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1、八年级英语上册unit 5单元检测卷I.单项选择(15分)()1.rve no linie. 1 havework(o do today.(A. much too B. too much C. too many D.many too )2. 一fm very sorry. Allen . 1 cant find your favourite CD.(-,Toni. I will go and buy another one.A. h doesnt mmcer. B. Dont say (hat. C. Sure . D. Its too bad.)3.This book isbeuer (ha

2、n(ha( one(A. muchB. manyC. moreD.moslH.Hcr mother told herfor sch(x)l.(A.donl be late B. not to be lateC.not lateD.to not late)5. Li Mei docs everything. so she makes few mistakes (错误).(A. carefulB. carefullyC. quietD. quietly)6. 1Wha( do you want(o be in the future?(1 want to be a. because 1 wanl (

3、o fly like a bird.A. tanncrB. policemanC. singerD. pilot)7. No matteryou go, fll follow you.(A. WhatB. whereC. howD. when)8. Shanghai is one ofcities in the world.A. beautiful B. more beautifulC. the must beaulitul D.mostbeautiful()9. If you read English every day. youyour spoken English better.(A.

4、wont makeB. will makeC. makeD. dont make)10.We are takingto nuke (hose rives clean .(As(epB stepsC siepedDMepped)11.1you when 1 come back.(A seeB sawC will sec D to see)12.His father is always stricthim. so he is a good boy.(A.toB.forC.inD.with)l3.Therean English exam nexi week.(A. will have B. is g

5、oing (o have C.are going(o beD. will be)14. Mr. Greenin this school since heto China three years ago.(A. (aught; cameB. has taught: has comeB. C. taught; has conicD. has (aught: canic)15. The impocumi thing isFrom your mistakes.A.learnB. learntC. learns D. learnedIL完形填空15分)1 want to be a 1 when 1 gr

6、ow up .1 will need good eyesight and I will have totake 2 lessons. 1 really enjoy 3 and I hope to travel around the world in the future.I want to be 4 when I grow up. Tm going to study design and engineering in college. My dream is to build ihe longest bridge in the world .I wane to be 5 when I grow

7、 up . Im going to lake acting lessons, and maybe singing aixl dancing lesions . (oo. I hope I can be Yimous one day .I want to be 6 when 1 grow up . I know that I have to practice hard 7 . It isnt easy . but 1 still keep on doing it . 1 want to be a player just 8 my hero (英雄). Michael Jordan , in (h

8、e future .I wantbe 9 when I grow up . Im going(o study in a cooking school in Europe . I hope 1 can work in a 10 hotel in Beijing when I grow up.()1. A. aleachcrB. a doctorC. a piliKD an actor()2. A. flyingB. flyC. flicsD. to fly()3. A. trainingB. trancllingC. teainedD.travel led()4.A.a reptxterB.an

9、 engineerC.an actorD.a driver()5.A.a rejwterB.an muxC.a cleanerD.a driver()6.A.a soccer player B.a (ennis pluyer C.a bwskelbal) player D.an actor()7.A.cvcry dayB.cvcrydnyC.cvcry daysD.everydays(B.likcddikingD.likc()9.A.a cookB.a baseball playerC.a nurseD.a policeman()10.A.five starsB.fivc-siarC. fiv

10、e-starsD.fivc stars ,IIL同读理解(】0分)During the pasc one hundred years, there have been many inventionsha【nuike our lite much easier imd more mlcrcMing. TV is one of them. Many people enjoy watching TV for fun. Some even believe that TV has made their children clever because there arc all kinds of infor

11、mation on it-news, spons, musk, and language. Children can learn a lot from TV in a short time without going out. Many parents arc happy about this because (hey (hemselves are loo busy to spend time with (heir children.But we have found lha monj uik! more childnjn today have problems wiih reading, t

12、hinking, aixi concenlraling even they have watched a lol of TV. !n fact, getting much information from TV docs not mean real learning. Children who watch too much TV do not have enough time to think. What children need most is their parents. Parents give children love, and help (hem solve pnihlcins

13、in the right way. We should leach our children what real life is without TV.()1. What does this HKiin in ihe finil paragraph?A. Learning quickly from TV. B. Doing well on school tests.C. Spending time with children. D. Watching TV to relax.()2. According to the first passage, many people think that

14、TV can nuke theirchildrenbecause there are lots of infbmimion on it.A. sillyB. lazy C. clever D. hardworking()3. Whal docs the writer think of TV?A. It takes away childrens chance to think.B. It docs no4. From the last paragraph, we knowcan help children solve problems in theright way.A. friendsB. T

15、V C. radio D. parents()5. What can we conclude fa)m the reading?A. Children should learn mon? from ilieir parents than from TV.B. Students who watch TV are cleverer than students who do nol.C. Watching TV is a good way for children to understand real life.D. People in the future will enjoy more new inventions.IV.补全对话(5分)What do you want to be in the future? B: (I)A: Ca



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