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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?Tao YuqinAnalysis of the Teaching MaterialI. Status and Founction This unit is about things around the house. In this unit,students learn how to ask and answer questions about where things are. They learn the key vocabulary and prepositions of place,such as on,in,under,beh

2、ind and so on. It not only improves studentslistening,speaking,reading and writing kills but also it can enable good students to know its a good habit to keep a room clean and tidy. In the first period,students learn the key vocabulary:table,bed,bookcase,dresser,sofa,chair,in, on,under etc.And the t

3、arget language:Wheres my schoolbag? In the second period,students go on learning where questions and yes/no questions. In this class,students can get lots of listening and oral practice so that they can grasp the use of them.The activites-Pairwork and Find the difference are very interesting. Studen

4、ts can get not only knowledge but also happiness of success. In the third period,students can learn more names of things around the house,such as alarm clock,computer game,CD.hat,video tape,math book,etc. In the fourth period,students learn to write a note by looking at the pictures. Also,they learn

5、 some important words such as take and bring. In this class ,they can revise all the words theyve learned.They can draw their ideal room. In this way,it can raise students learning interest.II:Teaching Aims and Demands Knowledge goals1) Learn the words about the things around the house:table,bed,dre

6、sser,bookcase,sofa,chair,drawer,bag,etc.2) Learn to use prepositions of place:in ,on,under,etc.3) Master where questions and yes/no questions.2.Ability goals1)Learn to talk about where things are.2)Learn to draw ones own ideal room.3)Train students listening,reading,speaking and writing skills.3.Mor

7、al goals1)Make students know thai its good habit to keep a room clean and tidy.2)Students should take good care of their things.3)Train studentscommunicative competence.III:Teaching Important Points1) New words: bed,drssee,table,bookcase,backpack,etc.2) Prepositions of place:in,on,under etc.3) Where

8、 questions and yes/no questions.IV:Teaching Difficult Points1) learn to talk about where things are using the prepositions of place.2) Train students listening,speaking,reading and writing skills.V.Teaching Methods Pairwork Sciencee teaching method. A game. Speaking and writing methods.VI.Teaching t

9、ools A projector. A tape recorder. Some objects.Teaching SuggestionsSuggestion 1:Listening practice.Ask students to listen and under the task of listening.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording a second time. Ask them listen and finish the task of listening. For ex

10、ample, Section A Activity 1b.1) Point to the items in the illustration and ask the students to name each one.2) Point to the five boxes and the sample answer to make sure that the students know what to do.3) Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.4) Write a number 1 in the box next t

11、o the first item mentioned,a number 2 in the box to the second item mentioned.5) Let students listen and number the things in the picture when they hear them.Suggestion 2: Play a game.Let students work in pairs. Ask and answer questions using the key vocabulary and the target language.For example,Se

12、ction A4. Work in pairs. They decide who is student A and who is student B. Tell Student A to look at the picture on page 19. Tell Student B to look at the picture 2. The two pictures are different from each other. Student A asks Studene B answers. The First Period (SectionA 1a-1c)I:Teaching Aims1.

13、Language goalsKey vocabulary: table,bed,schoolbag,bookcase,sofa,chair,in,on,under,theyre=they areTarget language: Wheres.? Its in/on/under. Wherere.?Theyre in /on/under2. Ability goals Talk about where things are. Train the studentscommunicative competence.3. Moral goals Keep your room clean and tid

14、y.II:Teaching important points1. New words.2. How to talk about where things are.III:Teaching difficuit points.1. Prepositions of place:in,on,under.2. Prepositiona phrases:on the sofa,under the table etc.IV.Teaching methods.Speaking method. Pairwork.Science method.V:Teaching tools.A tape recorder. A

15、 projecter. A backpack.VT:Teaching procedures.Step1.Greeting and revision.Step2.Show Language Target.Step3.Learn new words (I)-Something about the house.Step4.Ask and answer: What can you see? I can see_.Step5.Match the words with the things in the picture.Step6.Learn New Words (II)-PrepositionsStep7.Sum up Drills-Where.?Step8.Practice: Wheres? Its. Wherere.? Theyre.Step9.Pairwork.Step10.Listening. Listen and number the things in the picture(1-4).Step11.Review New words.Step12.Moral T


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