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1、八年级阶段测试题听力部分 (20分).请听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。每个句子读两次。(共5分)( )1.A B C ( )2. A B C ( )3. A B C ( )4 . A B C( )5 .A B C . 对话理解。根据听到的对话和所提问题选择正确的答语,每组对话和问题读两次。(共5分 )( )6. A. One hour. B. Every morning C. Always ( )7. A. Hardly ever B. Usually C. Sometimes( )8. A. He has a headache. B. He has a cold. C. He is ver

2、y tired. ( )9.A A nurse. B. A dentist. C. A teacher. ( )10.A. Going hiking. B. Going to Spain. C. Going to sports camp. . 根据所听到的对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两次。(共5分) ( )11 .Wheres Tina going for vacation ? A. Shes going to Tibet. B. Shes going to Hangzhou. C. Shes staying at home( ) 12.How long is Tina staying ? A.

3、 For four days B. For one day C. For a week( ) 13. Wheres Tom going for vacation ? A. Tibet. B .Hangzhou. C. Guangzhou( ) 14. Why is Tom staying just for four days ?A. Because he doesnt like the place. B. Because he doesnt like going away for too long.C. Because he wants to visit his friend in anoth

4、er place.( ) 15. Whats Tina doing in Tibet ?A. Shes going hiking in the mountains. C. Shes visiting her grandmother.C. Shes visiting her friends. IV. 听短文,根据所听内容补全表格。短文读三次。(5分)Name: Bill Job : (16) _Working hours: (17) _ days every month, (18) _ hours a dayFavorite sport: (19) _ Favorite food ( 20) _

5、(16. a doctor 17. twenty-six 18. eight 19. going hiking 20. vegetable salad)笔试部分 ( 100分)选择题部分(60分)V.单项选择。(15分)( A ) 21. - _ are you going for vacation? -I am going to Hong Kong.A. Where B. What C. How ( B ) 22. Im a little bit _. I want to drink some water.A. hungry B. thirsty C. angry ( C ) 23. -_a

6、re you staying there? -Just for two days. A. How often B. When C. How long ( B ) 24. He works very hard. Every night he doesnt go to bed _eleven oclock. A. after B. until C. for ( C ) 25. - May I ask you _questions? - Of course. A. that B. much C. some ( C ) 26. If you have a headache, you _ to the

7、party tonight. A. should not to go B. dont should go C. shouldnt go ( A ) 27.My father often gives me some _ on English learning.A. advice B. idea C. think ( C ) 28. I want to do _.A. different something B. different anything C. something different. ( C ) 29. Although they feel tired, _ they still g

8、o on working. A. and B. but C. / ( C ) 30.Can you finish _ those words in ten minutes?A. write B. to write C. writing ( B ) 31. - I feel stressed out. I have so much work to do every day. -Youd better not work too hard. Its good for you to do some_, I think. A. health B. exercise C. lesson ( C ) 32.

9、 “_ give up(放弃), then you can be successful.”A. Always B. SometimesC. Never ( B ) 33.The milk looks . Drink some, my boy?No, thanks. I dont feel _ today.A. good good B. good; well C. well; well( B ) 34. What do you want to be?To be a basketball player. But my parents _ me to be a doctor.A. hope B. w

10、ant C. make ( B ) 35. -Im going to Tibet next Monday. -_. A.I know B. That sounds exciting C. Im sorry to hear that VI. 完形填空。(15分)One day Mrs. White went to see her doctor because there was something wrong with her heart(心脏).The doctor looked over Mrs. White quickly. 36 he said, “Well, Mrs. White, s

11、top _37 and youll soon be quite 38 again.”“But doctor,” answered Mrs. White. “I cant smoke. I dont like smoking 39 .”“Oh, well!” said the doctor,” Or you 40 drink any more wine(酒).”“But I dont drink wine.” Mrs. White 41 at once(立即、马上).“Stop 42 tea and coffee then,” the doctor said.“I only drink 43 ,

12、” answered Mrs. White. “I dont 44 tea or coffee.”The doctor thought 45 a moment and then said, “Well or 46 you like fried potatoes?”“Yes, I like them 47 .” answered Mrs. White.“Thats right. Then stop eating 48.” said the doctor 49 he got up to 50 good-bye to Mrs. White.( B )36. A. But B. Then C. Bec

13、ause ( C )37. A. eatingB. drinkingC. smoking( C )38. A. goodB. illC. well ( A )39. A. at allB. in allC. at oncet( C )40. A. arentB. notC. dont( B )41. A. askedB. answered C. looked ( C )42. A. drankB. to drinkC. drinking( A )43. A. waterB. coffeeC. wine ( B )44. A. wantB. likeC. try( C )45. A. atB. inC. for( B


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