适当形式填空。1. The two little girls are crying. cant find mother. (they)2. Miss Brown will teach Engl

5、ish next term. (we)3. Lets do it . (we)4. Lily! Help to some fish. (you)5. This is an old photo of when I was a child. (I)6. Is the shirt on the bed ? (you)7. The twins corrected the mistakes on the test papers . (them)8. We made up minds to catch up with others. (us)9. This red blouse isnt Helens.

6、is blue. (she)10. forgot dictionary? (you) You may have . (my)11. She found that she was older than before when she looked at in the mirror. (she)12. On Sundays parents often leave by at home. (we)三、单项选择。( ) 1. went to the cinema last Sunday.A. I and my fatherB. My father and IC. Me and my fatherD.

7、My father and me( ) 2. Toms sister is a teacher. Works in China.A. HeB. SheC. HerD. Him( ) 3. Give a bowl of rice.A. IB. sheC. herD. mine( ) 4. live in Shanghai.A. WeB. ourC. oursD. ourselves( ) 5. was snowing when we reached the cinema.A. The skyB. ItC. The dayD. The weather( ) 6. There is a photo

8、on the wall. the photo of Lei Feng.A. ItB. ItsC. ItsD. He( ) 7. This dictionary doesnt belong (属于) to .A. myB. mineC. meD. my own( ) 8. The white jacket is . is red.A. my; HisB. mine; HisC. me; HimD. I; He( ) 9. You may use dictionary. Its on the desk.A. IB. meC. mineD. my( ) 10. On her way to the f

9、actory, she saw a friend of .A. herB. hersC. sheD. shes( ) 11. This is not her kite but .A. hesB. himC. heD. his( ) 12. She speaks English very well. Who taught her?-Nobody! She taught .A. herB. hersC. herselfD. she( ) 13. Can you leave your children at home alone? -Yes. They can take care of now.A.

10、 themB. theirC. themselvesD. themselfs( ) 14. Help to some fish, Jenny.A. yourselfB. yourselvesC. himselfD. herself( ) 15. Five students in our class come from Beijing, are from Tanjin.A. otherB. othersC. the othersD. another( ) 16. Can you speak French?-Yes, but only .A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a

11、 few( ) 17. I asked Kate and Mary to come for a talk, but of them came.A. bothB. eitherC. neitherD. two( ) 18. Lucy, I have to tell you.A. something importantB. important somethingC. anything important D. important anything( ) 19. These shoes are too big for me. Would you please show me pair?A. oneB

12、. otherC. anotherD. some( ) 20. John has two brothers. One is an artist, is a scientist.A. the othersB. anotherC. the otherD. others四、阅读短文,根据每个空格所给词首字母填入适当的词。I love traveling in the country. I enjoy all my trips (旅行) e 1 one. That trip took me l 2 than it should be. “Im going to Woodford Green,” I s

13、aid to the conductor a 3 . I got on the bus, “but I dont know w 4 it is.” “Ill tell you where you should g 5 off,” answered the conductor. I s 6 in the front of the bus to get a fine vies (景色) of the beautiful country. A 7 some time, the bus stopped. I looked a 8 , I was the o 9 people left in the bus! “Youll have to get o 10 , ”the conductor said. “That is as f 11 as we go.” “Is this Woodford Green?” I asked. “Oh dear,” said the conductor. “I f 12 to put you off.” “It doesnt matter,” I said. “Ill get off here.” “We are going b 13


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