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1、Module 8 Time offUnit 1 I can hardly believe were in the city centre. 天津市静海二中 袁桂超一、教学内容分析随着社会的发展和人们生活水平的提高,旅游休闲逐渐成为人们生活的重要组成部分,本模块学习的正是这个内容旅行和休假,第一单元以旅游北海公园为话题,向我们呈现了一个非常真实的情景:玲玲以导游的身份带领托尼和大明游览北海公园,并对北海公园进行介绍,通过三个人的对话自然而然地使用了that引导的宾语从句。二学情分析本模块的话题是旅游和休假,学生应该会对这个话题产生浓厚的兴趣,通过谈论他们所去过的名胜古迹从而调动学习本课的积极性,

2、激发全班学生的学习热情和兴趣。三、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1、Words:hardy,sights, thirsty,waste2、Expressions:sothat,take up, point out,at the top of3、Grammar:the object clause4、功能:能够运用宾语从句来谈论旅行或远足经历。5、话题:本单元围绕游览北海公园展开对话,要求学生能够了掌握对话内容,熟悉对话中的人物。(二)语言技能目标听:能听懂有关旅游或远足经历的对话,并能从中获取大意和细节信息。说:能介绍风景名胜,并能就这个话题展开谈论。读:能读懂有关旅行经历的文章并获取具体信息。写:

3、能够根据所给提示介绍旅游胜地。(三)情感态度目标通过阅读外国人对我国旅游胜地的描述,激发学生对中国大好河山的热爱,培养学生的跨文化交流信息意识。(四)学习策略1、合作学习策略:能够通过提问获取信息,并主动和他人分享自己的想法。2、自学策略:能够通过对比发现中英文写作方式的不同,从而更好地理解英语文章,提高英语阅读的自觉性。(五)文化意识加深对自然风景的了解,增强学生的环保意识。四、教学重点、难点1、The object clause 2、The important words and expressions五、教学方法在课堂教学过程中,采用“学讲练”课堂教学模式,采用任务型教学方法激发学生兴趣

4、,达到教学目标。六、教学过程Step 1 Warming up1. Ask some questions about traveling, then look at the pictures and guess the places of interesting in Beijing.2. Talk about Beihai ParkStep 2 Listening1. Listen to the dialogue of Part 1 and answer the question:What is the conversation about?2. Listen again and choos

5、e the correct answer.Step 3 Listening and learning.1. Look at the video, listen to the dialogue of Part 3 and answer two questions.Who is introducing Beihai Park?Whats BeiHai Park famous for?2.Look at the pictures to learn the new words and expressions.Step 4 Read the dialogue and mark T or F.Read t

6、he dialogue in group of three, then mark the sentences with T or F and correct the wrong sentences.Step 5 Teaching the language points to the students.Learn the important language points in the dialogue, and show some examples to them. Then let them make some sentences with the language points.Step

7、6 Read the dialogue again, ask the students to find out other language points, then fill in the blanks with them.Step 7 Read the sentences and answer the questions.The students ask and answer in pairs.Step 8 Teaching the object clause.1. Teach the object clause to them and then let them find out the

8、 sentences with object clauses in the dialogue.2. Show some pictures to the students , ask them to make some new sentences to describe the pictures.Step 9 Make some new dialogues about traveling. Discuss in group of four and make some dialogues about traveling, then act them out.Step 10 Homework: Talk about a place of interest in your hometown.板书设计: Module 8 Unit 1 I can hardly believe were in the city centresothat be famous forhardly-hard at the top oftake up go for a swimpoint out hear sb do/doing sthallow sb to do sth come on


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