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1、广西壮族自治区2019-2020年度中考一模英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We havent discussed yet _ we are going to place our new furniture.AwhereBwhichCwhatDthat2 . I learned a lot _my father .AonBfromCtoDof3 . You cant succeed _ you work hard.AifBunlessCas long asDso4 . - Mike, _ do you often send documents to your cust

2、omers?- By email.AwhereBwhatChowDwho5 . -Two tickets for Sunday, please!-Sorry There is _leftAnothingBnoneCsomeDanything6 . Susan is _ English girl.AaBanCthe7 . -Can you guessthe new Nike sports shoes?-Yes. Maybe he asked his grandpa to pay for them, I think.Awhere he boughtBhow he paid forCwhen he

3、paid forDwhy he bought8 . -Are you confident about the basketball match against Class 9, Yangyang?-_ Ive got everything ready!AOf course not.BIts hard to say.CSure, I am.DI am afraid not.9 . I didnt buy the book because the seller wanted money than I had expected.AlessBfewerCcheaperDmore10 . My fath

4、er finished his work _.Ain the endBby the endCat the endDfor the end.11 . 早上老师上课时,同学们应该说:_。AHello!BGood afternoon!CGood morning!DHow are you?12 . - The T-shirt with Michael Jacksons picture _ belong to Tom. He likes him a lot.-No, it _ be his. He dislikes black colour.Amust; cantBmay; needntCmust; m

5、ustntDcan; cant13 . We can walk or _ a bus to visit the museum.AtalkBbyCtakeDgo14 . Do you _your fathers car to school?一No,I go to school_ the bus.Aby;byBtake;byCin;onDtake;on二、完型填空Who is the most beautiful woman in the world? If only we could answer that question as quickly as the magic mirror in S

6、now White, since there is _ a fixed definition of beauty. But People has been trying to _ that tough question since 1990. And this years top choice was 49-year-old US actress Julia Roberts. This was her _ time to win the title. While Roberts is perhaps not the perfect choice in everyones mind. Peopl

7、e has its own _, and its not just about her looks. The beauty of Roberts also _ in her confidence and smarts and good humor. The choice for 2014 was Nyongo. She _ feel very “unbeautiful”. She even prayed to God that she could wake up one day _ lighter skin something that, as an African girl, she wou

8、ld never have. But that was _ 2014 when Nyongo impressed the world with her Oscar-winning performance in the movie 12 Years a Slave. “I think happiness is what makes you _.” Barrymore told People. “If somebody walks into the room and theyre gorgeous (美艳的) and sexy, its really fun to look at. But if

9、someone makes you laugh and feel good, thats a whole other level of beauty.” Perhaps this is what Australian writer Markus Zusak meant _ he wrote in one of his books: “Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.”15 . A. never B. usually C. often16 . A.

10、accept B. answer C. catch17 . A. nineth B. five C. fifth18 . A. conversations B. questions C. reasons19 . A. forms B. lies C. focuses20 . A. used to B. had to C. would like21 . A. with B. in C. together22 . A. up B. at C. until23 . A. pretty B. sad C. proud24 . A. before B. after C. when三、阅读单选The cl

11、ock struck(敲) eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked sadly at a huge pile(堆) of those trouble things books.I was going to have my exam the next day. “When can I go to bed?” I asked myself. I didnt answer. And I could not. The clock

12、 struck twelve. “Oh, dear! Ten more books to read before I go to bed!” We students are the most wretched ones in the world. Dad does not agree with me on this. He did not have to work so hard when he was a boy.The clock struck one. I was quite hopeless now. I forgot all I did learn. I was too tired

13、to go on. I did the only thing I could. I prayed(祈祷), “My god, please let me pass the exam tomorrow. I will work hard next time, Amen.” My eyes were so heavy that I could hardly open them. A few minutes later, with my head on the books, I fell asleep.25 . The word “wretched” in Line 6 means _.Avery

14、happyBforgetfulCunluckyDhopeful26 . What do you think happened to the writer?AHe was late for the exam.BHe passed the exam luckily.CHe failed in the exam.DHe fell asleep during the exam.27 . The best title for the passage is _.AThe Night Before The ExamBWorking Far Into NightCA Slow StudentDGoing Over LessonsPersonal data(个人资料)NameJim Allen GreenSex(性别)MaleChinese NameFeiliNationality (国籍)EnglishStudent No.201807051ClassTwoGradeSevenPhone #826-07213Type of


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