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1、七上 Unit 2 Lets play sports! Welcome to the unit & study skills 主备:王 宗 课型:新授 审核:区七年级英语备课组 班级_ 姓名_ 学号_【教学目标】1. 掌握下列单词、词组和句型并能熟练朗读和使用。单词:walking , really, bowl, time, tennis, volleyball, enjoy词组:go swimming句型:Do you often play football? I often play football after school. What about you?2. 掌握本课所学的运动项目,

2、并学会谈论。3. 掌握五个元音字母/;/e/;/I/;/;/在重读闭音节中的发音。【教学重难点】使用适当的语言谈论体育运动,并掌握五个元音字母在重读闭音节中的发音。【教学手段】 PPT【教学过程】Step1. Lead-in1. Watch photos of some famous sports players and talk about which sport do they do well in .2. Do Part A on P19.3. Have a free talk of students favorite sport Step2. Presentation and prac

3、tice 1. Listen to the Part B and fill in the blanks2. Have a guessing game of sports.Step3. Presentation and practice 1. Watch the picture of Hobo and Eddie and answer some questions.2. Work in pairs and act it out. Step4. Study skills 1. Present five vowels. 2. Students read them out and try to rem

4、ember the five vowels. 3. Finish Part A, Part B and Part C on Page 27. Step5. HomeworkFinish off the exercises on the sheet. 【语法小贴士】1. I walk to my bowl many times a day. many times a day意为“一天许多次”,表频率。还有一些词也是表示频率的,如:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always等。英语中对频率提问用how often。如对four times a

5、day中的four提问,则用how many times a day。 e.g. (1) We go to the park four times a month. _ _do you go to the park? (2) He goes there three times a week. _ _ _ a week does he go there?2. I go swimming every week.go swimming意为“去游泳”。是“go+动名词”结构,表示“去做某事”。类似的短语有:去购物_;去钓鱼_;去散步_; e.g. 他每周去划船。He _ _every week.【课堂

6、巩固】一、词汇运用。1. We like_(散步)after supper every day. 2. We often play_ (排球)after school. 3. Eddie walks to his _ (碗) many t_ a day.4. Sandy is good at playing_ (网球).5. Im _ (的确,确实)sorry to hear the bad news.二、从下列每组词中找出划线部分与其他发音不同的单词。( ) 1. A. boxB. longC. noseD. stop( ) 2. A. luckB. use C. duckD. but( )

7、 3. A. manyB. manC. dadD. map( ) 4. A. deskB. lendC. yesD. these( ) 5. A. bigB. cityC. bikeD. risk【课后巩固】一、词组翻译。(请认真阅读课本P18-19和P27,翻译并背诵下列重要短语。)1. 进行体育运动 _ 2. 喜欢散步_3. 走向我的碗_ 4. 一天许多次 _5. 打排球 _ 6. 喜欢游泳 _7. 最喜欢的运动_ 8. 你呢?_9. 拿着这个包 _ 10.一个音乐俱乐部_二、从A、B、C、D中找出划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词。( ) 1. bagsApageBcat Cca

8、keDname ( ) 2. cupAstudentBrulerCexcuseDrun ( ) 3. giveAbikeBniceCpicture DChinese ( ) 4. boxAclock BzeroCwho Dmother ( ) 5. elevenAeraserBsecretCveryDdress 三、句子翻译。1. 你喜欢打排球吗? Do you _ _ _?2. 我经常在放学后踢足球。你呢?I often play football _ _. _ _you?3. 我通常走路回家。 I usually _ _. =I usually _ _ _ _ .4. 张华,你最喜欢的运动

9、是什么?Whats _ _ _, Zhang Hua?= Which sport _ _ _ _ , Zhang Hua?5. 我弟弟喜欢边听音乐边玩电脑游戏。 My brother enjoys _ _ music and _ computer games at thesame time.四、句型转换。1. Mary and her brother are playing tennis now.(对划线部分提问) _ are Mary and her brother _ now?2. How about playing basketball?(改为同义句) _ _ playing baske

10、tball?3. Is he from Beijing? (改为同义句)_ he_ _ Beijing?4. I go swimming three times a week. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you go swimming?5. I go swimming three times a week. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ a week_ you go swimming?五、完形填空。I want to tell you something 1 my friends and me. Tom, Peter and Rose are my good 2 . Tom is spor

11、ty. He likes playing 3 . He often plays football after school and he is in the 4 team. Peter is a little fat. He is 5 , so he sits in the front row in class. He is good at Maths. Rose is a 6 . She 7 sports, but she likes dancing a lot. She wants to be a 8 . We are all in 9 . We 10 good students and we all like our class.( ) 1. A. forB. about C. ofD. with( ) 2. A. friendsB. teachers C. students D. players( ) 3. A. musicB. sports C. English D. fish( ) 4. A. footballB. badminton C. swimmingD. volleyball( ) 5. A. shortB. old C. longD. polite( ) 6. A. manB. woman C. girl D. boy( ) 7. A.


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