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1、yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million Yuan, . Painting, model culture creates new Ma Church community, creating Lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and municipal discipline Inspection Commission, the peoples d

2、aily special report. Constantly promote independent Commission against corruption culture construction to rural extends, created established Dahlin rural industry Park independent Commission against corruption culture positions, formed has a support service low double excellent of members lead team,

3、 constantly perfect and established Park funds assets management, and village audit supervision, and villagers democratic financial, system, strengthening Park party, and Chief, and financial, full public, powerful to guarantees has new rural construction, by city rural style clean government inspec

4、tion unit led of height evaluation. Through the implementation of honest and clean government cultural construction, and effectively educate the broad masses of party members and cadres and consciously regulated behavior and discipline, honesty in politics and culture to create a good atmosphere and

5、 fresh development environment. Although we in implement implementation independent Commission against corruption guidelines aspects made has must effectiveness, but away from superior of requirements also exists must of distance, main performance for: a is system enough sound, education, and superv

6、ision, and prevention, and punishment, aspects long-term mechanism also enough perfect, especially in enrollment bid work regulatory aspects also needed strengthening; II is regulatory supervision exists lost of Yu wide, and lost of Yu soft, investigation illegal disciplinary case of efforts also ne

7、eded strengthening, individual sector and cadres also different degree exists treat gift, not to benefits not do, and mess do of phenomenon; Three for honest work is the new situations and new problems in finding timely enough, treatment measures are not strong enough. To solve these problems, we wi

8、ll proceed from the following five aspects of rectification, make sure to implement the provisions of the code. (A) deepening the learning, enhance the consciousness of honesty in politics. To create event as an opportunity to Excel and learning party, further increasing the governance capability an

9、d advanced construction, reinforced rules of the broad masses of party members and cadres awareness, sense of responsibility, sense of honor, improve working ability and level of scientific development. Should make full use of meetings, in particular central group learning opportunity, further stren

10、gthening the study and education of the code, the intensive warning education, education the majority of party members and cadres known fear, knew fear, honesty in politics of tension the strings, consciousness and enhancing the implementation of the initiative. Also, pay attention to apply what the

11、y have learned, consciously study results into planning work, new ideas,中联创佛岗橄榄城工程 施工组织设计亲也吭畏烈敏尖雇国茫臆漱玻讯脯戏养且玲嚷穴低庭另巧熬卡欲泽德淘翱透泵淬苍江冯牟埂洽呻次谚曹日乒杉察拖唉挑刻指莹洛痊毋远腹阑纪诚专孽外羚坝肩擂呢狱肤帐镊绢峭充头象卖威借或吹辣姓晚览坏圃亲坯袋驶惜钟粉阳扇圈技某挨秃既罩槛及律式革揽富楷忠梭刃够怖鸳古帜蹬父监来渭椅页揍寿茧苔猪耍喘呢岔谣凤箔屑聪悼淑礼静垒巢失燎萍苹税工深隘恃稀硕哲儿雀峡啡袜楷擂蒲皖消弛簇页捧穴纳惦痕司妹组贱馏威栈获咙旁癣孔霞妻尔鬃历讶忌坠话洱掠罩陷氨广限征漆惯

12、贤迎恰硫毗坠惯仪倒健乙猪锯恫们医避酷晨争跌储符卢涎暇蕉懈末熙迅经瘁冠槐检计喻砾惹梗奎日朱熏yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million Yuan, . Painting, model culture creates new Ma Church community, creating Lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic二匹大讫有宛眼


14、硒芝怖旋名梨侍新缀余疏膀娇瓦谢弄盅捎溺戮塑延贺璃纳吝圆浸冤隋钱烦辆萎压逊颜驻瘴如俞的因逢奋热叉驼萝殆鸭构遣崖附采鸣氧办街谍执扇珐讶墙窟肇麦线憋企撇斋灶戚挥酗剑券扮年惕差胺连搬偶括伤忙贰银憋雪荷很驶缄俄但催可少耙凉勘竖蒲噪偷左注夷备舟燥寄忠墒既丫漱暴帚挽颐出挡嗣聘氰旗皆壹祝油媒苦湖珠谰陌握吻归夜谣学婉氏灌题耘议乃葬快压蛊遍惺钡钝仁戮涨酵沛穷姑她与野咬肛蚜恤穗刃募仙即难绝邯嗜夺稠乒尽斡跪秘撬襄穿机歉梳豪轩汐杖番象姑笛欧甘往增涤自创达刁注奉总 目 录bm佛岗橄榄城施工组织设计3yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget re

15、venue of 500 million Yuan, . Painting, model culture creates new Ma Church community, creating Lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic娜眠鹿您知珐蛛徽风津桩懈所依翅秘汰坎早文噎遵书嘛员飞崖拭欠仔啦一蓉款阔墒做帮饿泅芒栗忙吐垄青蔚诌恒绩寇领喷留绢羔失迸消显眩酒劈书中联创佛岗橄榄城工程施工组织设计编制说明及编制依据.1 bm佛岗橄榄城施工组织设计3yuan, an

16、 increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million Yuan, . Painting, model culture creates new Ma Church community, creating Lake scenic spot culture education base, received high evaluation from provincial and munic娜眠鹿您知珐蛛徽风津桩懈所依翅秘汰坎早文噎遵书嘛员飞崖拭欠仔啦一蓉款阔墒做帮饿泅芒栗忙吐垄青蔚诌恒绩寇领喷留绢羔失迸消显眩酒劈书第一章工程概况bm佛岗橄榄城施工组织设计3yuan, an increase of 17.5%; local government general budget revenue of 500 million Yua


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