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1、1、secretary 2、traffic 3、interrupt 4、ticket 5、note 6、area 7、sign 8、reminder 9、fail 10、obey 11、a polite request 12、feel nervous 13、can not afford to pay such large salaries 14、in a weak voice15、No parking 16、good news 17、look up from 18、a thousand pounds 19、Welcome you to our city.20、He said that busi

2、ness was very bad.Whats your hobby?(A)I like flying a kite.(B)I like bike-riding.(C)I like going shopping.(D)I like singing.(I)I like drawing.(F)I like swimming.Lets have a look!What do you like doing?Who can be your friends?Talk about your family Ask your partner.Whats the hobby in his/her familyFa

3、mily memberHobbygrandfathergrandmotherFatherMother I Because he enjoys sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭,孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪 It is a means of relaxation.He enjoys the peace of mind.醉翁亭记 欧阳修 环滁皆山也。其西南诸峰,林壑尤美。望之蔚然而深秀者,琅琊也。山环滁皆山也。其西南诸峰,林壑尤美。望之蔚然而深秀者,琅琊也。山行六七里,渐闻水声潺潺,而泄出于两峰之间者,酿泉也。峰回路转,有亭行六



6、然白发,颓乎其间者,太守醉也。筹交错,坐起而喧哗者,众宾欢也。苍然白发,颓乎其间者,太守醉也。已而夕阳在山,人影散乱,太守归而宾客从也。树林阴翳,鸣声上下,已而夕阳在山,人影散乱,太守归而宾客从也。树林阴翳,鸣声上下,游人去而禽鸟乐也。然而禽鸟知山林之乐,而不知人之乐;人知从太守游而游人去而禽鸟乐也。然而禽鸟知山林之乐,而不知人之乐;人知从太守游而乐,而不知太守之乐其乐也。醉能同其乐,醒能述以文者,太守也。太守谓乐,而不知太守之乐其乐也。醉能同其乐,醒能述以文者,太守也。太守谓谁?庐陵欧阳修也。谁?庐陵欧阳修也。What do you think of fishing now?Fishing

7、is old mans favourite sport.Fishing is.Fishing is good for our health.Fishing is boring.Fishing is a waste of time if you cant catch anything.1.Fishing is my favourite sport.2.I often fish for hours without catching anything.3.Instead of catching fish,they catch old boots and rubbish.4.After having

8、spent whole morning on the rive,I always go home with an empty bag.5.You must give up fishing!6.Im not really interested in fishing.I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.1、动名词做主语,介词后面加动名词,、动名词做主语,介词后面加动名词,固定词组固定词组 如:如:enjoy/finish/mind/practice/keep/cant help doing,feel

9、like doing,need doing,find/see/hear sb.doing sth./be busy doin/spend(in)doing sth.2.Instead of/instead3.Without/with4.even less lucky修饰比较级修饰比较级:much/a little/far/a lot5.real/really/realize/understand6.sb.be interested in /sth.is interesting excited/exciting,surprised/surprising,tired/tiringHe is strange.He likes being quiet.1.Where do you live?2.Do you like living there?Why?3.What kind of noises can you hear where you live?4.Do you like live in the country?5.What things can make you mad?


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