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1、Lesson 85Never too old to learninform headmaster contribute gift album patience encouragementfarewellhonor coincidence total devote gardening hobby v.告诉,通知告诉,通知n.校长校长v.捐助,援助捐助,援助n.礼物,赠品礼物,赠品n.签名簿,相册签名簿,相册n.耐心耐心n.鼓励鼓励n.告别告别n.敬意敬意n.巧合巧合n.总数总数v.致力于致力于n.园艺园艺n.爱好,嗜好爱好,嗜好inform v.告诉,通知 vt.通知,告知inform sb.o

2、f sth.把通知某人谁把这个通知给你的?Who informed you of this?inform that 通知有人通知他,每年他将多挣1000英镑。He was informed that he would receive an extra thousand pounds a year.headmaster n.校长headmistress 女校长与head有关的词:head nurse 护士长 headman 酋长headphones 耳机 headquarters 总部、总署、司令部headsman 刽子手 headstone 基石contribute (1)v.捐助,援助 He

3、 contributed a lot of money to the charity.(2)v.有贡献、有助于、成为原因之一contribute to 为.作贡献,为.捐款或撰稿The construction of a highway will contribute to the development of the suburbs.Before his death,he contributed a large sum of money to the church.Bad weather contributed to my failure.Exercise contributes to be

4、tter healthcontribution(1)捐款I give a ten-dollar contribution to the church every Sunday.(2)n.贡献make(little/great)contribution to sth.He has made great contributions to the space development program.contributor n.捐款人,捐助人He is a major contributor to the Hope Project.gift (1)n.礼物,赠品、捐赠present 指礼物的一般性用语

5、gift 是稍正式的说法(2)天赋、天资a boy of many gift 多才多艺的少年gifted adj.有天资的、有天赋的a gifted musicianalbum n.签名簿,相册、集邮册a stamp albuma photograph album我们把最好的照片放进一个相册里。Weve put the best photos into an album.他们的最新专辑很难听Their new album sounds terrible.vpatience n.耐心 vYoull need patience and understanding if youre going to

6、 be a host.vIt will take time and patience to get these changes accepted.vYou have to have such a lot of patience when youre dealing with kids.vIn the end I lost my patience and shouted at her.vsb have patience with sb./sth.vI have patience with the exam.vI lose my patience with English class.vhave/

7、lose patience to do sth.vI have little patience to dance with a fool.vbe out of patience with sthvI am out of patience with him.vencouragement n.鼓励vWith encouragement,Sally is starting to play with the other children.vHe always likes to give us words of encouragement.vChildren need lots of encourage

8、ment from their parents.vI could never have achieved this your encouragement.encourage v.鼓励、激励(discourage)The good news encouraged him.encourage sb to do 鼓励(某人)做The teacher encouraged me to study abroad.encourage sb in 鼓励某人的My parents have always encouraged me in my choice of career.vfarewell n.告别vF

9、arewell,arms 永别了武器vsb say farewell to sth 对永别/一去不复返vChina says farewell to evil guys.vThey said their farewells to me at the cafe.vfarewell party 欢送会vfarewell speech 告别演说vhonor n.敬意,荣誉vIts my honor to do sth.vIts my honor to talk with you.vhave the honor of doing somethingvEarlier this year,I had th

10、e honor of meeting the President.va guard of honor 仪仗队 vin ones honor/in the honor of sb.v 为纪念某人,对某人表示尊重 v中国建立了个碑 为了纪念死去的战士vChina erected a monument in honor of the dead soldiers.vcoincidence n.巧合vWhat a coincidence!好巧啊vI have seen the same person on the same chair in the same bus at the same time.W

11、hat a coincidence.vIt is a coincidence thatvIt is a coincidence that I saw you twice in one day.vcoincidental adj.巧合的 vThey are all excited about their coincidental meeting in Shanghai after 10 years.vtotal n.总数va total ofv我总共有10个好朋友.vI have a total of 10 friends.v他总共吃了10个汉堡.vHe had a total of 10 ha

12、mburgers.vin allvdevote sth.to 把献给v他把生命献给祖国vHe devoted his life to his motherland.v克林顿把这本书献给希拉里vClinton devoted the book to Hillary.v我把自己献给了世界和平vI devoted myself to world peace.vdevotion n.奉献vdevote oneself to 把自己献给;致力于vdevote oneself to n.vdevote oneself to doing sth.v他致力于帮助穷孩子。vHe devotes himself

13、to helping the poor kid.v她致力于保护环境。vShe devotes oneself to protecting environment.vdevotion n.献身、挚爱vthe devotion of parents to their childrengardening n.园艺gardener n.园丁,园艺爱好者garden n.园地(用于种植花、果、菜)We have only a small garden.hobby n.爱好,嗜好What are your bobbies?My bobby is playing cards.hobbyhorse 旋转木马1

14、.I have just received a letter from my old school,informing me that my former headmaster,Mr.Stuart Page,will be retiring next week.vwill be retiring 将来进行时2.Pupils of the school,(old and new),will be sending him a present to mark the occasion.The workers,thirsty and tired,took a rest under the trees.

15、The villagers here,young and old,are interested in gardening.pupil 指中小学的学生student 通指所有的学生send sb.sth.送某人vmark the occasion 纪念这一时候vmark n.标记;v.做标记,纪念vHe marked all the foods which were forbidden with a red pencil.vHis death marked the end of an era.3、All those(who have contributed towards the gift)wi

16、ll sign their names in a large album(which will be sent to the headmasters home.)all those who will do sth.All those who want to go on an excursion will sign their names.All those who will take part in the sports meeting will sign their names.v4、We shall all remember Mr.Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement(he gave us)when we went so unwillingly to school.vremember sb.for sth.v 因为记住某人,记得某人的v我会永远记得你在背后设计陷害我。vIll always remember you for having set me up in the ba


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