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1、 IELTS VIP会员与IELTS真题2002年下半年本网站推出?IELTS真题?以后,在本站广阔IELTS VIP会员中引起了强烈的凡响。大家普遍认为该试题集对于雅思考试的准备起到了较好的作用。今后我们将加大推出的频率,在每次考试完毕后,我们都将及时推出新版,以便大家应付不断变化的雅思考试,各位IELTS VIP会员可及时在雅思会员专区留言或索取,本站将通过EM或雅思VIP会员专区的方式送达VIP会员。本期? VIP雅思真题?包含了截止到2003年3月份的所有听力、阅读、口语、及作文考题。2003年最新IELTS真题内容是本网站所有专业人员精心整理的。我们在这里推荐给VIP会员,目的是帮助

2、VIP会员全面、准确、及时了解雅思考试的实际内容。鉴于前段时间雅思的版本号发生了一些变化,所以这里的版本号只能作为一个参考的依据,并不一定和您实际考试中的一致。如果您在阅读中发现错误或者有更精确的版本介绍,请告诉我们,我们将在第一时间更新版本。 特别提醒:雅思真题只能是帮助大家熟悉题型,让大家熟悉雅思考试的内容。如果希望真正提高自己的英语成绩还需要扎扎实实提高自己的英语水平,最后祝所有 IELTS VIP会员在我们专业效劳与帮助下顺利通过IELTS,踏向心中理想的教育殿堂! 在此特别感谢 社区所有IELTS专业工作人员精心地将雅思口语真题局部进行了归纳和整理。一、 作文机金Academic!

3、v104 (2003.1.11已考) task1 是一个比拟印度洋两国madagascar和mauritius1999年相关数据的表格: surface area(km2):前者比后者大很多 population(thousands):前者比后者大很多 gap(us$ per capita):前者比后者小很多 growth rate of population:前者比后者大很多 enrolment to school:分两项进行比拟 primary 前者97%左右,后者到达100% secondary 前者比后者小很多 结论:从这两国来看,人口越多的国家,生活水平相对低。 task2 wild

4、 animals have no place in the 21st century, and the protection is a waste of resource. to what extent do you agree or disagree? v1052003.1.25已考task 1 关于四个国家政府在1990-1995见的花销的比拟 四个pie chart 四个局部的花销:education defence health and other 其中肯尼亚和另一个国家记不起名字了较为相似,在教育上的花销较大而在defence上很小,与之相比拟的是英国和美国,他们在教育上的expen

5、diture较小,而健康和defence上很大,四个国家的相同之处就是other占的比例最大,大约都在70%左右。 task2 some people claim that the disadvantages of the car which is more than the advantages, do you agree or disagree? V106 Although it is freedom to use tobacco while some people think it should be made illegal as the same way as other drugs

6、. To what extent do you agree or disagree? V107(2003.3.8, 3.15已考) Task 1 Task 2 Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should have about one years time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision .what are

7、the advantages and disadvantages regarding it and what is your opinion? V108 Task1 graph about the value of sales and rentals of videos in us and European union from 1992 to 2000 Task2 Some people said the government shouldnt put money on building theaters and sports stadiums; they should spend more

8、 money on medical care and education. Agree or not agree? V109 task 1 Task 2 the computer are widely used in education and some people think teacher are not play important role in the classroom . To what extend do you agree?(agree/disagree) V110 task1 bar charts,是说随着年龄的增长学习目的的改变情况,青年人大都是为了career,老年人

9、大都是为了interest,还有employer和年龄的关系。 task2 what is the reason for losing a variety of language and culture?(分析原因型) 一些語言和文化的喪失,语言多样化的减少和退化 1.全球一体化(globalization) 2.外国文化的影响,现在的青少年推崇潮流(tidal current) 3.自身的无视,小国家为了生存只能不断吸收其他国家的语言文化 v111 task1 写的是6个城市的地铁情况是个table. 由伦敦,巴黎,东京,华盛顿,洛杉矶,还有一个日本的城市,伦敦最早,好似是最长,要不就是巴黎

10、,东京的载客量最大!指出了最长,最早,最大载客量,最小的.task2 Nature and nurture, which plays major role in personality and development? V 112 task1: 比較2001年時4个国家在population ,literacy與 number of books published的數字 task2 People in high position at the age 55 should give opportunities for new generation. Do you agree or not? 公司

11、应该鼓励年纪已到55岁的高阶人员退休,in order to give opportunities to new generation,赞成及反对的理由为何?(agree/disagree) v113 task 1 you have to write a report for a university lecturer ; a chart shows the number of softwood and hardwood in new south wales, Australia, from 1990 to 1998, task 2 some people think that univers

12、ity should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training benefit to society. Do you agree or disagree. Use your own experience and knowledge to support your idea. V1142003.3.22已考:task 1 两个bar chart, 关于children watch TV事宜; task2 Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the s

13、ame company, but others prefer to change jobs frequently. You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides v115(2003.1.18, 2.8已考) task1 Task 2: some people think killing animals as food is cruel and unnecessary. other people disagree because meat is essential

14、 to people. discuss and give your opinion V116 TASK 1 是比拟3个国家65岁以上人口的百分比,并预测到2040年持续上升。是3条曲线。描述关键词是FLUCTUATION。 TASK 2 Some information in films, books and on the Internet has bad influence on young people and even on society. Some people think such information should be controlled. Give your opinio

15、n on both sides of view use your own experience and examples v117 task1 是有2個charts,分析一下daily consumption of protein and calories in different regions of world. 其中圖表中的protein有列出是from meat還是other protein,而四個regions則分別是有north America, south America, Africa, and India, 只有north America在两方面都超出了ideal intake standard。大概是这样吧 Task2:Some people think children should learn to compete, but others think that children should be taught to cooperate. Express some reasons of both views and give your own opinion.V118 (已考



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