Module1 OurBodyandHealthyHabitsPeriodOne教案(外研版必修2)[1].doc

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1、Module 1Our Body and Healthy HabitsPeriod OneThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period were going to talk about our body and healthy lifestyles and finish Introduction.Teaching Aims1. Learn and master the following important useful new words and expressions in the part: words: diet, fat, fit, fl

2、u, rare, toothache, unhealthy, wealthy, rarely, proverb, anxious, injure, pain,lifestyle, head, eye, overweight, lung, throat, breathe, captain, injury, painful, normal, X-ray, awful, questionnaire, dentist, sweets, insurance, feverexpressions: be connected with, take exercise, be crazy about, have

3、a temperature, lie down, begin with, put . into., become ill, get / catch a cold2. Develop the students speaking ability by talking about health problem and understand the importance of healthy lifestyles.Teaching Important Points1. Train the students speaking ability.2. Master the new words and exp

4、ressions.Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve the students speaking ability.Teaching Methods Practice talking about health problems and healthy lifestyles.Teaching Aids1. a computer 2. the blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Lead-in (Ask Ss some questions, and talk about lifestyle and health.)T: G

5、ood morning, boys and girls! I think you must know the famous Chinese saying: People regard food as their prime want(民以食为天). Eating plays an important part in our daily life. Now, I have some questions for you. Please answer with complete sentences.T: Do you often eat fish? .S: No, I dont often eat

6、fish.T: Do you often eat fruit? S: Yes, I often eat fruit, almost every day.T: Do you often catch cold? S: No, I dont quite often catch cold. Im very fit.T: Do you eat a lot of sweet things? S: No, I like sweet things, but not often eat.T: Do you often take exercise? S: I take a lot of exercise ever

7、y week. For example, I do morning exercises every day.T: Good! Thats why you have a strong body. Step 2 Introduction(Ask Ss to read and understand the words in Activity1, and go through the sentences in Activity2, and then talk about themselves to each other. For example: I take at least two hours e

8、xercise a week, but I sometimes get colds and flu. Ask Ss to read the four proverbs together, and then discuss what the proverbs mean. )T: Good! Thats why you have a strong body. Now, everybody, please read through the words in the box of Activity 1. Then do Activity 2 and tick the sentences that ar

9、e true for you. And then make a dialogue with your partners just as what I did with you just now.(After some time, ask some pairs to do their role-play.)T: OK. You did an excellent job! Now, lets learn some English proverbs in Activity 3. Read the proverbs first, and then explain the meanings of eve

10、ry proverb in English. Maybe its a little difficult for you. Just have a try.(The students discuss the proverbs.)T: OK. Stop here. Who volunteers to explain the first one to us? What is the meaning of “You are what you eat”?S: It means what you like eating will have an effect on your body. 吃什么像什么。 人

11、如其食Or: your body and even mental state is affected by the type of food you eat. If you eat lots of sweets and cakes you may be soft in character as well as fat; if you eat lots of meat you may be aggressive(侵略性/好斗的) and tough. (粗暴的)T: Well done! What about the second one?S: It means that if you have

12、 a healthy body, youll think clearly and quickly. Or: if you are clear about eating healthily and follow a sensible diet, you are likely to be clear thinking in other areas of life. 身体健康,精神爽! 健康的思想寓于健康的身体之中。T: Yes, a strong body can help you make a success. Next one? S: It means that if you go to be

13、d early and get up early, youll have a good rest at night, and the following day youll feel full of energy, which is good for your body, mind or business. 睡得早,起得早,聪明富裕身体好! 早睡早起的人享有健康、财富和智慧。T: Thats a good explanation! OK, next one?S: It means that fruit and vegetables will protect you from illnesses

14、. Or: it is important to eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day in order to stay healthy. 每日一苹果,疾病远离我! 一天一个果,不必上诊所/医生远离我。T: Good! All of you did a good job! Now, lets do some translation. Please translate these proverbs into Chinese. Have a discussion first! (The students work in pairs.) . Ask Ss

15、to think of some Chinese proverbs connected with health. For your reference:(1)饭后走一走/百步走,活到99/延年又益寿。 After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile.(2)身体是革命的本钱。 (3)健康胜于财富。 Good health is above wealth.(4)冬吃罗卜夏吃姜,不劳医生开药方。Carrots in winter and gingers in summer keep the doctor away.(5)病从口入。 A close mouth catches no flies.(6)良药苦口。 Step 3 Summary and HomeworkT: In this class weve learnt some useful words and proverbs ab


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