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1、初三试卷(08.3)听力原文。A)听句子选图。(听两遍) 1.Look at the beautiful building. The President of the USA lives here.2.We went to the World Park by coach.3.This animal only lives in China.4.My friends like chatting with each other after lunch.5.My friend wants to be a soldier when he grows up. B)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一小题。(听两

2、遍) 6W:Is this car yours, Joe? M:No, mine is black. Isnt it Jills? Hers is blue. W:Yes, but hers is light blue, while this one is dark. M:Then it must be Johns, I think. 7W:May I borrow these three books, Mr. Black? M:Im afraid not, Angela. You borrowed two yesterday and, you know, each student can o

3、nly borrow four at most. W:Oh, sorry! I forgot it. 8W:Did you see the football match yesterday evening, David? M:Oh, I missed it, Alice! By the time I turned on the TV, it had already finished. W:Never mind. Its just a waste of time. 9. M: Have you finished the science homework yet? W: Im still work

4、ing on it. What are you doing? M: Ive done my maths and Ive just started those English exercises. W: Im going to do them next.C)听下面的对话,每段对话后有几小题,请根据你所听到的内容, 从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个适当的答语。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第1012题。 W:Good morning! Can I help you, sir?M:Yes, please! Could you tell me the time of the last tra

5、in to Sydney this evening?W:Theres one at 8:20. But Im afraid you are a little late, all the tickets have been booked already. M:Then the time of the first one tomorrow morning? W:The first train leaves at 9:15.M:Can you tell me when it arrives so that I can ask my friend to come and meet us? W:It a

6、rrives at 12:30 but may be a little late because of the bad weather. M:OK! How much does a ticket cost? W:20 dollars and half of it for a child below 12.M:All right. Id like 2 tickets and another one for a child at the age of 10. Here is the money.W:Thank you!听下面一段材料,回答第1315题。 W:Whats the date today

7、, Sam? M:May 10. Why, Mary? W:No, its May 11, and tomorrow is mothers birthday. Dont you remember?M:Oh, I nearly forgot it. So what shall we get her as a present? Do you have any good idea? W:What about a pair of shoes? M:Dont you remember we sent her one several years ago? W:Yes. Hmm What about a n

8、ew handbag then? M:Not bad! Hers looks too old. So lets go shopping together after class, shall we?W:Sure! And dont forget a delicious cake for the party as usual, too. When shall we meet then? M:Ill wait for you at the school gate at 4:30 this afternoon.W:Sorry! I am on duty today, and I have to cl

9、ean the classroom. Would you please make it half an hour later? You can do your homework first in your classroom.M:Well, then come to the playground when you finish cleaning. I will play football there, waiting for you. W:All right! See you then!听下面一段材料,回答第1619题。 W:Havent seen you for months, Hans!

10、M:Oh, Nancy! Its you! Yes, Ive just returned from England! W:England? For what? M:Learning English of course!W:I thought you were there traveling or visiting your relatives. Where have you been there?M:I mainly stayed in London learning, and traveled to many other cities such as Manchester, Liverpoo

11、l and so on. W:How long have you been in England? For a month? M:6 weeks in fact. I spent 4 weeks studying and 2 weeks traveling. W:What was the weather like there? Was it hot like in Nanchang? M:Not at all! It was cool there. W:I hear its always foggy, isnt it? M:Oh, it used to be. When I was there

12、, it was always sunny. W:You must have taken many pictures there. Do show them to me next time. M:No problem!听下面一段材料,回答第2022题。 W: Hi, Steven! M: Hi,Lily.Im going to London on train. Come with me! W: But its cheaper by bus. M: Ive got a student travel card. You can get cheap train tickets with it. W:

13、 That sounds good. How much does it cost? M: A card for six months is sixteen pounds. W: So how do I get one? M: You need some photosone for the card and one for the form. W:I dont have to show my ID card ,do I? M: Thats right. You only need a letter from your school. W: Ill ask my teacher for one.

14、Next time you go to London, Ill come too!D) 听短文,从所给选项中选出最佳答案。听两遍。It was Sunday. Little Jim got up early. A pair of pandas was on show in London for the first time. He didnt see such animals before. So he asked his father, Mr Black, to take him to watch them. After breakfast, the father and the son h

15、urried to the bus stop on foot. After a while, a red bus came. And Mr Black got on it with his son in his arms. But there was no seat left in it. He had to stand by the door. A young man saw this and stood up and said,“Please take my seat, sir.”“Thank you very much,”Mr Black said and sat down. And little Jim sat on his fathers legs. “Try to be a gentleman, Jim,”said Mr Black,“The young must make room for the


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