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1、第一部分阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ARead the following advertisements and answer the questions.Japanese Restaurant(free parking)Open timeLunch 12:002:00 pmDinner 6:0010:00 pmMonday to Saturdaya beautiful gift for thefirst comerMcDonalds$6Monday to Sunday10:00 am9:30 pm70% off for studentsNo.

2、18 Centre Street LondonSpecial Place$5 for each personTuesdayFriday7nights12:002:00 pm5:3011:30 pmSea Fast Food ClubBreakfast by the sea来源:学科网Saturday & Sunday6:009:00 amMilkEggBread1According to the four advertisements,you can go to_for breakfast on Saturday.AJapanese RestaurantBSpecial PlaceCMcDon

3、alds DSea Fast Food Club2Students can pay_for a hamburger at McDonalds.A$4.2B$6C$3.6 D$1.83If you want to eat at 10:00 at night on Sunday,where can you go?AJapanese Restaurant.BSpecial Place.CSea Fast Food Club. DMcDonaldsBMany people believe eating healthily is expensiveand more costly than buying

4、junk foods. But our new research,published in the BMC Public Health,shows this isnt the truth.Most of the Australian family food budget(预算)is being spent on junk foods and drinks that are high in fat,sugar and salt.Less than 7% of Australians eat healthily. The Australian adults get at least 35% of

5、their energy from junk foods and drinks. As a result,twothirds of adults(63%)and onequarter of children are overweight.We used the Australian Health Survey 20112013 and the suggestions of the Australian Dietary Guidelines to model healthy diets for a family of two adults and two children every two w

6、eeks. We collected food prices in supermarkets and stores in highand lowsocioeconomic (社会经济地位低的)areas in Brisbane,and compared the diet prices with family incomes.In both areas,a family of two adults and two children spends about 18% more on present diets than would be required to buy healthy diets.

7、 About 58% of the food budget for present diets is spent on junk foods,including takeaway foods(14%),and sugary drinks(4%)In the lowsocioeconomic area,a family of two adults and two children spends $640.20 every two weeks on their present diets,but could buy a healthy diet for $560.93 every two week

8、s.In the highsocioeconomic area,these numbers are $661.92 and $580.01.Supermarket food prices were about 3% higher in the highsocioeconomic location. Takeaway foods were also relatively more expensive,but sugary drinks were priced similarly in both areas.Present diets cost more than healthy diets,so

9、 causes other than price must be helping to drive preferences for unhealthy choices.来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K4What did the researchers find? AAustralians have a preference for sweet foods.BMost Australian kids have fat problems.CHalf Australians live on junk foods.DMost Australians eat unhealthily.5How did th

10、e researchers get the result?ABy making a comparison.BBy doing the study online.CBy carrying out interviews.DBy asking personal questions.6What can we learn from Paragraph 5?AAustralian foods are healthier.BA healthy diet is actually cheaper.CHealthy foods are becoming more expensive.DPeople choose

11、junk foods for their low prices.7What might a following paragraph be about?AThe harm of junk foods.BHow we can eat healthily.CWhy people choose junk foods.DThe advantages of a healthy diet.c“Old wives tales” are beliefs passed down from one generation to another. For example,most of us remember our

12、parents telling us to eat more of certain foods or not to do certain things. Is there any truth in these teachings?Some of them agree with present medical thinking,but others have not passed the test of time.Did your mother ever tell you to eat carrots because they are good for your eyes? Scientists

13、 now report that eating carrots can help prevent a serious eye disease called macular degeneration. Eating just one carrot a day can reduce the possibility of getting this disease by 40%.Garlic(蒜)is good for you, too. It can kill the type of virus that causes colds.Unfortunately,not all of mums advi

14、ce passed the test of medical studies. For example,generations of children have been told not to go swimming within an hour after eating. But research suggests that there is no danger in doing so. Do sweets cause tooth problems? Well,yes and no. Sticky sweets made with grains tend to cause more prob

15、lems than sweets made with simple sugars.Even though science can tell us that some of our traditional beliefs dont hold water,there is still a lot of truth in the old wives tales. After all,much of this knowledge has been accumulated(积累)from thousands of years of experience in family health care. We should respect this body of knowledge even as we search for clear scientific support to prove it true or false.8Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?AEating garlic is good for our eyes.BSticky sweets are damaging


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