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1、七年七年级级下下学学期期末英期期末英语试语试卷卷一一、单单项项选择选择从从下下列列各小各小题题所所给给的的 A A、B B、C C 三三个个选选项项中中,选选出出最最佳佳选选项项。(1515 分)分)1.Do you want to be an artist?Yes,I am interesteddrawing.AonBinCat2.I oftensome time playing basketball on weekends.How about you?I often fly a kite with my sister in the park.ApayBtake3.I dont like t

2、his shirt.Could you please show me one?AotherBanother4.Who cleaned the room yesterday?CspendCothersBob,I think.AwasBdidCdoes5.We got a(n)yesterday because we found a snake in our bedroom.Oh,my god!It was scary.AanswerBvillageCsurprise6.Did you buy that red skirt?No,I didnt.Its toofor me.I dont have

3、too much money.AdifficultBexpensive7 Did you have a good timethe science museum?CcheapYes,I did.Ato visitBvisited8 is it from your home to school?CvisitingIts only about one kilometer.AHow longBHow far9 Would you like to play basketball with me this afternoon?CHow muchYes,I enjoybasketball a lot.APl

4、aysBplayingCplayed10 Why do you look so tired?Because Ilate to watch the soccer game last night.Astayed upBwoke upCgot up11 Molly,pleasethe meat and then cook it.No problem,Mom.Acut upBcut down12 Did you dolast Sunday?Yes,I did.Ccut offA.something interestingB.interesting something Canything interes

5、ting13Xiao Lin,this desk isheavyI cant move it.Dont worry.Ill help you.Asuch;thatBtoo;to14 What do you usually do when you are free?Cso;thatI usually climb the mountains,but Ichickens on my grandpas farm last weekend.AfeedsBfeedingCfed15.Would you like to come to my birthday party tonight?A.No,I wou

6、ldnt.B.Yes,Id like to.C.Youre welcome.二二、补补全全对话对话 (5 5 分)分)请根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话,有个选项是多余的。A:Hello,this is Mary.B:Hello,Mary.Its Sonia.16A:Not bad.B:17A:Its cold.B:18A:Im doing my homework.B:Is your brother at home?A:No,hes not here.19B:Yes,thanks.Could you please tell him to call me back?A:20三三、

7、完完形形填空填空(1010 分)分)阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。Dear Anna,How is everything going with you?My birthday is coming.I will have a birthday party in my 21.I hope you can come,but its not22to find my house.Now let me tell you23to get here.I send my houses place to you by W eCha(t 微信).I also draw a si

8、mple(简单的)24.It can help you find my house easily.Please look at it.Go down Long Street and dont25left.Just walk straight for about five minutes,and you can see a bus stop on26left.You can take the No.5 bus and get off at the 5th stop.27you are on New Street.Walk along the street and you can see a28.

9、My neighborhood is behind the bank,not in front of it.When you29the gate of my neighborhood,please call me.Ill meet you there.The30will start at six oclock in the evening.Some of my good friends will come.My mom will cook delicious food for us.I think youll enjoy it.We can sing and dance together.I

10、think we will have a greattime that day.See you on Friday.Yours,Tina21A clubB houseC school22A easyB difficultC important23A whenB whatC how24A mapB cardC symbol25A takeB runC turn26A yourB herC his27A OrB ThenC But28A supermarketB hotelC bank29A talk toB arrive atC think of30A partyB gameC race四四、阅

11、阅读读理解理解(3535 分)分)根据语篇内容,判断下列句子正误。Hi,Grandma!Here Im in Paris.Jenny and I arrived by plane the day before yesterday.Aunt Joan and Uncle Peter met us at the airport.We were tired,so we relaxed at home and began our tour(游览)of the city yesterday.Yesterday we went to Palais Louvre(卢浮宫).It has many world

12、famous works of art,such as Mona Lisa.In the evening,we had dinner in a French restaurant.The food was delicious.This morning we took a walk.There are shops and restaurants everywhere,and I love the streets and markets.They sell such good fruit and vegetables.We also did some shopping.At about three

13、 oclock,we took the Paris Underground to the Eiffel Tower.It is really high.There were lots of visitors.So first of all,we had to wait in linefor an hour,and then we went to the top.We waited t i l(l 直到)all the lights were on.It was wonderfu(l 精彩的)!Tomorrow were going to visit a famous palace and ta

14、ke a boat tour on the Seine(塞纳河).Ill write again.Love,Betty31Betty took a tour in the city the day before yesterday.32Betty doesnt like French food.33.Betty and Jenny went shopping this morning.34.They waited for three hours to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower.35Tomorrow they are going to take a bo

15、at tour on the Seine.阅读选择(10 分)My name is Dale.This is my neighborhood.There is a big supermarket near my home.Myparents often shop there.Across from the supermarket is a school.Its our school.There is a bookstore next to the school.Its very big and I often buy books there.Because they are very chea

16、p.Im Scott.My neighborhood is noisy.There are a lot of stores and restaurants.My house isbetween a clothes store and a post office.Behind the post office is a zoo.Its my favorite place.I like to spend time there with my friends on weekends.We love to watch the monkeys climbing around.My name is Helen.There is a big park in my neighborhood.Lots of people go there to have funevery morning.I like to exercise in the park because I love the clean air and beautiful sunshine.There is a restaurant acros


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