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1、冀教版小学英语Seasons教学设计正文第一篇:冀教版小学英语Seasons教学设计Lesson17Seasons二教学目标1.学习单词mittens, scarf, sandals, put on, take off2.引导理解winter jacket, winter boots, winter clothes, rain boots.3.引导学生说出生活中的一些衣服的名称。三教学重难点1.单词mittens, scarf ,sandals, put on, take off ,尤其是put on, take off。2.衣服的列举。四教学用具VCD,图片。五教学过程Step1:Sing

2、an English song” THE MONTHS”T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, teacher.T: Do you remember the song “ MONTHS”Ss: Yes.T: Let us sing it together,OK?设计意图:课前的歌曲热身,目的是为了集中学生的注意力,把学生的学许热情转移到学习上来,设计一些动作让学生边唱边表演,而且十分投入的合唱,让学生快速进入角色,沉浸在浓厚、的英语学习氛围中,全身心的准备开始教学。而且本节课中涉及到了四季,很自然的从四季中复习了四季,又从四季为以下的教学作了铺垫。Step2:T:

3、 The song you sing is very good, Now here we have 12 months, we can divide the 12 months into 4 seasons. Do you know what are they ?Ss: Yes .S1:December January February is spring.S2: March, April, May is summer.S3:June,July, August is fall.S4:September,October November is winter.T: You know in diff

4、erent seasons we have different clothes.Can you tell me some clothes we wear in spring?S1: Jacket.S2:pants.S: T: In summer the temperature is high. Can you tell me some clothes we wear in summer?S3: Dress.S4:Shirt.S5:T-shirtT: Do you know this one?(出示拖鞋的图片)These are sandals. Read after me, sandalsSs

5、: sandalsT: sandals sandals 拖鞋 .Ss:拖鞋,拖鞋sandals .T: Good. in fall, the temperature is cool, Can you tell me some clothes we wear in autumn?S6: I wear sweater.T: You are clever. In winter, it is very cold, Can you tell me some clothes we wear in winter? Ss: no.设计意图:通过简单问题的提出,学生的思维被全面激活,并且他们被一种成就感包围着,

6、随后我冬季衣着这一问题的提出,自然的引出了今天的新词,学生此时非常渴望的知道冬季衣着该如何用英语的说出。学习兴趣自然非常高昂。T: Look, here I have a hat, in winter we can wear a hat.Do you know what is this?(出示棉衣的图片)Ss: No.T: It is a winter jacket. can you guess what is winter jacket?Ss:棉衣。T: Yes . It is a winter jacket ,please read after me , jacketSs: Jacket.

7、T: 棉衣,棉衣jacket 。Ss: Jacket, jacket棉衣.(read line by line)T: Do you know what is this ?(出示围脖的图片)(用同种方法学习棉靴,连指手套)设计意图:通过直观教具的帮助,学生能更直观的学习单词,提高记忆效果T: Jenny likes winter very much, In winter she puts on her winter jacket, Can you guess the word “put on”.Ss:T: Let us read” put on” one by one.I put on my w

8、inter jacket. Can you say something?Ss: I put on my mittens.Ss: I put on my scarf.Ss: I put on my winter boots.(让学生到黑板前面贴上相应的图片)设计意图:学生在此活动中,担当着一个小小设计师的角色,他们对自己创造出的美丽的Jenny肯定特别的喜欢,兴趣也会随之高涨。同时也在活动中练习了所学句型。T: Look, now .It is summer 。The temperature is high. It is 32 degrees, very hot. The summer is c

9、oming, Jenny takes off her winter jacket, do you know the words” take off”?Ss:脱下。设计意图:练习词组,学生在真正的语言情况下学习单词,记忆效果好T: In summer, I take off my winter jacket, I put on my shirt. Who wants to come to the front and say something.S1: In summer, I take off my pants , I put on my shorts.S2: In summer, I take

10、 off my winter boots, I put on my sandals.S3: In summer, I take off my hat, I put on my glass.S4:In summer, I take off my scarf.S5: In summer, I take off my mittens.T: You have done a very good job, We have 4 seasons, Let us see what Jenny wear in different seasons. Just look at your books. Read by

11、yourself.T: Can you answer the questions . What do you wear in winter, Spring, summer and fall?(检查学生掌握情况)设计意图:给学生一个自主学习的环境,让学生在以学知识的基础之上,通过小组合作,交流说出一年四季的穿着。并在全班上说出交流的结果板书:Lesson17 The Seasons(in)winterwinter (boots jacket) mittens scarf(in)springput onsweater pantsboots jeans(in)summertake offdresss

12、hirtshortssandals(in)fallsweater pantsboots jeans第二篇:冀教版Lesson13-Seasons教学设计冀教版小学英语六年级上册 Lesson 13 Seasons教学一、Analysis of the teaching materialThe theme of Unit3: Winter in Canada .It mainly describes Li Mings arrival in Canada where he has spent the winter happily with good friends.And introduced t

13、he climate, clothing, sports and so on in winter .In addition, this class is the first class of this unit .It mainly let the students know about the different seasons have different weather in a year .And we wear different clothes in different seasons .Enable the students describe the seasons with s

14、ome sentences and learn the common sense of life .This class lays the foundation for the teaching of the whole unit.二、Analysis of the studentsIt is the fourth year that students are in sixth grade, and their English basic knowledge system has begun to form.The students have mastered the words and se

15、ntences about the weather and clothing. In addition, the teaching content of this lesson is closely related to the students real life, and it can actively mobilize students enthusiasm and stimulate the enthusiasm of learning English.三、Teaching objectives1. Goals of knowledge and skills (1) Students will be able to aurally understand ,orally use, recognize and spell the following vocabulary: season, winter, spring, summer, autumn (2)Students will be able to recognize, understand and use these sentences: Winter, spring, summer and autumn are seasons. Winter is c


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