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1、四年级人教新起点英语下学期看图写单词培优补差专项班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图填空。1I like_.2The bird has_.3_is easier than_.2. 看图片,写单词。1This is my brother. He is a_.2Id like some_for dinner.3Hi, Lingling. Whats your uncles job?Hes a_.4Mum, can I have some_now?5Welcome to my_.3. 看图写单词。1 23 44. 根据图片提示,补全句子。1I like_.Because I can_.2Its 6:30.

2、Time to_.3Im Mike. I am from_. I like_.4_is coming. Its_.5Lets_a game. Please_your_.5. 看图,填入正确的单词补全对话。1Zoom: What are these?Zip: They are.2John: How manyare there?Mike: Five.3Sarah: Are they?Amy: Yes, they are.4Tom: What can you see in the picture?Bob: I can see two.5Chen Jie: Are those ducks?Zhang

3、Peng: No. They are.6. 看图填空。 7. 根据图片提示,回答问题。1Where is Hilly? What is she doing?2Where is Bossy? What is the doing?3Where is Susan? What is she doing?8. 单词拼写。1.Peter_lunch at 12:00.2.My sister_her face every day.3.This boy_his teeth every morning.4.Joe_up at half past six in the morning.5.Tim_to schoo

4、l at a quarter past seven.9. 看图补全短语。1a_pencil a_pen2a_ball a_box3a_man a_boy4a_shirt5a_face10. 看图,读句子,完成对话。1Ben_his face_seven oclock.2Does he play_after school? Yes, he_.3_is this? Its Joes.4_subject do you like? I like_.5The boys like_basketball_Sunday afternoon.6The sun_in the_.11. 根据图片写出对应内容。1颜色

5、 2物体3颜色 4物体12. 根据图片写短语。 13. 看图片,写单词。1 23 4514. 看图,补全短语。1in the_ 2a_house3a clean_ 4_TV5_the chair15. 根据图画完成小短文。I live in that building.There are five rooms in my flat.There is a big_in the living room.There is a_on the wall.There is a_in the study.There is a_in the study,tooThere are some_in the kit

6、chen.16. 看图,根据题意填写单词,完成下列句子(首字母已给出)。1Liu Tao can s_very well.2I like this p_. Its fat and cute.3Do you have any b_?4-How many c_can you see?-Three.5-What are these?-They are_.17. 看图,根据首字母提示补全单词。1.Look! They can j_very high(高).2.I like the b_. It is lovely.3.Miss Green is my new teacher. She has a be

7、autiful T-_.4.My sister is a k_.She is five years old.5.My aunt is a n_in a hospital(医院).6.There is a fire. Lets call the f_.18. 看图,写单词。(1) (2)(3) (4)(5)19. 看图写单词。1. Can you see a_? Yes, I can.2. Can you see a_? Yes, I can.3. Can you see a_? Yes, I can.4. What can you see? I can see a_.5. What can you see? I can see a_.6. What can you see? I can see a_.页码 / 总页数


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