新概念英语第二册 Lesson33课件

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1、Lesson33Outofthedarknessdarkness n.黑暗explain v.解释,说明coast n.海岸storm n.暴风雨towards prep.朝,向,接近rock n.岩石shore n.海岸light n.灯光ahead adv.在前面cliff n.峭壁struggle v.挣扎hospital n.医院New words and expressinosFirstlistenandthenanswerthequestionHowmanymilesdidsheswimthatnight?Wheredidshefindherselfadaylater?Whywas

2、thegirlinthatplace?darkness n.黑暗;暗黑暗;暗out of the darkness 冲出黑暗冲出黑暗The room was in darkness 房间一片漆黑房间一片漆黑构词法构词法dark (黑暗的黑暗的)+ness(名词后缀名词后缀)=darknesscareful(细心的细心的)+ness=carefulness(仔细仔细)good+ness=goodness(仁慈仁慈)explain vt&vi 说明说明,阐明阐明;解释解释,辩解辩解The girl was able to explain what had happened 那个女孩能够讲述发生了什

3、么那个女孩能够讲述发生了什么.Explain what this word means.解释这个词的含义解释这个词的含义explain away 搪塞(过失搪塞(过失,怀疑)怀疑)explain oneself 说明自己的意思,为自己辩解说明自己的意思,为自己辩解explain sth as sth 把把解释为解释为explaination n.说明解释说明解释You must give me an explanation.你必须给我解释解释你必须给我解释解释.同义词同义词interpret v.(用知识,理解,信念等等用知识,理解,信念等等)解释)解释 coast n.海岸海岸 shore

4、n.海岸海岸She set out from a coast.他从海岸出发他从海岸出发seashore n.海岸海岸beach n.沙滩沙滩bank n.河岸,坝,堤河岸,坝,堤 storm n.暴风暴风(雨雨)She was caught in a storm.她遇上了风暴她遇上了风暴storm in a teacup 小题大做小题大做snowstorm n.暴风雪暴风雪thunderstorm n.气气雷暴,雷雨雷暴,雷雨范围渐小towardsprep.向,朝,接近Wehavetotryhardtowardssuccess.我们要努力朝成功前进Heiswalkingtowardshere.









13、灯光是高高的峭壁。8.Onarrivingattheshore,thegirlstruggleduptheclifftowardsthelightshehadseen.on+doing相当于assoonas刚听到这个消息,她就晕了过去。Onhearingthenews,shefainted.=Whensheheardthenews,shefaint.刚到家,天就开始下雨了。Onarrivinghome,itbegantorain.Whenshearrivedhome,itbegantorain.如果是两个不同的主语,则不能使用 “on+动名词”的结构!9.Thatwasallsherememb

14、ered.Whenshewokeupadaylater,shefoundherselfinhospital.他所记得的就是这些。第二天她醒来时,发现自己躺在医院里。Reviewnearly was able to happened Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.set out from caught in One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a st

15、orm.evening struck a rockTowards evening,the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea.swam to spending the whole nightThen she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.cover 8 milesDuring that time she covered a distance of eight miles.morning light Early next morning

16、,she saw a light ahead.near the shore high up cliffsShe knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs.arrive struggle up the cliffOn arriving at the shore,the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen.rememberThat was all she remembered.wake find herselfWhen she woke up a day later,she found herself in hospital Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and w


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