专家:日本因中国崛起陷困境 卑躬屈膝求美支持.doc

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1、专家:日本因中国崛起陷困境 卑躬屈膝求美支持谈中日缓和还不到时候廉德瑰17日,中国商务部长高虎城在青岛举行的亚太经合组织贸易部长会议中,利用会议休息时间与日本经济产业大臣茂木敏充进行了20分钟的交谈。在中日关系陷入僵局的大背景下,双方高级别官员的见面固然会引起人们对两国关系前景的某种联想,然而,真正改善关系还得靠诚意,如果没有诚意,见面再多也无济于事。其实,自日本“购岛”以来,两国领导人在多边场合并未完全回避礼节性“交谈”,最近,日方重量级政治家也频频访华为改善关系探路摸底,结果怎样呢?还不是要听其言观其行。解铃还须系铃人,如果日方只是空喊和解,言行不一,表里不一,还是于事无补。目前中日关系的


3、史问题进行道歉。一边破坏中日关系的政治基础,一边空谈改善关系,安倍的逻辑实在令人匪夷所思。 中日关系呈现合则两利,斗则互损的特点,稍有政治常识和战略常识的人都不难理解这一真理。中国作为巨大的市场对日本经济具有巨大的吸引力,而日本的投资与技术对于中国的发展也至关重要,两国经济的互补性显而易见。今年1-4月的日本对华投资同比下降46.8%,这对两国都不是利好消息。战术的互损,已经影响了战略的互惠。在环境领域,相邻的两国有着密切的关联性,再加上气候、海洋的息息相通,只有密切合作才能共享成果。 另外,日本现在似乎由于中国的崛起而陷入一种莫名其妙的安全困境,于是,不惜卑躬屈膝地祈求美国的战略支持,以制衡

4、中国。然而,与其热衷以冷战为基础的权力游戏,不如接受以合作、互信、双赢为基础的新安全思考。 如今的日本经济步履维艰,日本财政捉襟见肘,却不得不因为某些蹩脚政客的愚蠢外交战略买单。其实,退一步海阔天空,连续夺岛演习,不如搁置争议;为历史翻案,不如就历史反省;解禁集体自卫权,不如坚持和平发展道路。如果一味坚持错误观点,总试图得寸进尺,既无诚意,又不尊重对方,那么,即使官员的礼节性见面又有什么实质意义?即便是首脑会谈又能解决什么问题?不知日本政客能否理解这一简单而重要的道理?When talking about detente between China and Japan is less than

5、Toward a rose17, Chinese minister of commerce gao hucheng apec trade ministers meeting held in Qingdao, the use of meeting breaks with the Japanese economy, trade and industry minister shigeru wood min charge for 20 minutes of conversation. In sino-japanese relations under the background of an impas

6、se, the two sides meet high level officials are likely to cause the people on the future of the relations between the two countries certain associations, however, truly improve relations also depends on the sincerity, if there is no sincerity, meet again much also of no help.Actually, since Japans

7、buy island, the leaders of the two countries in the multilateral occasions has not fully avoid courtesy talk, recently, the Japanese heavyweight politicians also frequently visit China to improve the relationship between scout a baseline, the result? Also dont want to and listening. Better still mus

8、t untie, if Japan just crying reconciliation, duplicity, and duplicity, nothing.The sticking point of the relations between China and Japan have nothing but two, territorial and historical issues. Japan in the history of the two problems, is not satisfied. Territory is generally difficult to solve,

9、so temporarily suspended, the tail from wagging the dog is smart, but Japan is insatiable, do research, built a lighthouse, nationalization, step-by-step, to realize the so-called pragmatic rule, also deck oneself out and frighten people, trying to drag the United States, water containing China, tou

10、gh attitude, not a trace of sincerity.History is the important factors influencing the national relationship, Japanese authorities if you still want to political and economic cooperation with China, must be cautious on historical understanding, face up to history, for the Chinese peoples forgiveness

11、. But following Japans hawkish politicians to power, tried to turn over the history of aggression, destroy the post-war order, visits to the yasukuni shrine, stimulate the neighboring relationship. Mr Abe side information, request a summit talks, while advocating China threat to Europe, also said do

12、nt want to learn German to apologize on historical issues. Destroy the political basis of sino-japanese relations, while talking to improve relations, Mr Abes logic is inconceivable.China-japan relations and noble, can damage, the characteristics of each slight political knowledge and strategic know

13、ledge are not difficult to understand this truth. China, as a huge market for the Japanese economy has great attraction, and Japanese investment and technology is vital for the development of China, economic complementarity of the two countries is obvious. 1 - the Japanese investment in China in Apr

14、il this year fell 46.8% year on year, this is not a good news to both sides. Tactics of mutual damage, have influenced the strategy of mutual benefit. In the field of environment, the adjacent two state-owned close correlation, combined with the climate, understands the ocean, only close cooperatio

15、n can share the results.In addition, Japan now seems to be due to the rise of China into a puzzling security dilemma, so willing to stoop to pray for Americas strategic support, in order to balance China. However, rather than dedicated power game of on the basis of the cold war, than to accept on th

16、e basis of cooperation, mutual trust, win-win new safety thinking.Today Japans economy struggling, Japans fiscal position, have to pay because of some bad politicians stupid diplomatic strategy. In fact, take a step back seasky, continuous duos exercise, as the story; In history, it would be better history reflection; Ban on collective self-defence, not equal to adhere to the path


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