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1、电教优质课教案Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music? Section A(Period 1)安阳县安丰乡第一初级中学 孟庆云Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ? Section A(Period 1)Teaching goals:1. 学习Would you mind doing sth ?这一句型,学会恳请对方对于某事如何表达歉意。2. 本课围绕“恳请和歉意”这一话题展开教学,以此培养学生的交际能力。Important points :A: Would you mind doing st

2、h ?B: Im sorry .Ill do it right away .A: Would you mind not doing sth ?B: Sorry. Well go and play in the park .Difficult points :比较: Would you mind (not) doing sth ? Could you please do sth ? Please do sth . You have to do sth .Structures:Would you mind cleaning your room ?Im sorry .Ill do it right

3、away .Would you mind moving your bike ?No, not at all .Ill do it right away .Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inPlay the music loudly. Ask students if they like it. If not ,what will they say? Compare their answers, lead-in new lesson. Explain that the first example is a very polite way of making a r

4、equest .Step 2 PresentationFirst Show five pictures with key words. key phrases and key sentenses.Let students try to understand them. Tell students how to make a request politely.Then the teacher asks students what they will say if somebody says “would you mind?”Let students say their answers. Seco

5、ndly show four pictures ,tell students how to apologize politely. And let students follow the teacher to read. Thirdly make a conclusion about how to make requests and apologize politely.Step 3 Listening practicePoint to the four requests in the box .Say each phrase to the class and ask the Ss to re

6、peat it .Point to the picture .Ask Ss to write the letter of each request in the correct place in the picture .Correct the answers .Point to the list of requests in activity 1a.Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen .Play the recording a second time .Correct the answers .Step 4 PairworkAs

7、k two students to read the words in the sample dialogue in activity 1c. Say, Youll work with your partner .Make requests .Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class .Step 5 Listening practiceRead the instructions in 2a with the students .Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen .

8、Play the recording a second time .Ask Ss to write the number of each conversation .Correct the answers.Point out the five responses in activity 2b .Ask different Ss to read each one to the class .Play the recording , this time ask Ss to fill in the letters of the pictures in front of the responses .

9、Correct the answers .Step 6 PairworkAsk two Ss to read the words in the sample dialogue .Say, Make conversations like this about the information above .Step 7 Review the grammar about “would you mind” and “mind”.Ask students to talk about the differences among the different sentences .Step 8 Exercis

10、e: Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.1.您能教我吗? Would you mind_? 2. 请你递给我一些水好吗?Would you mind _?3. 你介意回答一些个人问题吗?Would you mind _? 4. 要是我早一点回家,你反对吗?Would you mind _? Step 9 HomeworkCan you see any bad things to destroy(破坏)our environment(环境)in your life? What things do you dislike?

11、 If some uncultured(不文明的) things happen around you,what should you do? If others dont accept your advice,what will you do? Please write a passage to talk about your thoughts(想法).One possible version(范文):When I see someone litter about(扔垃圾),I can be very angry.If that happens around me,I would say to

12、 himpolitely,Excuse me,would you mind not littering about and would you mind picking it up?”If he doesnt listen to me,I would pick it up and set an example(树立榜样) to him.I think usually it would make his face turn red and perhaps he would not do that again.Its everyones duty to protect the environment.4


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