仁爱版英语九年级下册精品教案U6 topic 3 section A

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1、Unit 6 Topic 3Section AThe main activities are 1a, 3a and 3b. 本课重点活动是1a, 3a和3b。. Teaching aims and demands教学目的1. Master some new words and phrases: chalk, handwriting, dozen, dozens of, cheap, package, smooth, pound, dollar, penny2. Learn what to do before leaving school and learn to write a speech

2、at graduation ceremony: (1).there is going to be a graduation ceremony.(2).first of all, we must pass our final examination.(3)be ready for graduation ceremony. Teaching aids教具教学磁带/录音机/画有英镑、美元和便士的卡片/具有Auld Lang Syne的歌曲磁带/布包. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:15分钟)1. (播放Auld Lon

3、g Syne歌曲营造一种辞别的氛围,发明真实的语言学习环境,唤起学生的思维。)T: Boys and girls, do you know the song? Whats the name?Ss: Auld Lang Syne.T: Thats right. We listened to it in Junior Eight. Could you tell me what it is about? Who will try? OK, S1.S1: It is about the feeling when people say good-bye.Is it right?T: You are co

4、mpletely right. We often hear the song at the end of some activities. How time flies! Soon, well finish our school, that is to say, well graduate from school soon.(教师慢读graduate,并且重读几遍,让学生理解其意义和学会其读音。)2. T: If we hold a graduation ceremony (graduation ceremony means a meeting or a party for graduatio

5、n, in Chinese means “毕业典礼”), and write best wishes in English. What will you write? Write it on a piece of paper soon.(此活动可激活学生已有的知识,也可引出下面的某些新单词。教师选出有深意的几份,其中有一份的字非常美丽。)T: Now, I collect some of yours.T: S2, could you read the slogans for us?S2: No problem. S3: says,“Lets our friendship last foreve

6、r.”S4: says, “We are the owners of future.”S5: says, “Its lucky of us to have the days with you.”S6: says, “I would rather lose the world than have no news of you.”3. (导入新单词。)T: Thank you , S2. How wonderful you all are, my friends! This job seems a piece of cake for you.(教师抽出其中最美丽的一份。)T: Look at S5

7、s slogan. How beautiful his handwriting is! S5, could you design your slogan with some pictures on the blackboard with some colorful chalk before the graduation ceremony?(教师在讲述时用相应的物体,通过直观法呈现新单词,并依次板书。)S5: Of course, I am glad to.T: Thank you, S5. Ill give you a gift ahead, but you must guess what i

8、t is. Listen carefully. Its round and long and smooth and its length is about six centimetres. We use it to write every day. Whats it?S5: A pen.T: Yes, it is. The pen is cheap. It only costs 6 yuan.But as the saying goes, its the thought that counts. It means“礼轻情意重”.T: The gift is in my package. Her

9、e it is! Here you are, S5.I wish your handwriting become more and more beautiful.S5: Thank you very much.(教师从包里取出画有英镑、美元和便士的图片。依次呈现给学生。以轻松风趣的语调继续导入生词。)T: Look. There are some pictures of foreign paper money, Ill get dozens of gifts for you with the money if you study English well. This is English mo

10、ney, a pound, this is American or Australian money, a dollar and this is a penny.a piece of cake: something easy to dohandwriting n.packagen.dozens ofa dozen=twelvechalk n. a piece of chalkpoundn.a pound1.54 dollars12 yuansmoothadj.dollarn.a dollar8 yuantwo/a few dozen eggsdozens of rosescheapadj.pe

11、nnyn.pound=100 pencein the market.I bought(依次板书划线部分生词,标出音标,领读几遍,用彩色粉笔标出需注意的问题,如单、复数形式。领读几遍后,让学生自己练习几遍。)T: Can you remember all the new words and phrases? Is it a piece of cake?Ss: Of course, it is.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (呈现毕业前的一般的活动,进入1a。)T: Class, can you tell me how soon will you gr

12、aduate?Ss: About five months.T: What have you thought you will do before leaving school, S1?S1: We must study hard to pass the final examination.T: What about you, S2?S2: We should leave the telephone numbers and addresses.T: Do you think if there is going to be a ceremony?Ss: Yes, we think so.T: Tu

13、rn to 2 on Page 41. Discuss with your partner. Check what you will do before leaving school.(学生分组讨论,抽查部分学生的答案。)T: S3, what will you do?S3: Ill take photos of everyone, prepare for my examination and have a class get-together.T: S4, how about you?S4: Ill give presents to everyone and prepare gifts fo

14、r teachers.T: Stop discussion. Now, look at the picture on Page 41. Kangkang and some others are talking with each other. Lets listen to the tape to see what they are talking about. Then answer my questions.(播放课文对话磁带。)T: Can you follow the dialog?Ss: Yes, we can.T: Now, some tasks for you. S5, pleas

15、e.When will they graduate? S5: This weekend.T: Question 2. What does Michael think of the final examination?S6,please.S6: He thinks its a piece of cake.T: Question 3. What will Kangkang say at the graduation ceremony?S7: He will say he has learned not only how to study, but also how to be an adult.T: Well done!2. (进入3a。)T: We learn there are many activities well do before leaving school.If we hold a graduation ceremony, what will be done?S8: Write a slogan on the blackboard and draw some pictures on it.S9: Well talk about our friendship and ou


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