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1、(完整word)安徽省教师公开招聘中学英语真题2017年安徽省教师公开招聘中学英语真题2017年一、单项填空(总题数:15,分数:15。00)1。I accidentally found a photo that my mother took of _ when I was a student。A。herB。hersC.meD.mine解析: 考查代词。根据语境可知,照片是“妈妈”给“我拍的,所以排除A、B;take a photo of sb.“给某人照相”,此处缺少的是人称代词而不是物主代词。此处人称代词在介词之后,应该用宾格,故选C。句意为“我偶然发现了一张当我还是个学生时,妈妈给我拍的

2、照片”。2。_ time going by, I began to realize what really matters in my life。A.WhileB.WhenC.AsD。With解析: 考查介词with的用法。句意为“随着时间的流逝,我开始意识到我生命中真正重要的是什么”。这里是介词短语作伴随状语,相当于as time goes by。3.There are two small rooms in the beach house, _ serves as a kitchen。A.the smaller of whichB。a smaller of whichC.the smalle

3、r of themD.smaller of that解析: 考查非限制性定语从句和冠词用法。句意为“在海滩度假屋里有两间小房子,其中较小的那间充当厨房”。首先,后半句是一个非限制性定语从句,只能用which引导;其次,表示两者中比较小的那个是特指,用定冠词the修饰,即“the smaller of the two”。故选A.4.She won”t be available between 6 and 8, for she _ an important meeting。A.has hadB。had hadC。would have hadD.will be having解析: 考查时态.句意为“

4、6点到8点这段时间她不在,因为那时她会参加一个重要的会议。由won”t可判断前半句是一般将来时,后半句解释原因,表示在6点到8点那个时间段正在发生的事情,所以用将来进行时,故选D。5.The senior citizen would have been killed _ the timely arrival of the rescue team.A。except forB。but forC。besidesD。except解析: 考查虚拟语气。句意为“要不是救援队及时赶到,那个老人就会被杀了”。此处but for表示“if it were not for”或“if it had not been

5、 for”,即“若不是”“要不是”,与虚拟语气连用.except for和except都表示“除了”,besides意为“除外,还有”。根据句意选B。6。_ that he would get a promotion soon, he felt grateful and worked even harder。A。Having convincedB。Been convincedC。ConvincingD.Convinced解析: 考查过去分词作状语。句意为“确认自己将获得晋升后,他很感激并更加努力地工作”。过去分词或过去分词短语作状语时,表示被动和完成,在句子中一般可以表示时间、原因等,其逻辑主

6、语和句子主语一致。如:Satisfied with what he did, the teacher praised him in class。由于老师对他所做的事情很满意,于是在班上表扬了他。有些及物动词的过去分词形容词化了,并不强调被动意味,而主要表示一种状态或结果。题干Convinced that he would get a promotion soon作原因状语,相当于Because he was convinced that he would get a promotion soon,故选D.7。-I”m deadly tired, I cant walk any further,

7、 Jenny。 _! Tommy。 You can do it。A.No problemB.Come onC。No hurryD.Thats OK解析: 考查情景交际.句意为“詹妮,我极度疲劳,一点也走不动了.-加油,汤米!你能行的。”Come on意为“加油,快点”,带有鼓励、鼓动的意味。No problem“没问题”,No hurry“不必着急,Thats OK“可以,没关系”,均不符合题意。8.I find it astonishing _ she should be so rude to you。A。whichB.whatC。thatD。if解析: 考查宾语从句.句意为“她竟然这样粗暴

8、地对待你,这让我很吃惊”。it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的从句.从句里不缺任何成分,故用that引导,选C。9.The deserter was _ of running away when the enemy attacked.A.scoldedB.chargedC。consideredD.accused解析: 考查动词辨析及其惯用搭配。scold“责备,斥责”,惯用搭配为be scolded for“因为做某事而受责备;charge作“控告、起诉、指责的意思讲时,惯用搭配为be charged with;consider“考虑,惯用搭配为be considered as“被认为”,前三项

9、均属于搭配不当.accuse“控告,指控,谴责,be accused of“被指控,符合语境。故选D。句意为“那个逃兵被指控当敌人攻击的时候逃跑了”.10。It _ be quite cold in winter even though the city is in Hainan Province.A.shallB.shouldC.canD.must解析: 考查情态动词。句意为“尽管那个城市在海南省,冬天可能也会相当冷”.shall“将要,将会”,should“应该”,can“能够,会,must“必须”。根据句意选C.11。Most of them know they should resis

10、t the temptation to spend more than they can earn, but knowing that isnt much help _ it comes to shopping on line,A。beforeB。sinceC。whenD。after解析: 考查习惯用法。before“在之前”,since“自以来,自以后”,when“当时,在时”,after“在之后。come to意为“涉及,至于”,英语中when it comes to.。已经成为一个常见的句式,表示“说到,一提起”的意思。句意为“大多数人都知道他们应当抵制透支花钱的诱惑,但一到网购时就把这

11、个抛到脑后了”.12。She teaches in a remote area, where _ a lake.A。liesB。laysC。does lieD。does lay解析: 考查倒装和词义辨析。句意为“她在遥远的地方教书,那里有一个湖”。lie表示“位于,坐落在”,lay表示“放置,安放”,根据词义可排除B、D。where引导定语从句并在从句中作地点状语,地点状语后面如有表示位置的动词(如lie,live,sit,stand)或转移的动词(如come,go,rise),作主语的名词可放在动词之后,即主谓倒装.13。I knew _ Donald Trump, but not _ fa

12、mous one。A。/; aB.a; theC./; theD.the; a解析: 考查冠词。句意为“我知道一个叫作唐纳德特朗普的人,但不是那个有名的美国总统.名为唐纳德特朗普的人有很多,故为泛指,用a修饰;而叫此名字的美国总统只有一个,是特指,故用the修饰.14。Which of the following words is NOT a compound word?A。inefficientB。breakthroughC。grasslandD.keyhole解析: 考查构词法。A项是由efficient+否定前缀in构成的派生词。其他三项都是合成词,breakthrough(突破)=br

13、eak(打破)+through(穿过);grassland=grass(草)+land(地);keyhole(钥匙孔)=key(钥匙)+hole(洞).15._ is NOT included in Shakespeares great four tragedies。A.King LearB。Romeo and JulieC。MacbethD。Othello解析: 考查英国文学.莎士比亚的四大悲剧: Hamlet (哈姆雷特)、 Othello (奥赛罗)、 King Lear (李尔王)、 Macbeth (麦克白)。另外,他还有四大喜剧: The Merchant of Venice (威

14、尼斯商人)、 A Mid-summer Night”s Dream (仲夏夜之梦)、 As You Like It (皆大欢喜)、 Twelfth Night (第十二夜)。二、完形填空(总题数:1,分数:15。00)I remember being a student teacher in 1974, sitting for two weeks in the back of my cooperating teachers classroom watching her teach carefully before I had my chance to try. Her lessons flow

15、ed 1 from beginning to end, leading me to believe that teaching would be easy。 I remember how 2 I was the first time I stood in front of 25 ninthgraders and attempted to teach them Spanish。 My lesson wasnt awful, but it was far from graceful and 3 . Teaching is a highly complex 4 and only the teacher who is very skilled can make it appear so simple. How do effective teache


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