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1、试析老人与海的悲喜色彩AbstractTerse words, vivid images, copious emotions and profound thoughts were the outstanding features of The Old Man and the Sea. The novella was one of Hemingways masterpieces, which solidly confirmed the renown of him and made him one of the most influential writers in American histor

2、y.In this novel, two opposites existing side by side depended on each other and were unified, namely, Hemingway created the delightful characters and plots. On the other hand, he created tragic ambience in the whole novel. People could find the plot of tragedy from the old man. At the same time, the

3、y could also feel the inspiring strength from him; the big marlin lived in the Gulf Stream, a place far away from the old man, but it was doomed to be a tragedy when the old man went far out. It fought against the old man for three days and nights which was also inspiring.This thesis has analyzed th

4、e old man and the big marlin separately to demonstrate that they contained both delightful and tragic facets, which brought about the novels success and novelty. The combination of the two facets was the soul of the whole story and gave the novel oneness.Key Words:tragedy; delightfulness; failure; s

5、uccess 摘 要海名威以其简洁的文字,鲜明的形象,丰富的感情和深刻的思想成就了著名的老人与海。牢固确立了他在美国历史上的地位,使他成为美国历史上最具影响的作家之一。小说中存在两个对立面,这两个对立面同时也是相互依存、统一的。即海明威在作品创作中既创造了让人感到振奋的角色和情节,又让其带有了一定的悲剧色彩。人们从老人身上既能读出悲哀的情节,也能感到一股鼓舞人心的力量;大马林鱼生活在遥远的海湾,它碰上了老人是它命运的悲剧,但它与老人三天三夜的拼搏精神也是鼓舞人心的。本课题分别对小说中的老人、大马林鱼做了详细的分析,论证了老人、大马林鱼集悲喜于一体,展示了小说的成功之处和新颖之处,这样的悲与喜相

6、结合是小说的灵魂,赋予了小说统一性。关键词: 悲剧性;令人愉快;失败;胜利 IntroductionHemingways story began by depicting the interaction between the two primary characters as they prepared their fishing gear for the following day near a Gulf Stream harbor in 1940s. The opening profile was Santiago, the “old man” in the title, and the

7、 character throughout the story. He was a Cuban fisherman, described as being old in every way except his eyes, which “were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated”(Hemingway, 4). Although Santiago had not caught a fish for eighty-four days, he ignored the jeers and pity of other

8、fishermen, and returned to the sea in his skiff day after day. Santiagos attitude seemed to be that although he was faced with tragedy - as everyone was sooner or later in life - he would not cease struggling. Relying on memories of his youth, news of the Great DiMaggios recovery from injury, and th

9、oughts of the boy, Santiago had the courage to resolutely go on taking pains throughout the story. By struggling against a big marlin for three days and nights, he finally killed it. But several groups of sharks frequently attacked the dead marlin on the way. He did not take the whole of it back at

10、last but just its head, tail and the whole spine. This novel has been studied by so many people and given different perspectives as follows:Iceberg Theory Embodied in the Old Man and the Sea:“One eighths of an iceberg is above the water, while seven eighths is underneath the water. Profound levels o

11、f meaning and strong emotions will not enchant you until you dive into the water”(Guo Xiaozheng, 15).Analysis on Metaphor Used in the Novel:“Ernest Hemingway employed metaphors. In the novels that Ernest Hemingway wrote, he used metaphors to reflect his life experiences and opinions. He believed tha

12、t in life everyone must find their own niche and used the metaphor of the ocean and the boats on it to demonstrate this”(Gao Wei, 78).The Role of Manolin and His Relationship with Santiago:“Conversations between Santiago and Manolin were added to the beginning and the end of the fishing tale. The co

13、nversational frame established a relationship between Manolin and Santiago which made Santiago complete his significant exploration and return with marlin carcass”(Tao Jie,120).The Old Man Was the Incarnation of Christ:“ The old man had experienced two processes of being nailed by the crucifix. Thes

14、e plots showed he had no difference with that of Christ”(Wu Lao, 4).Analysis of Heroism Reflected in The Old Man and the Sea:“ He hooked a big marlin. This was one of his successes. He drove away the sharks from time to time on his way home even though his fish was almost eaten up by the sharks. Thi

15、s was his second success- the success in spirit”(Gao Wei, 80).Studies about these aspects mentioned above were really deep and comprehensive. They gave a lot of references to readers and helped them with comprehension this novel. The opinions were reasonable, receivable and valuable. However, few pe

16、ople have talked about the tragic ambience blended harmoniously in this novel. They had even ignored one thing- everything has double characters. This novel was actually a combination of the tragic and delightful facet. The characters in the story contained the two aspects which were oppositions in logic, but unity seen from the whole story. So this thesis will give the novel new soul and provide another way of appreciating it to


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