2023年人教版八年级下册UnitWhat’s the highest mountain in the world Section A ab教学设计.doc

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1、课题人教版八年级下册Uni7Whats the highest mountain in the world?( Section A 1a-2b)作者及工作单位教材分析1a&2a板块的材料是世界各地地理知识的介绍。学生通过听说读写,了解世界地理知识。通过1a&2a的教学,让学生关注较大数字的读法和写法,能熟练掌握和运用单词square, meter, deep和desert,能够表达物体的长、宽、高、深和面积。正确运用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,要求学生根据文章信息,用英语正确表达自己个人的见解。学情分析 八年级大部分学生对英语知识有着浓厚的兴趣,平时能够按照老师的要求积极地完成各项学习任务,

2、学生的求知欲强,也善于运用所学知识通过speaking ,writing 的形式表达自己的观点,对事物的看法,达到学以致用。通过采用小组合作学习的形式,生生互动互助的形式,更加激发学生学习探究的兴趣,通过听说读写,掌握所学内容。 教学目标一、知识目标:1.掌握本节课重点单词和句子:square meter, deep, desert ;A:What is the highest mountain /biggest desert / deepest salt lake/ longest river in the world? B:Its. A:How high/big/deep/long.?B:

3、Its.high/.square meters in size /deep/long. 2.熟读较大的数字。二、.能力目标:1.能熟练掌握和运用单词square, meter ,deep和desert,能够表达物体的长、宽、 高、深和面积。 2.正确运用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。三、.情感目标:1.培养学生积极参与活动的兴趣,凝聚强烈的主人翁意识。 2.了解世界、中国和舟山的地理风貌,感知美丽世界,美好人生,让学生倍感 幸福生活,从而培养学生们积极向上的人生观、价值观和世界观。教学重点和难点教学重点:学习并掌握表达物体的长、宽、 高、深和面积。正确运用形容词和副词的比较级和 最高级。教学难

4、点:能运用本节所学内容自由谈论自然景观。教学步骤:ActivitiesLearning FocusOneWarmer1. Warming up: talk about Super Brain.2. Free talk: Super Brain in our class.Read the numbers(hundred,thousand,million,billion)TwoLead in1.The last number 75,000,000,000$-No.1-The richest person2.Choose 2019Forbes(the richest person,No1,No3,N

5、o18,No.33)1. Comparative&Superative degrees.2. Key sentences:.(1) .almost as.as.(2) .one of.(3) .much/a little.than.(4) .than any other/the other.ThreePresentation1.The richest people-the richest place-Dubai2.Try to know the tops in the world.3.Listening(1)review:the listening tips(2)Listen to 1b fo

6、r more informantion and fill in the blanks1. Key words:Asia,square, kilometer,in size,population,deep,desert.2.Get the Ss to know the tops in the world.3.Emphasis some keysentences.Four Practice1. Know the tops about China in the world(Boys&Girls)2. Get to know the tops about China in the world by L

7、istening to 2a and complete the passage.1. Key words2. Get the Ss to know the tops about China.3. Express the Comparative &Superative degrees.FiveConsolidation1. Ss try their best to say something about the tops of Zhoushan 2. Group work:Share tops of Zhoushan on Wechat1.Try to remember how to use t

8、he key words and sentences.Homework1.To memorize the important phrases and sentences.2.Share tops of Zhoushan on Wechat in our Putuo No.2 Middle School Wechat public number.To make sure the Ss can use the words ,phrases and the structure of the Sentences.Blackboard DesignUnit7 Whats the highest moun

9、tain in the world?一、Words & phrases1. Asia(n.)-Asian(adj) 6.deep(adj.) 7.in size2. square(n.) -deeper-deepest3. kilometer(s)(n.)4. desert(s)(n.)5. population(n.)二、 Sentences1.A:What is the highest mountain /biggest desert / deepest salt lake/ longest river in the world? B:Its. A:How high/big/deep/lo

10、ng.?B:Its.high/.square meters in size /deep/long.Instruction Sheet一、Listen to 2a and complete the passage. China is one of the _ countries in the world. It has a much_ history than the US.The US is not _ _ years old.China has the _ _ in the world.Its _ _ than the _of the US.China is _ as_ as the US,

11、and_ country in_.The Yangtze River is about 6,300 _ _ and the Yellow River is 5,464 kilometers _.But both rivers are very _ _ China.二、 Group work:(微信推送最美舟山)Share tops of Zhoushan on Wechat1.Work in groups of five.2.Write a page about one of the tops of Zhoushan.3.Each group needs a leader(who writes down the notes)and four reporters to show the details of the tops.4.Use as much as we learned today.第 页


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