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1、八 年级 下 学期 英语 导学案 ( 1 课时)Section B 2a2e (阅读课) 课题: Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. 班级:八(3) 设计人:任顺丽 审核人: 贺大俊学 习 目 标:知识目标:能够初步识记单词:letter,disabled,blind,deaf,imagine等和背会课文中的短语和重要语句(详见知识超市)。能力目标:能读懂“帮助他人,参加社会公益活动”的相关话题文章。情感目标:学会关注他人、社会、利用自己的特长为他人、社会做贡献,投身于社会公益活动,增强社会责任感。学习策略:通过“理解词性,猜测词义”的方法理解

2、文章大意。文化意识:了解西方国家参加社会公益活动的方式。学习重点: 1.掌握单词letter, disabled, blind, deaf, imagine在语言环境中的应用。2.掌握阅读短文中的重要短语和句子。学习难点:掌握阅读短文中的重要短语和句子。教 学 流 程:师生活动一、预学 I. Pre-class1.根据音标拼读P14单词并牢记.2.会背知识超市的所有内容。3.完成2b,2c,2d,2e.4.翻译下列短语set up_ make a difference to _ a friend of mine=one of my friends _ help (sb) out with st

3、h_ be/get excited about sth/doing sth _because of your kindness _at once /rightaway/right now/in a minute/in a moment _5. 知识超市:词汇: 1. letter: (1) write (a letter) to sb 给某人写信 (2) get/receive a letter from sb= hear from sb 收到某人的来信2. imagine: (1) imagine+n./pron. eg: Can you imagine life without water

4、? (2) imagine doing sth 想象做某事 eg: Can you imagine living under the sea? (3) imagine sb doing sth 想象某人做某事 eg: Can you imagine Jack cooking dinner?3. difficulty: have difficulty with sth/(in) doing sth 某事有困难/做某事有困难4. open (v.) 打开-反义词:close 关闭 (adj.) 开着的-反义词:closed 关着的5. train (v.) train sb/sth to do s

5、th 训练某人/某物做某事 eg: We can train a horse to do farm work. training(n.) 不可数名词“训练,培养”辨析carry/bring/take/fetch/get carry: 不表示动作的方向,一般指“搬,运,提,扛”较重的东西。 eg:Please carry this bag for me.bring: 把人或物从别处带到说话人的地方。 Bring the book to me, please.take: 把人或物从说话人的地方带到别处去。Take my box to the room. fetch/get: 到别处去把某人/某物带

6、来,拿来。指往返路程。 eg:Go and fetch/get some pieces of paper. 句子 背会书后83页注释5,6并勾画在课文中。二、互学1. 导入新课 When other people help you, how do you usually thank them? Please tell me, who can volunteer first?Today let me tell you how Ben Smith thanks Miss Li, well learn a new article.2. Learning the new knowledge:(1) 学

7、习单词:(活动:学生先根据音标拼读单词,然后两人一组检查拼读情况,教师纠正发音不准的词,最后教师检查单词用法的预习情况。)(2)学习课文(活动1:自主朗读课文并回答2b,2d问题,然后讨论2e 问题。)(活动2:学生自主勾画重点短语,句子,然后讲解,必要时教师适时点拨。)(活动3:组内展示2c答案,然后挑选最佳语句班内展示。)(活动4:听录音朗读课文,重温课文内容。)三、评学用所给词的适当形式填空。(1) First of all, it wasnt easy for me _ (understand) the teacher when she talked.(2) You must try your best during the _ (train) course.(3) I once asked him if he had difficulty in _ (keep) five children in school. (4) Can you imagine _ (live) under the sea?翻译句子。(1) 宇宙飞船使去月球旅行成为可能。 (2) 他正扛着一个木箱子。 He is _ a wooden box on his shoulder.(肩上)4. 小结:III. Post-class1.会读会写本课单词及短语,会背本课句型(见知识超市)2. 收获与反思


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