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1、“三环六步教学”六年级英语上册教案Unit 2 Ways to go to school(the fourth period)Subject: English Teacher: Zhang Meiling教学内容:B Lets talk教学目标:1.能够理解对话大意,并能按照准确的语音语调朗读对话。2.能够在情景中使用句型must 和Dont 表达要遵守的交通规则。3.通过对话学习理解欧美国家骑自行的考前须知,理解不同的交通指示标志和这些标志出现的场所。教学重点:能够理解对话大意,并能按照准确的语音语调朗读对话。教学难点:能够在情景中使用句型must 和Dont 表达要遵守的交通规则。教学准备

2、:多媒体课件教学过程:一、引入课题、目标导学。(2分钟左右)1.引入课题(1)Free talk(2)Chant :Red light, Red light, stop and wait!Yellow light, yellow light, slow down and stop!Green light, Green light, go, go, go!T:We must pay attention to the traffic lights! Today we learn Unit 2 Ways to go to school(the fourth period)2.揭示目标(1) 能够理解

3、对话大意,并能按照准确的语音语调朗读对话。(2) 能够在情景中使用句型must 和Dont 表达要遵守的交通规则。(3) 通过对话学习理解欧美国家骑自行的考前须知,理解不同的交通指示标志和这些标志出现的场所。二、自主学习、合作探究(28分钟左右)自学探究:Lets talk(28分钟左右)独学:1.听Lets talk的录音,跟读。 2. 说说以下句子的意思。 Dont go at the red light. I must pay attention to the traffic lights.So many pictures of bikes.互学:再读对话回答以下问题1.Who does

4、 Wu Yifan meet?2.How can Wu Yifan get to the Fuxing Hospital?3.What do you know about riding bikes in the USA? Which is right, when you are on bikes?群学:1.What do you learn about riding a bike from the dialogue?2. Tell your partner : What do these signs mean? Where can you see them? 三、达标测评,拓展提升。(10分钟

5、左右)1.效果检测(4分钟左右)单项选择。 ( )1. How can I get_ the Fuxing Hospital? A. at B. to C. ( )2.Many pictures _ pandas. A.of B. at C. in ( )3. The bus is _ . A. coming B. come C. comes ( )4. I must pay attention _ the traffic lights . A. in B. to C. at ( ) 5.Stop _ the red light. A. in B. to C.at2.拓展提升(6分钟左右)我会

6、对他说。用句型must 和Dont 看图说话。小结:What did we learn today?Homework:1.准确流利朗读对话。2.课后收集更多的交通标志并画出来,有水平的同学在图中补充语言。(下节课全班实行分享)板书设计:Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolB Lets talkDont go at the red light.I must pay attention to the traffic lights.So many pictures of bikes.Take the No.57 bus over there.In the USA people on bikes must wear a helmet.


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