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1、听力部分一.你能找出下列活动的举办日期吗?( )Open Day ( )Parents Day ( )Sports Day( ) the school fair ( )the speech day ( )the school picnicA. 7th , Nov B. 23rd , April C. 10th , July D.21st , Dec E.30th , Mar二.根据听到的内容将下列邀请卡补充完整._School Open DayInvites you to our sunny_ 5th,MayOn:_ 9:00From: _a.m. to _p.m. 4:0015th, May

2、三.你听到的句子与下列的各句一样吗?相同的用T表示,不同的用F表示.( ) 1.That chair is hard.( ) 2. Can I feel them?( ) 3. These marbles are smooth and hard.( ) 4. What would you like to do now?( ) 5. The cushion is nice and soft.四.猜谜语,根据首字母的提示把英语谜底写在横线上.1. Its a m_; 2. They are s_;3. Its a s _; 4. Its a r_;5. Its a b_;五.听这首英文诗歌,你能把

3、空缺的单词写完整吗?在横线上数字代号.As _as the _ I have in my bath As _as the _ 1 soft 2 stonesI find in my path 3 bubbles 4 roughAs _as the _ 5 brush 6 hardI see near the sea 7 smooth 8 shellsAs _as the _Mum uses on me.笔试部分一 找出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. horse B. hot dog C. panda D. tiger( ) 1. A. autumn B. rain C. summer D.

4、spring( ) 1. A. foggy B. windy C. cloudy D .winter( ) 1. A. Open Day B. Monday C. Sports Day D. Speech Day( ) 1. A. Mary B. July C. September D. December二 给下列句子找出对应的答句。( ) 1. Whens the school fair? A. Its cold and windy.( )2Can I feel the marbles? B. Its Sunday.( ) 3. Which festival do you like best

5、? C. Its sunny.( ) 4. What day is it? D. Sure.( ) 5. Whats the weather like in summer? E. I like Easter best.三.读下面的信息,并将他们填写在横线上.School concert 31st OctoberOpen Day _ _Parents Day 12th JanuarySports Day _ AprilSchool picnic 11th _Kitty: Hello! Tom. Whens Open Day?Tom: Its on the ninth of December.Ki

6、tty: Whens Sports Day?Tom: Its on the twenty-first of _.Kitty: Whens the school picnic?Tom: Its on the _ of May.Kitty: Whens the school concert?Tom: Its on the _ of _.四. 还记得第五单元的故事吗?请将下面的句子按故事的先后顺序排序.( ) Stella visits Mary on Saturday.( ) Mary shows Stella her stones.( ) Stella says she can read Mar

7、y a story. Mary is surprised.( ) Mary gets some pretty stones from ger uncle.( ) Stella feels the stones with her fingers, she likes them.五.阅读下面的字谜,将谜底写在横线上.The 1st letter is in apple and hat.The 2nd letter is in pig and pen.The 3rd letter is in read but not in head.The 4th letter is in big and sit.The 5th letter is in let but not in wet.It is a month of a year. It is _.六.将下面的习语中英文配对.( ) 1. No pains no gains. A. 小菜一碟( ) 2. Its a piece of cake. B. 倾盆大雨( ) 3. It rains cats and dogs. C.一分耕耘一分收获


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