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1、lesson39Am I all right?1warming up1.Tell me about yourself.2.1.Have you ever felt sick and been to hospital?3.2.When was the last time you went to hospital?4.3.What was your feeling the first time you see the doctor?5.4.Do you have your favourite doctor?Johns Hopkins Hospital(约翰.霍普金斯医院)the teaching

2、hospital biomedical(生物医学)research facility of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicinefounded using money from a bequest by philanthropist(慈善家)Johns Hopkins.3a not-for-profit organization a medical practice and medical research groupstarted as a single,small outpatient facility,and later became A

3、mericas first integrated group practice,a model that is now standard in the United StatesMayo Clinic(梅约临床和医疗中心)4Dr.Norman Bethune graduating from the University of TorontoAs a surgeon(外科医生),he travelled to Spain(1936-1937)than China(1938-1939)to perform battlefield(战争)surgical operations on war casu

4、alties(受害者).5A nursing assistant,floor nurse,and charge nurse from a small nursing home were taking a lunch break in the break room.In walks a lady dressed in silk scarfs and wearing large polished stoned jewlery(珠宝).I am Gina the Great,stated the lady.I am so pleased with the way you have taken car

5、e of my aunt that I will now grant the next three wishes!With a wave of her hand and a puff of smoke(一缕烟),the room was filled with flowers,fruit and bottles of drink,proving that she did have the power to grant(准许)wishes before any of the nurses could think otherwise.Nurses and a Wish(1)A story on n

6、urse6The nurses quickly aurgued among themselves as to which one would ask for the first wish.Speaking up,the nursing assistant wished first.I wish I were on a tropical(炎热的)island beach,with single,well-built men feeding me fruit and tending to my every need.With a puff of smoke,the nursing assistan

7、t was gone.The floor nurse went next.I wish I were rich and retired and spending my days in my own warm cabin(小木屋)at a ski resort(度假胜地)with well groomed men feeding me doughnuts.With a puff of smoke,she too was gone.Now,what is the last wish?asked the lady.Can you think of the last wish(clew:the fir

8、st two wishes were gone)key:The charge nurse said,I want those two back on the floor at the end of the lunch break.Nurses and a Wish(2)7Nowadays,we connot live without hospital.It is the doctors that save the patients life.But sometimes we may have diffculties in communicating with them.They have th

9、eir so called secrets.Now listen to the story and answer the following question:Why did Mr.Gilbert telephone Dr.Millington?8let us discuss Do doctors have good reasons not always to inform their patients about their conditions?One appropriate answer:doctors do not want their patients to warry too ma

10、chHe asked too many questions and was a pain in a neck(惹麻烦的人)9 Read the text and find answers to these questions:What did Dr.Millington refused to tell his patient?Whom did thpatient telephone next day?Whom did he require about?Did the doctor answer a number of questions about the patient or not?Did

11、 he ask whether the caller was a relative or not?Did the caller then tell him who he was or not?Listen again,and read aloud after the speaker.Think about how the writer organizes the story and try to retell it.John Gilbert-in hospital-asked-operation-refusedfollowing day-telephonealone-Dr.Millington

12、asked-operation-successful-andallow-home-stay-two weeksdoctor asked-relativeNo-answered10John Gilbert asked his doctor _ his operation _ successful,while he was in hospital.He than asked for a _ telephone and telephoned the hospital _ asking for Doctor Millington,since the doctor refuse to tell him.

13、When the doctor answered,he said that he _ about a _ patient,John Gilbert asked _ his operation _ successful.Then the doctor told him that it _.after that he asked when John Gilbert _ be allowed to go home and the doctor told him that he _ have to stay in hospital for another two weeks.At last the d

14、octor asked _ he was the _ of the patient._,the patient answered that he _ John Gilbert.Give the correct form of verbs11John Gilbert asked his doctor whether his operation had been successful,while he was in hospital.He than asked for a bedside telephone and telephoned the hospital exchange asking f

15、or Doctor Millington,since the doctor refuse to tell him.When the doctor answered,he said that he was inquiring about a certain patient,John Gilbert asked whether his operation had been successful.Then the doctor told him that it had been.After that he asked when John Gilbert would be allowed to go

16、home and the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks.At last the doctor asked if he was the relative of the patient.However,the patient answered that he was John Gilbert.12key structuresa.Indirect speech and Direct speecha.the change of tenseeg:John asked:Who can we turn to for help?John asked who they could turn to for help?exercise:The girl asked:Have you seen such a little dog passing by?The girl asked if I had seen such a little dog passing by.13b.tense n


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