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1、The reflection on speaking learning at the beginning of English learning Name: Shao Ning Number:2013114660When we mention about English learning, listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four main parts. Speaking is the most important part for the sake of the communicative function. Especial

2、ly to the students in the primary school, listening is the basic and speaking is the target. So as a primary school English teacher, speaking puzzled me a lot. But I always try to find a way to solve the problems as possible. So reflective practice helps me a lot in English teaching. Now Im going to

3、 show a case about how to solve “parroting” of the lower grade pupils to expound the way how I think and work. “Parroting” is a universal phenomenon among the lower grade pupils. So what is parroting? For example, if the teacher asks ”How are you?”,they can answer with “Fine, thinks”, ”Im fine.” ,“v

4、ery well.”, “Not so bad” and so on. But if the first student answers with “Fine, thinks”. Most of the students following will use the same answer. There may be two reasons for this as I think. First, they have no confidence to give the right answer because they havent learned English for a long time

5、. Theyre afraid to make mistakes. Second, they are lack of English thinking ability, so they have difficulty in extracting the information from the mind. It makes them hard to put the information out. In a long time, when I try to practice what we have learned, they always use the only one of all th

6、e possible answers. The effect of practicing is not so well. I think it over and try to find the solutions. I know I must do something to it. I think the reason why they parrot just because they are afraid of making mistakes and dont want to take any risks. So they choose to repeat what the others s

7、ay because thats the easiest way for them to answer correctly. To solve their mental barriers is an efficient way on this aspect. So I begin to give a lot of encouragement to my students when they answer my questions or work in groups. If one student comes up with a different answer when most studen

8、ts repeat the same one, I will commend him or her immediately. Let them know the importance to have their own thoughts. They may be encouraged to challenge themselves. If they make a mistake, I try to solve in following ways. If the content is the key point of that lesson, we must correct it. Let hi

9、m or her finish their answer, then the teacher rectifies it. Give him or her a chance to answer the question again and give him or her some applause. If the content is not a key point or has not been learned, I will not correct him particularly. For example, when I ask the question “Who is Johns Eng

10、lish teacher?” after reading a dialogue, one student answers”is Miss White”. They dont know the form of a sentence in English. Its OK, correction is not so important here. The most important thing is not making them afraid to open their mouth and just say it. To aim at the second reason why they lik

11、e to parrot, I try to practice their ability of thinking stage by stage while keeping their mouth open. In the first stage, I will invite 2 or 3 excellent students to answer the question to demonstrate how to work before the whole class start to work at the very beginning. Then the class and me work

12、 out all the possible answers together and show the key information on the blackboard. This is an important step to write down the key information in order to let their reading ability to help their thinking ability (Let their eyes to share the brains task.). Now they are capable enough to show more

13、 answers. The possibility they just repeat reduces because its easier for them to output the language. This stage may last for 2 months in grade 3. With the help of the first stage, the students almost abandon the habits of parroting. In the second stage, I increase the degree of difficulty to pract

14、ice their thinking ability. We still talk about the question together and try to list out the possible answers but I dont write down the key words on the blackboard anymore. Then make the students to do pair or group work by asking and answering. At last they make oral presentations. There is just a

15、 small change from stage 1 to stage 2, but I think it can make differences to the way of thinking. And their thinking ability will get a promotion. Stage 1 is a kind of conversation with the help of reading. In the last stage, I just need to create a specific situation for students to make dialogues

16、. In the three stages, the teachers timely intervention is quite important. For example, when we are answering the question:”What do you like?” The first student answers:” I like playing football.” The following students will answer:”I like playing basketball.”, “I like playing ping-pong”. Now I will say:”I like reading books and watching TV. How about you?” they will come up with more activities. Then I interrupt:”You can talk about colors,


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