2023年模块综合检测Modules 3.doc

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1、模块综合检测(三)Modules 56.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A3 Days Chengdu Visa Free TourPlaces:Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding,Jinsha Site Museum,Thatched Cottage of Dufu,Jinli Street Best Travel Time:Suitable for the whole year; the best months are April,May,September and October.Price:From $ 248Tou

2、r Itinerary(行程)Day 1 Arrival in Chengdu Arrive in Chengdu,the destination of your trip.You will be met at the airport and then transferred to the hotel for checkin.Enjoy your own free time for the rest of the day.Meals:Not includedAccommodation:ChengduDay 2 ChengduAfter breakfast,we will drive to th

3、e Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding for a halfday close contact with the lovely giant pandas.After that,we will continue to visit Jinsha Site Museum to see the Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty relics.Details in the Itinerary:At Panda Base,visitors can take photos with small pandas (not inc

4、luded in the entrance ticket,and you need to pay extra expense)Yon can find more tips on Chengdu Panda Base Tour Tips.Meals: Breakfast,LunchAccommodation:ChengduOptional Night Activity:Sichuan Hot Pot (generally 1 hour)Day 3 Departure from ChengduLeave from your hotel in the morning to visit Thatche

5、d Cottage of Dufuthe former residence of a famous Tang Dynasty poet.And then,go to Jinli Street to take a leisure walk.After that,we drive to the airport to catch your flight to the next country.Meals:Breakfast,LunchService Ends【语篇解读】本文是一篇针对外国游客的旅游广告。1The ad is most probably intended for .AJapanese

6、touristsBAmerican touristsCChinese tourists from Hong KongDChinese tourists from the MainlandB推理判断题。广告是英文的,题目中有Visa Free(免签证),而且价格用的是美元,因此广告更有可能是面对来自英语国家的游客,因此选B项。2How much will a person pay if taking photos with small pandas is included?A$ 248. BAt least $ 248.COver $ 248.DNo more than $ 248.C推理判断题

7、。旅游费用248美元起,而且在大熊猫基地与熊猫拍照需要另外付费,因此一定超过248美元,选C项。3Where can a visitor learn about some of the Chinese history before the Tang Dynasty?AAt Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.BIn Thatched Cottage of Dufu.CIn Jinsha Site Museum.DOn Jinli Street.C细节理解题。第二天行程中提到,在金沙遗址博物馆可以了解到商朝和周朝的遗物,故选C项。B【导学号

8、:75142059】Situated in Huaxi District,Guiyang,Zhenshan Ethnic Culture Village is a world of stone,where many things like door frames and roads are made of stone.Buyi men and women in their best clothes sing and dance at the village entrance as they greet visitors and invite them to join the villagers

9、 in making cake flour with rice.The village was first built during the Ming Dynasty,with a history of more than 400 years.Three sides of the village are surrounded by water.It is built against the mountains according to the local geological conditions.There are about 120 families and three fourths o

10、f them are Buyi nationality and one fourth are Miao people.On January 10th every lunar year,the villagers hold traditional dancing activities to celebrate the New Year.Buyi and Miao villagers in their best costumes sing and dance to the melodies from the Lusheng (芦笙) and the bamboo flutes to celebra

11、te their own traditional festival.Legends said once some robbers captured the Buyi forefather in the village.The villagers failed to rescue him by themselves and asked the local Miao people for help.The Miao people played the Lusheng and sang Miao songs to communicate with him and the robbers couldn

12、t understand them.With the help of the Miao people,the forefather was rescued.Since then,the local Buyi people have formed the custom of singing and dancing to appreciate the help from the Miao.People sing and dance for three days for the festival each year.Besides this,Zhenshan villagers also celeb

13、rate the traditional “Siyueba” Festival (April 8th Festival) and the “Qiyueban” Festival (the Ghost Festival)Now,these festivals have become joyous days celebrated by Miao,Buyi,Dong,Zhuang,Shui,Gelao,and even the Han people.In Zhenshan,some young people take advantage of the festivals to make friend

14、s and choose their future husbands or wives.Girls usually make embroideries (刺绣)and give them as gifts to their lovers.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了一个少数民族文化村。4We can infer the village is called a world of stone mainly because .Athe villagers are very coldBthe villagers are very strongCthe village is built on a

15、 large stoneDthe village is in mountains and rich in stonesD推理判断题。根据第一、二段可知,这是一个依山而建的村子,石头资源丰富,因此选D项。5Which of the following isnt a way of greeting visitors?ADressing up.BDancing and singing.CPreparing embroideries.DInviting them to make cake flour.C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句和最后一段的“Girls usually make embroideries(刺绣)and give them as gifts to their lovers.”可知,欢迎游客的活动不包括C项。6The Miao people played the Lusheng and sang Miao songs at first to .Astop the robbers understanding themBshow the robbers their powerCchallenge the Buyi peopleDplease the robbersA细节理解题。 阅读第三段“The Miao people


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