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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上期中能力测试一、 Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出正确的内容。1. clean 2. great 3. went 4. sing 5. ride green grass want sang rode二、 Listen and number. 听对话,给图片标序号。1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( )三、 Listen and choose. 听短文,选择正确的答句。1. A. We cleaned the windows. B. We played the violin. C. We studied Eng

2、lish.2. A. They played basketball. B. I watched TV. C. She visited friends.3. A. She read some books. B. She went to France. C. She was a student. 4. A. I ate some cotton candy. B. I had fun with friends. C. I hurt my knee 5. A. I woke up late. B. I missed the bus. C. I got a gift.四、 Listen and judg

3、e. 听短文,判断句子对(T)错(F).( ) 1. Yesterday was Saturday.( ) 2.Gogo had a bad day.( ) 3. He make models with Tony at 10:00 in the morning.( ) 4. Gogo had lunch with Tony at home.( ) 5. Gogo watched TV in the afternoon.( Yesterday was Sunday. Gogo had a happy day. First, he rode his scooter at 8:00 in the m

4、orning. He made models with Tony at 10:00. Then at 11:30, they went to the restaurant to have lunch. At 3:00 in the afternoon, Gogo went swimming in the swimming pool. At 6:00 in the afternoon, he watched TV. )五、 听短文,选词填空。tasty , watch, Sunday, bus , Guangzhou , It was _ the day before yesterday. My

5、 family went to _ a football game. We went there by _. The football match was between _ team and Beijing team. It was at four oclock in the afternoon. After the game, we ate some food in the restaurant. Then we came back home at 8:30.六、 Choose and write. 选词填空。 watch, played, hospital, find, read1. W

6、hat did you do this morning? I _ with friends.2. Did you _ TV last night? Yes, I did.3. What did you do this morning? I _ a book.4. Did you go to the _? Yes, I did.5. What happened? I cant _ my keys.七、 Read and write. 看图,填写单词。1.Did you _ a nice gift on your birthday?-Yes, I did.2. I _ to him yesterd

7、ay about the summer holiday.3. Tomorrow Ill _ fun with my friends.4. - What did she write last night?- She _ a long letter.5.Lets _ soccer together. 八、 Read and choose. 从方框内选出最佳选项完成对话。A. What are you going to do next?B. What are you going to do?C. Do you have any good ideas?D. What are you going to

8、do after that?E. Do you want to go with me?A: Tomorrow is a vacation. _B: First, Im going to visit my grandfather with my parents.A: _B: Then Im going to have a picnic with my parents .A: _B: I dont know. _-A: Im going to see a movie. _B: Thats great. Id like to!九、 Read, choose and write. 阅读,根据上下文选词

9、填空。careful, play, football, medicine , foot Tomorrow is Sunday. But I cant go out to _. I played _ with my friends yesterday afternoon. I wasnt _. I fell over and hurt my _. I went to the hospital. The doctor said I should take some _ and stay in bed for two days. Im sad.十、Reading. 阅读理解。 ALast summe

10、r, we went on a trip to Hong Kong by bus. We got to Hong Kong after two hours. The weather there was good. First, we went to the Ocean Park. Then we went to Disneyland. We saw the parade and the firework show there. We had a great time. At night, we stayed in a hotel near Disneyland. The next day, w

11、e visited some friends. Then we ate food with them. I liked the food. It was tasty. After that, we went back home by ship. It was a wonderful trip.True or false. 判读句子的对(T)错(F)。( ) 1. We went on a trip to Hong Kong last summer.( ) 2. We went to Hong Kong by ship.( ) 3. We went to the Ocean Park and D

12、isneyland.( ) 4. We didnt visit any friends in Hong Kong.( ) 5. We had a good time in Hong Kong. BIt was rainy and cold today. Maria stayed at home. Her friend Sandy came to visit her. Sandy visited the Great Wall last weekend and she took some photos there. She showed her photos to Maria and told s

13、omething about her vacation. “ It was very good,” Sandy said.At lunch time, Marias parents were not at home. They decided to cook lunch together. Maria cooked some noodles with vegetables and eggs. After Sandy ate up the noodles, she said, “Its tasty!” But Maria didnt like the noodles, she wanted to eat some meat. Choose the best answer. 根据短文选择最佳答案。( )1. It was _ today.A. sunny B. cloudy C. rainy and cold ( )2. Sandy visited _ on vacation.A. the Great Wall B. relatives C. friends( )3. M


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