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1、B4 U7 Sounds and words教学案例 教学内容:1、字母i-e在单词中的发音规律。2、Words: five, time, ride, bike, knife, kite教学目标:1、让学生掌握i-e在单词中的发音。 2、学生能根据发音规律拼读新词。教学重、难点:根据发音规律拼读新词。教学准备:课件、单词卡等。教学过程:Step1: GreetingGood afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to see you again.Step2: Free talk1) Whats your name? Im .2) How are you? Im fin

2、e, thanks. 3) What day is it today? Its Wednesday. 4) What do you do on Wednesday? I .T: I play games with my friends on Wednesday. Do you want to play a game?Ss: Yes, I do.T: OK. Lets play a game. Please look and say.Step3: Game快闪5 / fine / 9 / rice / ice cream / kite / Ii, 让学生说。当说到Ii时,引入课题。T: Yes.

3、 Ii, today lets learn this letters sound / ai /.板书/ ai /并带读。Step4: New teaching1、由数字五引入five教学。T: Fine.(竖手称赞)T: Are you five? (手势表示)Ss: No, Im not. T: How old are you?S: Im ten.T: Look! (幻灯片呈现five )How many?Ss: Five.(板书读)2、由five变换单词,引入knife教学。Five-live-life-knife(板书读)(板书呈现一把小刀时,T: Whats this? Its a k

4、nife.)呈现9把小刀,T: How many knives are there? Ss: There are nine.3、由nine变换单词,引入ride教学。Nine-nice-rice-ride(板书并带读)板书时,T: Look! Shes riding the bike.板书bike,并带读。4、用图片引入bike, kite, time教学。T: I ride the bike on Sunday. What do you do?S: I .T: Do you fly the kite?(呈现放风筝的图)S: Yes, I do.板书kite, T: Whats this? S

5、s: Its a kite.呈现一个钟,T: And this? Ss: Its a clock. T: Yes. Its a clock. We can see the time.板书time,并带读。5、听、读(书P55 Sounds and words)Step5: Practice: Words, sentencesNow, please look and say.Words: 1) kite site2) knife life wife 3) bike like pike hike dike4) mice mine mime time lime line5) ride rice ri

6、se ripe rite hide side tide wide6) five fine nine nice miceSentences:1) I fly the kite on Friday.2) I ride the bike with my wife.3) There are five nice mice.4) Its time to chant.Step6: ChantStep7: ConclusionBoard Writing: Phonics: / ai / five knife ride bike kite timeB4 U7 Sounds and words教学设计与反思语音教

7、学,对于我来说可真是一筹莫展,无从入手。它不同于单词教学,也不同于句子和Story的教学。教单词,可以用图片引出,也可以创设情景引出;句子和Story的教学也一样。可语音怎样开展呢?刚开始备课时,就想着上课那天是星期五,所以就想着让学生找出Friday和fine的共同音,从而展开本节课的语音教学;若学生找不出,就由Guessing Game(猜字母Ii),由字母Ii来展开教学。谁晓得,时间一变,变到了今天,今天可是星期三,而不是Friday哦。那原来设想的方案可就泡汤了。但我还保留了用字母Ii来展开教学,只是把原来的找共同音变成了快闪的游戏,幸好改了,这样一来,让课堂气氛活跃了不少。整节课,我先用字母Ii引出本节课要教的语音,接着用变换单词或图片进行语音单词教学,然后由对单词中字母的变换,让学生根据本节所学的语音读出新的单词,从而使学生巩固和运用知识点,同时也扩大了学生的词汇量。


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