2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit10(7)教案 苏教牛津版

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《2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit10(7)教案 苏教牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit10(7)教案 苏教牛津版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit10(7)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容:PartD Look and talk .教学目标:1 能通过复习,使学生对以前所学过的单词能熟练掌握。2 能运用学过的语言合理组织对话内容。教学进程:Step1 Warm up1. Greetings .2. Sing a song Perhaps 3. Free talk .主要围绕Whats the time ?进行。Step2 Play games 1. Look and say 采用“快速闪动”的形式复习文具、动物类、玩具类的单词。2. Listen and do 复习动作类、感觉类单词。Iill /ti

2、red /thirsty /hungry /hot /cold Step3 Look and talk .1.用实物投影仪展开图片,让学生仔细看图数分钟,随后隐去,师针对图片进行提问。如:T:What can you see in the picture ?S: I can see a bag .T: What colour is the bag ?S: Its blue .T: Whose bag is it ?S: Its Liu Taos .2.生仔细看图,用下列句式讨论图片内容,师先示范。T:What can you see in the picture ?S: I can see T

3、: Where is /are theS: Its /Theyre T: Whose is it /are they?S: Its /Theyre 3.生自编对话表演。 师先示范,然后生在小组内练习。Step 4 Do exercises .1.Look and write .1) Look at the dog . Its nice .Whose dog is it? Its Helens .2) Where are the gloves ? Theyre on the bed .Step5 Goodbye . 第五课时教学内容:做练习册教学目标: 通过复习操练,让学生熟练掌握运用本学期所学

4、的内容。教学进程:Step1 Warm up 1. Greetings .师生间运用所学交际用语进行交际。2. Sing songs Perhaps Whats the matter3. On duty .(值日生进行值日汇报)4. Free talk .四人一组进行连锁问答操练。主要复习本册教材所学的交际用语。Step2做练习册。1 A Listen ,find and circle .a. 看图,听录音,初步感知。b. Listen and do .c. 校对。2 B Listen and number .a. 生先看图,明确图意。b. Listen and number .c. 校对。3

5、 C Listen and respond a. 看图,听录音,整体感知。b. 再听,个别回答。c. 听录音,齐声回答。4D Look ,match and write .a. 生先看图,再用英语说。b. 动手写。5. E Put the words in the correct order .6. F Read and fill in the form .a. Read the text .b. Fill in the form c. Check .Step3 Goodbye.课后笔记:1.在引导学生复习单词、句型时,主要让学生利用图片、物品在丰富多彩的游戏中进行,如“Polly says”

6、、“招兵买马”、“滚雪球”等并注意对以前所学内容加以综合,培养学生综合运用语言的能力,提高学生语言交际能力。2.为了更好地激发学生参与的积极性,在教学中充分利用竞赛形式,让学生在欢快紧张气氛中集中注意力,既培养他们合作精神、集体荣誉感,又激发他们学习英语的兴趣,为他们的终身学习作了良好铺垫。3.在教学中教师要注意调控操练要面广、频率高,所练词句不必拘于书所呈现,而应放手让学生结合所学习尽量多说多练,全面促进学生运用语言能力的提高。附送:2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit11 period1教案 广东版开心一、 Target: 1 Whose skateboard is this? I

7、ts my skateboard. Whose stuffed toy is this? Its mine.2 Look out! You can hove it.二、Key: mine yours his hers ours theirs Jennys Gogos三、Difference: Whose skateboard is this? Its my skateboard. Whose stuffed toy is this? Its mine .四、教学过程: 第一课时 P55P56一、Revision复习型容词性物主代词(结合实际,实物提问)What is your name? My

8、 name is -What is this /that/these/those二、New Lesson1.T: (指着一块滑板)What is that? It is a skateboard.2.同样方法学习其它。3.Lets listen to the tape .Point to the pictures.4.Lets listen again and repeat.5.分角色朗读。6.小组分角色朗读7.分4个小组表演三、New Lesson1.把图画卡片 65-72贴在黑板2.T(举起画片)Tony says “This is my skateboard .”(指着滑板)My ska

9、teboard . Repeat(My skateboard) Mine . Repeat.3.继续学习其他图片。先谈物品,如:your notebook, his balloon, Gogos stuffed animal.然后学词汇-yours his Gogos-4.T: Listen to the tape and repeat .Point to each word as you say is . T: Whose balloon is it? It is his.5.Play a game .GuessAsk: What is this ? Is this a pencil cas

10、e? Is it big or small? Whose is it ? Whose is it? Whose are these?四、Teach Target. Listen and say.1.请两个学生到前面2.把图片43 发给学生。Ask: Whose sofa is this? Repeat.3.教师给一张图44 It is theirs. Repeat4.T: Whose wallet is this? It is his /hers.5.Open the books. Listen to the tape and repeat.五、Play a game 分小组玩“guess”(用身边物)Whose - is this?六、Homework:表演对话,听写课本单词。


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