1、Technical EnglishFor Mineral Engineering(矿物加工科技英语)(供理工科高校矿物加工工程专业第七学期使用)Zhang Weiqing张维庆 主编Northeastern University东 北 大 学ContentsUnit 1 Introduction1Lesson 1 Minerals and Ores1Lesson 2 Scope of Mineral Processing4Lesson 3 Liberation and Concentration7Lesson 4 Particle Size and Shape9Unit 2 Comminuti
2、on13Lesson 5 Principles of Comminution13Lesson 6 Comminution Theory and Grindability16Unit 3 Crushing19Lesson 7 Introduction to Crushing19Lesson 8 Crushers22Unit 4 Grinding25Lesson 9 Introduction to Grinding25Lesson 10 Tumbling Mills27Lesson 11 Control of the Grinding Circuit30Lesson 12 Environmenta
3、l Effects on Grinding33Unit 5 Screening36Lesson 13 Introduction to Screening36Lesson 14 Factors Affecting Screening38Lesson 15 Probability Screening40Unit 6 Classification43Lesson 16 Principles of Classification43Lesson 17 Hydrocyclones46Unit 7 Gravity Concentration49Lesson 18 An Introduction to Gra
4、vity Concentration49Lesson 19 Classification of Gravity Concentration Equipment51Lesson 20 Gravity Concentration Equipment Selection (2)53Lesson 21 Heavy Medium Separation56Lesson 22 Jigging58Lesson 23 Principles of Jigging Operation (2)60Lesson 24 Principles of Jigging Operation (3)64Lesson 25 Pinc
5、hed Sluices, Cones and Spirals65Lesson 26 The Shaking Table68Lesson 27 Bartles-Mozley Tables and Bartles Cross-belt Separator71Unit 8 Magnetic and High-tension Separation74Lesson 28 Magnetic Separation74Lesson 29 Principles and Mechansms of Magnetic Separation76Lesson 30 The magnetic Force78Lesson 3
6、1 Selection of Magnetic Separation Technique81Lesson 32 Electrostatic Separation83Unit 9 Froth Flotation85Lesson 33 Principles of Flotation85Lesson 34 Collectors87Lesson 35 Anionic Collectors89Lesson 36 Frothers92Lesson 37 Regulators95Lesson 38 Depressants97Lesson 39 Laboratory Flotation Testing99Le
7、sson 40 Bulk of Laboratory Testwork101Lesson 41 Pilot Plant Testword103Lesson 42 Electroflotation and Agglomeration-Skin Flotation106Lesson 43 Flotation of Lead-Zinc Ores108Lesson 44 Flotation of Lead-Zinc-Copper Ores110Unit 10 Ore Sorting113Lesson 45 Introduction113Lesson 46 Mechanics of Sorting115
8、Unit 11 Dewatering118Lesson 47 Sedimentation118Lesson 48 Filtration120Unit 12 Tailing Disposal122Lesson 49 Introduction122Lesson 50 Tailings Ponds and Dams123I编 者 的 话本书是在1989年东北工学院矿物工程系张维庆、韦大为、徐继润编写的An English Course For Mineral Processing基础上,进行修订的。修订中对原教材中不合适的章节和内容作了适当的改动,并按专业的完整性、系统性进行按单元排列,为了提高学生
9、的阅读能力,每一课的后面都增加了练习部分。本书为高等院校矿物加工工程专业学生第七学期使用的教材,其目的在于让学生掌握科技英语的特点,并掌握一定量的专业词汇,为今后阅读专业英文书刊及文献打下基础。书中的内容选自多种原版专业教材及论文, 书中的生词词性及中文注释是以在本书出现的词性和中文意思为主给出的,同时也在一定程度上兼顾了其它词性和词义。全书共包括十二个单元五十课,授课时数50学时左右,使用时可根据具体情况选择合适的单元和课时。参加本书修订的有东北大学张维庆、魏德洲,由张维庆担任主编,对全书作了统一整理和修改。由于编者的水平有限,书中难免会有缺点和错误,恳切希望读者批评指正。PREFACETh
10、is book is split into twelve units and contains 50 lessons dealing with different facets of the subject. The objective of this book is to attempt to make students master the characteristics of technical English and learn some English words on mineral processing.The book is designed for use in the se
11、venth semester, the first semester of the senior year. It is supposed to be completed in 50 hours, one hour allotted to each lesson.There is much left to be desired for the authors ability in English. Teachers, experts and all who use it are welcomed to make any comments about it.September, 1997Auth
12、orsShenyangUnit 1 IntroductionLesson 1TextMinerals and OresThe rocks that from the earths crust are classified as igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary; But since the mantle is probably the starting point for all rocks, the average composition of the crust can be assumed to be similar to that of an a
13、verage igneous rock. Such an estimate is shown in Table 1.1. A notable feature of these data is that the common metals are present in the crust in very small amounts. Also shown in the table are the prices of some elements, and it can be seen that there is little correlation between abundance and pr
14、ice. Despite the many factors that affect the selling price and the consumption, the general supply and demand situation means that production costs are still a significant factor in determining the selling price of a material. In turn, production costs depend on the costs of the three main processing stages: mining, mineral processing, and extractive metallurgy.Table1.1 Average Composition of Igneous RockElement%Cost$/kgOxygen46.6Silicon27.71.10Aluminium811.20Iron5.00.22Calcium3.64.40Sodium2.80.8Potassium2.66.6Magnesium212.22Titanium0.67.2Manganese0.11.2