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1、灌南县新东小学四年级英语试卷一、根据图片写出单词和中文意思。(20分) 二、找出不是同一类的单词。(10分)( ) 1. A. animal B. pig C. cow ( ) 2. A. fruit B. apple C. orange ( ) 3. A. he B. she C. my ( ) 4. A. any B. some C. grape( ) 5. A. lions B. monkeys C. elephant( ) 6.A . pineapple B. lion C . pear( ) 7.A. pen B. ruler C. horse( ) 8.A. salad B.cat

2、s C. dogs( ) 9.A. open B. close C.robot( ) 10.A. orange B.blue C. bird三、英汉互译。(20分 )1. 一个香蕉 2. how many _ 3.两个芒果 4.cute and fat _ 5.喜欢熊猫 6.make a fruit salad 7. 喜欢小狗 8.toy animals 9. wonderful 10.Here you are. 四、选择填空。(20分)( ) 1. Look these toy animals. A. is B. at C. it( ) 2. I like cat. A. these B.

3、that C. those( ) 3. Do you like this ?A. a lion B. lions C. lion( ) 4. Do you like ?A. a lion B. lion C. lions( ) 5. I have five . A .book B. a book C. books( ) 6. Do you have rubbers?A. some B. any C. a ( ) 7. 当你告诉别人你喜欢小狗时你应该说: AI like a dogs. B . I like dogs . C. I have a dog.( ) 8.当你想说自己喜欢这只猫时,你可

4、以说:A.I like cats. B. I like this cat. C. I like that cat.( ) 9. 当你告诉别人你有一个苹果时你应该说: AI have a apple. B. I have an apple. C. I have apples. ( ) 10.当你想问别人是否有一些橘子时,你可以说:A.Do you have any orange? B.Do you have some oranges? C. Do you have any oranges?五、匹配题。(10分)( ) 1. Here you are. A. Yes, I do.( ) 2. Do

5、 you have a mango? B.No, I like lions.( ) 3. Would you like a tiger ? C. Its a panda. ( ) 4. Do you like monkeys ? D. No,thanks.( ) 5. Whats this? E. All right. 六、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(20分)1.many, rubbers, how, you, have, do (?) _2.you, like, do, lions (?) _3.any, have, you, do, grapes (?) _4. have, I ,

6、cakes, here, some (.) _5. I , grapes, some, have (.) _八、阅读短文,判断正误。(正确用 “T ”,错误用 “F”表示) (10分)A)Bobby: Lets go to the toy shop (玩具商店)。Sam: OK.Bobby: Wow! Do you like dolls, Sam?Sam: Yes, I do. I like toy animals, too.Bobby: Whats that under the chair?Sam: Its a toy lion.Bobby: Id like that red doll. W

7、hat would you like, Sam?Sam: The blue toy lion.( ) 1. Bobby and Sam are at home(家). ( ) 2. Sam likes toy animals.( ) 3. The toy lion is on the chair. ( ) 4. Bobby would like a toy lion.( ) 5. Sam would like the red doll.B)Lily: Hi, Nancy. Look,I have a toy cat.Nancy: How cute!Lily: Do you like cats,

8、 Nancy?Nancy: Yes, I do. And I like tigers, too.Lily: Do you have a toy cat?Nancy: No, but I have some toy tigers.Lily: How many toy tigers do you have?Nancy: I have three.( ) 1. Lily has(有) a toy cat. ( ) 2. Nancy dont like cats.( ) 3. Nancy has two toy tigers. ( ) 4. The toy cat is lovely.( ) 5. N

9、ancy likes toy cats and tigers.四年级上册英语Unit2练习试卷听力材料和答案一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 1.fruit 2.book 3.great 4.mango 5.banana 6.cake 7.our 8.wonderful 9.salad 10.cool二、听录音,用数字给下列句子排序。 1. Look at my toy elephant. 2. Whos the girl? 3. Lets make a fruit salad. 4. I like pineapples. 5. Do you have any pens?三、听录音,选出你所听

10、到的句子。 1. I have an English book. 2. I like apples. 3. Look at our toy elephant. 4. Do you have any apples? 5. Whos that woman?四、听录音,选出正确的答句。 1. Do you have any bananas, Tom? 2.Here you are 3.Is it a fruit salad? 4.Whos that girl? 5.Look at that monkey. 6.Lets make a fruit salad. 7.Do you like dogs? 8.Would y


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