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1、Unit 2 book 2: The Olympic GamesThe story of Atlanta邕宁高级中学 卢家传一、 教材分析 本单元的中心话题是“奥运会”世界上最重要的体育盛会。通过对本单元的学习,学生能够对奥运会的起源、宗旨已经比赛项目有一个更深入的了解。在介绍奥运会的同时,本单元也对一些古代希腊神话传说和其中的一些著名人物进行了介绍。希腊神话是整个西方神话的摇篮,这对于学生了解西方文化有很大的帮助,同时通过一些有趣的希腊神话故事,增加学生对于英语学习的热情。“语言运用(Using language)”部分通过对一个神话故事来引导学生进行听、说、读、写的综合训练。本文的阅读内容


3、和范文,让学生构成一篇短文。二、 学生分析本单元内容的授课对象是高一学生。这个年龄段的学生,对于体育有一定的热爱,这对于本单元的授课有一定的帮助。但是高一学生的英语语言能力有限,在进行阅读,听力以及之后的情景表演时有一定的困难。所以在“语言运用”部分,授课内容应由浅入深,并且积极调动学生的参与积极性。三、教学目标(一)目标语言1. 重点词和词组 glory, princess, prince, bargain, hopeless, amazed, foolish, promise, golden,change ones mind 2. 重点句子(1) But she was not allow

4、ed to run and win glory for herself in the Olympic Games. (2) She was so angry that she said to her father that she would not marry any man who could run faster than her.(3)There was a man called Hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of Atlantas rules.(二)能力目标 Enable the Ss to talk about the story

5、of Atlanta.(三)学能目标Enable the Ss to decide whether each of the statements is true to false.(四)教学重点Read quickly and get the general idea of the story of Atlanta.教学难点Enable students to understand the content and play the story out .(五)教学方法Listening methodSkimming methodReading methodTask-based method教学

6、过程与方式Stage 1: Lead in & Reading Steps Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeStep 1: Lead-in Ask Ss three questions:1. Which girl in your class can run fastest?2. Which boy in your class can run fastest?3. If the boy and the girl run together, who do you think can run faster?Pick a boy and a g

7、irl in their class who can run fastest. To arouse students interest and lead in the topic of this passage. Step 2: Reading Skimming Ask Ss to read the story on Page 14 quickly and silently to find out the answers to the following questions. a. How many characters are there in the story? b. Why did H

8、ippomenes decide to run against Atlanta?Reading the passage quickly and silently, and find out the answers to these questions. To let students have the main idea of this passage. Scanning Ask Ss to read it again to find more information, and do the True & False exercise on page 14.Read it again and

9、do the exercise. To let Ss get more information about the passage.【Stage 1 设计说明】Lead in:因为本文是关于奥运会中赛跑这一比赛的。在故事里,女主人公亚特兰大特别擅长赛跑,几乎没有男人能赢过她。这三个问题,前两个能充分激起学生的兴趣,使他们的注意力快速的集中到课堂上。最后一个问题,能把话题引到本篇文章,从而激起学生进行阅读的兴趣。Skimming:通过两个简单的问题,让学生对本篇文章的主旨大意有一个基本的了解。由于问题设计较简单,所以可以请一些基础较薄弱的学生来回答,以此增强他们学习英语的信心。Scanning

10、: 由于阅读部分是故事的前半部分,对于整个故事的理解以及接下来的学习有着重要的意义,所以 scanning 让学生能够从文章获得更多的信息,从而为接下来的学习做好铺垫。 “语言运用”板块,涵盖了听、说、读、写四个方面。因此,在阅读环节中,不宜花费过多的时间。同时,文章的难度较低,学生在较短的时间内得到了有用的信息即可。Stage 2: Listening Steps Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeStep 1: pre-listening When finishing the reading, ask Ss to guess who

11、would win the race. Some choose Hippomenes while others choose Atlanta.To arouse Ss interest of listening.Step2 :while listeningAsk Ss to listening to the tape and answer the following questions:1. Did Hippomenes win the race?2. What did he do when Atlanta was in front of him during the race?Ss list

12、en to the tape carefully and answer the questions. To let Ss get the main information and the end of the storyStep3 :post-listening1.Give Ss some pictures and ask Ss to put them into correct order.2. Ask Ss what they have learnt in this class1. Ss put the pictures into correct order.2. Ss summarize

13、that nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.1. To strengthen the understanding of this text.2. To let Ss learn something meaningful after this class. 【Stage 2 设计说明】Listening 是 Reading 的一个升华。学生的练习由“读”到“听”,从而得到故事的结局。在 pre-listening 部分,一个简单的猜测活动,就能引起学生往下听的兴趣。 在while-listening 部分,几个简单的问题

14、,就能让学生对听力部分有一个大致的了解,从而得到故事的结尾。在 post-listening 部分,用生动有趣的图片,让学生对听力材料进行梳理。最后让学生总结从本文学到什么,这是听力乃至于整个故事的升华,让学生在遇到困难的时候,不言放弃,起到德育的作用。Stage 3: Speaking & Acting Steps Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeStep 1 :Pre-acting 1.Divide the whole story into three parts and divide Ss into several groups,

15、 4 Ss in one group.2. Ask them to choose the part of the story they like and act it out later. 1.Four students in one group and choose the part of the story they like.2. prepare for it together. To develop Ss spirit of team work. Step 2: Acting Choose three groups to act each part of the storyThree groups to act each part of the storyTo practice the speaking and acting.Step 3: Evaluation Ask Ss to comment on their performance.Ss comment on their performance.Ss learn to evaluate something. 【Stage 3 设计说明】表演环节又是本节课的另一个升华。学生通过阅读以及听力,对故事有一个基本的了解,然后根据自己的想象力进行编排。在活动


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