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1、 译林版(三起)英语三年级下册 Unit3-4 单元测考试卷 B姓名:_ 年级:_ 学号:_题型 选择题得分填空题判断题1 . 看图写单词。【1】_【2】_【3】【4】_【5】【6】_【7】_【8】_2 . 判断画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。【1】down pie (_)【2】green great (_)试卷第 1 页共 3 页 【3】redand(_)【4】parrot grandpa (_)【5】ballbig(_)(_)【6】good brother3 . This is Wang Bing. He is my _. ( )A.sisterB.grandmaC.brother4 .

2、 This is Helen. _ is my friend. ( )A.HeB.SheC.You5 . 向别人介绍自己的哥哥时,你应该说:( )A.This is my sister.B.Hes my friend.C.This is my brother.6 . 你想说苏海也是你的朋友时,你会说:( )A.Helen is my friend.B.Su Hai is my sister, too.C.Su Hai is my friend, too.7 . 你想问新来的同学是不是王兵时,你会问他:( )A.He is Wang Bing.B.Are you Wang Bing?C.I am

3、 Wang Bing.8 . 从方框中选择相应的答句。A. Good afternoon.B. Goodbye, class.C. No, Im not. Im Moe.D. Good morning, Helen.E. Hello, Wang Bing.【1】This is my sister, Helen. (_)【2】Are you Joe? (_l_【4】door, open, please, the, Helen (, .)_10 . 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(_) No, Im not. This is my brother John.(_) Good afternoon,

4、 Im Sam. Are you John?(_) Hello, Sam.(_) Hello, John.11 . 选用方框内的句子补全对话,将序号填在横线上。A. What about a pie?B. Woof, woof.C. Where?D. Dont eat the hot dog.E. Its my puppy, Joe.A: Look, whats that?B: 【1】A: Over there, on the desk.B: 【2】试卷第 1 页共 3 页 A: Nice to meet you, Joe.J: 【3】A: Would you like a hot dog?B

5、: Oh, no. 【4】A: Im sorry. 【5】B: Yes, please. Thank you.12 . 阅读理解,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。Yang Ling: Helen, where are you?Helen: Im in the study(书房).Yang Ling: Helen, may(可以) I come in?Helen: OK. Come in, please.Yang Ling: Whats this?Helen: Its a toy doll. Its a birthday present(礼物) from my aunt(姑母).Yang Ling:

6、 Is that a toy doll, too?Helen: Where?Yang Ling: Its over there. Look! Its on the sofa(沙发).Helen: No, its a robot. Its my brother, Davids robot.【1】Helen is _. ( )A.in her bedroomB.in the libraryC.in the study【2】What is a birthday present from Helens aunt? ( )A.A toy car.B.A toy doll.C.A robot.【3】Whe

7、re is the robot? ( )A.On the sofa.B.Sorry, I dont know.C.On the desk.【4】The robot is _. ( )A.Yang LingsB.HelensC.Davids【5】Who is Helens brother? ( )A.Mike.B.David.C.Tom.试卷第 1 页共 3 页【3】redand(_)【4】parrot grandpa (_)【5】ballbig(_)(_)【6】good brother3 . This is Wang Bing. He is my _. ( )A.sisterB.grandma

8、C.brother4 . This is Helen. _ is my friend. ( )A.HeB.SheC.You5 . 向别人介绍自己的哥哥时,你应该说:( )A.This is my sister.B.Hes my friend.C.This is my brother.6 . 你想说苏海也是你的朋友时,你会说:( )A.Helen is my friend.B.Su Hai is my sister, too.C.Su Hai is my friend, too.7 . 你想问新来的同学是不是王兵时,你会问他:( )A.He is Wang Bing.B.Are you Wang

9、 Bing?C.I am Wang Bing.8 . 从方框中选择相应的答句。A. Good afternoon.B. Goodbye, class.C. No, Im not. Im Moe.D. Good morning, Helen.E. Hello, Wang Bing.【1】This is my sister, Helen. (_)【2】Are you Joe? (_l_【4】door, open, please, the, Helen (, .)_10 . 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(_) No, Im not. This is my brother John.(_) Goo

10、d afternoon, Im Sam. Are you John?(_) Hello, Sam.(_) Hello, John.11 . 选用方框内的句子补全对话,将序号填在横线上。A. What about a pie?B. Woof, woof.C. Where?D. Dont eat the hot dog.E. Its my puppy, Joe.A: Look, whats that?B: 【1】A: Over there, on the desk.B: 【2】试卷第 1 页共 3 页 A: Nice to meet you, Joe.J: 【3】A: Would you like

11、 a hot dog?B: Oh, no. 【4】A: Im sorry. 【5】B: Yes, please. Thank you.12 . 阅读理解,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。Yang Ling: Helen, where are you?Helen: Im in the study(书房).Yang Ling: Helen, may(可以) I come in?Helen: OK. Come in, please.Yang Ling: Whats this?Helen: Its a toy doll. Its a birthday present(礼物) from my aunt(姑母

12、).Yang Ling: Is that a toy doll, too?Helen: Where?Yang Ling: Its over there. Look! Its on the sofa(沙发).Helen: No, its a robot. Its my brother, Davids robot.【1】Helen is _. ( )A.in her bedroomB.in the libraryC.in the study【2】What is a birthday present from Helens aunt? ( )A.A toy car.B.A toy doll.C.A robot.【3】Where is the robot? ( )A.On the sofa.B.Sorry, I dont know.C.On the desk.【4】The robot is _. ( )A.Yang LingsB.HelensC.Davids【5】Who is Helens brother? ( )A.Mike.B.David.C.Tom.试卷第 1 页共 3 页


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