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1、2020-2021学年广东省广州市天河区六年级上期末英语试卷一.听力(共2小题,总分值10分,每题5分)1.(5分)听录音,选出你听到的单词,并将字母代号填在括号内,每题读三遍.(1) A. amB. isC. are(2) A. goodB morningC. afternoon(3) A. cakeB. catC. kite(4) A. upB. onC. down(5) A. mouthB - motherC. monster(6) A. sitB sisterC. stand(7) A. dogB, pandaC. cat(8) A. oneB. eightC. twelve(9) A

2、. blackB greenC. yellow(10) A. twoB. fiveC. nine2.(5分)听录音,选出你所听到的字母、数字、单词、词组或句子,并把其字母序号填入题前的横线上.每题读两遍.(1)A. take turnsB talk quietlyC. take a dancing class(2)A. play sportsB play the pipaC. play ping - pong(3)A. go shoppingB go for a walkC. go on a picnic(4)A - What are they doing ?B. When do you ge

3、t up?C. Whose is it?(5)A. The books are yours.B The books are Amys.C The books are ours.二.听力(共1小题,总分值5分,每题5分)3.(5分)听句子,选择最正确答语.每个句子读两遍.(1)A. Here you are.B Thank you .C. No, thanks.(2)A. He is my father.B. He is a farmer.C. Yes, he is.(3)A. Yes, he is.B. No, it isnft.C. Yes, she is.(4)A. Yes, I can.

4、B. No, I can*t.C. No, you can*t.第1页共21页(3)A. Yes, he is.B. No, it isn*t.C. Yes, she is.(4)A . Yes, I can.B. No, I can*t.C. No, you can*t.(5)A. Here you are.B. Yes, please.C Thanks .答案:略三.听力(共1小题,总分值10分,每题10分)4.(10分)听录音两遍,选出正确的答语.(1)A. Fm ten years old.B. Here you are.C. Hi, Sam.(2)A. Welcome.B Youre

5、 welcomeC. Cool! I like it.(3)A. Have some bread.B. ThanksC. Thank you.(4)A. Its fat.B. Ifs bigC. Its a bear.(5)A. OK.B. Me too.C. Great!答案:1. C 2. B 3. A4. C 5. A四.听力(共1小题,总分值5分,每题5分)5 .(5分)听录音,填入所缺内容.(1) - - Whats your Chinese teacher like?-She is and kind.(2) - - What can you do for the party?-I

6、can draw and.(3) I often do on the weekend.(4) In my room, there is a on the wall.(5) - - What do you have on ?-We have maths, science and PE.答案:听录音,填入所缺内容.(2分)义5=10分)五.听力(共1小题,总分值5分,每题5分)6 .(5分)听音区分 判断以下句子与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符.(1) This is my parents* house. (2) I live near the nature park. (3) 1 see a mo

7、use behind my computer. (4) Please dont eat too much!第10页共21页(5) There are pictures and photos everywhere. 答案:听音区分 判断以下句子与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符.(每题(1分),共5分)答案:1 - - 5 FTFTF六.填空题(共1小题,总分值5分,每题5分)7. (5 分) dog duck egg book panda pen milk crayon catjuice学习用具:食品: 动物:答案:考查类别分类.学习用具:.book书,pen钢笔,crayon蜡笔都是学习用品.应

8、选:.食品:.egg蛋,milk牛奶, juice果汁者B是食物.应选:.动物:.dog狗,duck鸭,panda熊猫,cat猫都是动物.应选:.七.填空题(共2小题,总分值10分)8.(10分)根据图片及首字母提示,把句子中所缺的单词补充完整.(1) There is a m odem school in my hometown.(2) The man was hungry and ate his f ood in a hurry.(3) I felt bad because I had a f ever last night.(4) The woman s aw a boat in the

9、 sea.(5) I went to the countryside to p ick f ruit last Farmers Harvest Festival.(6) They looked at e ach o thee and soon had an idea.(7) The nurse took good care of the old woman until she felt b etter .第11页共21页(8) My mother was happy because I g ave her some beautiful flowers.答案:(1) modern.考查形容词.观

10、察图片并结合首字母可知,这是一座现代化的教学 楼.现代化的,即modern.故填:modern.(2) food.考查名词.观察图片并结合首字母可知,这个人很饿,在吃食物.食物,即 food.故填:food.(3) fever.考查名词.观察图片并结合首字母可知,我昨晚发烧了,即had a fever.故 填:fever.(4) saw.考查动词过去式.图片中的女人在海里看到了一只船,看到了,表示的是一 般过去时,see的过去式是saw.故填:saw.(5) pick fruit.考查动词短语.观察图片并结合首字母可知,我去摘水果了,动词不定 式to后接动词原形,即pick fruit.故填:

11、pick fruit.(6) each other.考查短语.观察图片并结合首字母可知,图中的两个人相互看着对方.对 方,BP: each other.故填:each other.(7) better.考查形容词比拟级.图中的护士正在照顾老太太,推测句意:护士悉心照 料老太太,直到她感觉好些为止.feel better感觉好多了,故填:better.(8) gave.考查动词过去式.观察图片并结合首字母可知,小女孩给妈妈花,由was可 知题干是一般过去时,give给用过去式gave.故填:gave.9.补全以下对话.- -What color do you like?- -I like (1)

12、 g reen !我喜欢绿色!- -I like (2) b rown !我喜欢棕色!- -Colors (3) m ake me happy !颜色使我感到开心!- -I like (4) all the colors!我喜欢所有的颜色!答案:(1) green.考查形容词.like喜欢,后面缺少“绿色”的英文表达,译为:green.故 填:green.(2) brown.考查形容词.like后面缺少“棕色”的英文表达,译为:brown.故填:brown.(3) make me happy.考查短语.colors颜色,空格缺少”使我感到开心”的英文表达,译 为:make me happy.主

13、语是复数,谓语动词用原形即可.故填:make me happy.(4) all.考查限定词.这里缺少“所有的“中文翻译,译为:all.故填:all.八.选择题(共15小题,总分值15分,每题1分)第12页共21页10. (1 分)Do you have art room?()A. aB. anC. /答案:考查不定冠词.这里表示:一个美术教室,是泛指,用不定冠词a/an art是以元 音音素开头的单词,所以不定冠词为an. a用于非元音音素开头的单词前.应选:B.11. (1 分)What do you do Thanksgiving Day?()A. inB. onC. about答案:考查

14、时间介词.Thanksgiving感恩节,在具体某一天用on. in+较大的时间范围, 如月份,上下午等;about表示:关于.应选:B.12. (1 分)-Don,t listen Sam, Bobby.- OK.()A. /B. forC. to答案:考查短语.根据句意别听Sam的,考查固定短语listent。听应选:C.13. (1 分)My favourite food noodles.()A. amB. isC. are答案:考查主谓一致.根据题干:food是不可数名词,根据主谓一致原那么,谓语动词用 第三人称单数形式is.应选:B.14. (1 分)-Would you like mushrooms, Sam?-Yes, please, but there isnt on the table.()A. one; someB. some; anyC. any; any答案:考查形容词词义辨析.第一个空,表示要求,且希望对方肯定回答,用some修饰 mushrooms;第二个空,isnt可知,答语是否认句,一般否认句用any指代物品.应选:B.15. (1 分) Wang Bing and Mike usually at six fifteen.()A. has dinnerB. have a dinnerC. have dinner答案:此题考查动词的原形.从usual


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