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1、新标准英语四年级上册Module 8 Unit 1 Were going to visit Hainan. 南宁市民主路小学观澜溪谷校区 蒙 灵 一、教材分析:本课是外语教学与研究出版社新标准小学英语教材三年级起点四年级上册 Module8 Unit 1 Were going to visit Hainan. 。主要教学内容是使用“ be going to ” 讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。本课涉及到的生词较多,课文句子较长,尽管话题内容紧扣学生实际,但学习起来可能会有一定的难度。二、教学目标:1知识目标:1)听懂、认读单词:tomorrow, from, China, plane, soc

2、k短语:by plane, get up, at five oclock, swim in the sea.2)听懂、认读句子:Were going to visit Hainan .Were going by plane.Were going to get up at five oclock.Im going to swim in the sea. 2技能目标:能运用本课所学句型Im going to /Were going to 与朋友讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。3情感目标:培养学生能流利的表达将来要做的事情,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。让学生通过观察祖国大地的美景,扩展视野,增强爱国

3、情感。 3、教学重点:1)单词tomorrow, from, China,plane, sock 及短语:by plane, get up, at five oclock, swim in the sea.的认读。2)运用 “be going to”句型描述即将做的事情。4、教学难点:会用“be going to”结构讲讲述自己的旅行计划或将要发生的事情以及单词swimsuit、socks的发音。四、教 具:多媒体课件、单词卡片,CD-ROM 等课 时: 1课时Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warm up Sing a song: Are You Doing It To

4、o?【设计意图】让学生回忆并熟悉ing的句子形式,复习本册之前学习的一个重要时态,为本课的be going to.表示计划和将要发生的事情做铺垫。同时通过教师与学生共同唱歌和做动作很好的调动课堂气氛,增进师生感情。Step 2: Lead-inLearn Part1:a chantT:Very good.I am having class,now. But tomorrow Im going to visit the zoo.(learn new word:tomorrow,visit)Listen the chant and try to repeat.(在学习这一部分时教师可以强调tomo

5、rrow这个时间点)【设计意图】通过chant 导入进行初步感知Im going to do 的句型。初步在学习中理解be going to do 表示即将发生的事情。Step 3. Presentation 1)Learn the setence:Im from . T:The zoo is in Nanning,Im from Nanning.What about you?(learn new word:from) S:Im from (学生看中国地图造句)T:Were from China.2) Learn the setences:Im going to visit/Were goin

6、g to visitT:This is a map of China.There are a lot of nice places in China. Im going to visit Hainan.What about you?S:Im going to visit.T:Hainan is very beautiful.Are you going to visit Hainan? Were going to visit Hainan.(板书题目,学生跟读)3) Learn the sentence:Im going by plane. T:Therere a lots of ways to

7、 go to Hainan.Im going by plane.(learn the new word:plane).What about you?(出示各种交通工具并进行操练)4)Learn the sentence:Im going to get up at 5 oclock. T:Look,Im going to get up at 5 oclock. (课件出示钟表,区别clock和oclock,同时学习get up 。变换钟点,引导学生练习句型:Im going to get up at _ oclock.)【设计意图】采用图片和在具体的语境中讲授单词短语,可以让学生在有意义的语言环

8、境中非常自然地接受,在此过程中,对学生进行适当的激励教学评价,让学生体验到习得语言的快乐。Step4 Text Learning 1. T:Look! This is Smarts family. They like traveling, too. OK! Lets listen and look.(1) Play the CD-ROM.(2) Answers the questions.Q1:Where are they going? (Hainan /Beijing / Taiwan)Q2:How are they going to go ?(by car, by bus, by plan

9、e)Q3:What time are they going to get up? (4 oclock, 5 oclock, 6 oclock)Q4:What is Sam going to do ? ( swim , visit grandpa)【设计意图】让学生整体感知课文。让学生带着任务有目的地听录音学课文。 2.Point and say.(1)Listen again and check the answer and find the sentences in the text. (2)Try to read them aloud in each group. (通过学生回答问题板书以

10、下重点句子:Were going to visit Hainan .Were going by plane.Were going to get up at five oclock.Im going to swim in the sea.)【设计意图】让学生带着任务去听录音,有意培养他们的倾听能力,有助于帮助他们了解课文大意。通过读一读,找一找,让学生更深一层的理解课文内容,同时拎出了本课的功能句型,进行重点学习。3.Listen and repeat.【设计意图】:让学生跟读原声带,边听边指所听到的句子。同时在读的过程中注意对学生诸如连读,重读等朗读技巧的指导,使学生的英语发音地道、纯正。Pr

11、actice the text in groups.4.分角色朗读课文。【设计意图】检测学生对课文的熟读程度,也结合学生喜爱表演的特点,进一步巩固课文内容。Step5 Expanding导游介绍路线:看看谁是最棒的导游。T:Look at this.What is it?(guide)Look at this,can you introduce for me?(四人小组进行活动,通过使用重点句型完成每个路线的简单介绍) 【设计意图】采用小组合作方式,既培养了学生的集体合作精神,复习了旧知,同时也使操练更加充分、到位,使学生对本课要求掌握的重点操练到熟练和自动化的程度,为在实际中运用打好基础。Step 6: HomeworkMake a travel plan with your family.制定一份家庭旅游计划写下来。 Module8 Unit 1Were going to visit Hainan.Were going to visit Hainan .Were going by plane.Were going to get up at five oclock.Im going to swim in the sea板书: 评比台1 2 3 4 1 / 5


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